1. 25.

    It’s 2:38 a.m. on May 19th, which means it’s my birthday. I’m tired, but I’m having trouble sleeping because I feel like I shouldn’t waste any minutes. I enjoy birthdays. Probably because I enjoy numbers and statistics and milestones.

    When I started this blog, I was 22.

    And every single year I tell myself, “THAT was the best year of my life.”

    And every single year, it gets better.

    Another year of my life has passed and I can honestly say it was the best and most enlightening of my life.

    There was a lot more, too.

    And it all started on a night much like this. Back in 2008.

    My grandmother had just asked me if I was happy. I told her I was but I wasn’t.

    And just like tonight, I had trouble sleeping. And I decided to change my life.

    Since then I have made more than 2,700 posts in an effort to get my life together, become a better person, and find that happiness my grandmother asked me about.

    And now? Life is good.

    Thanks for being a part of the journey the past two and a half years. Here’s to 25 being even better.

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