What’s all this stuff?

It’s a photoblog.

Now lets not misunderstand anything here, I’m a terrible blogger. I rarely update my “real” website with new posts, but when I do it’s usually some link I found or some photos I took recently. Both of these are a lot easier to post than writing an article. I really hate writing things anyway.

Call this site my new years resolution I guess. The plan is to take a new photo every day and post it. Minimum of one photo per day, and if possible (read: if I’m not feeling lazy) I’ll include a description or location or something.

Why? To force myself to be more creative with my photography.

Be forewarned! There will be some times this year when I’m either out of the country and/or not have access to the internet. For these times I still need to take a photo on that day, but I’ll just have to add it here later.

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