November 5th, 2009
7 notes ·

A Story.

Have you ever looked at a person and known there was a connection there? Your heart skips a beat,

Well… way-back-when in 2004 I had that spark with a boy I worked with.  I swear he felt it too.  We became fast friends, but nothing ever happened… I was convinced it was because he thought I was too fat; he liked me, but simply thought I was too fat for him to pursue anything further than friends.

Well… lo and behold I received a message from said boy who “stumbled across my profile recently and just wanted to let [me] know, [i] look great” umm whhhhaaattt the effff? and then he continued to awkwardly ask me out.

Again, ummm whhhhhhaaaat?

I find myself in a predicament… do I go on a date with someone who thinks I’m only good enough for him now that I’ve lost weight? Or tell him to peace out, because if I wasn’t good enough for him when I was a fatty, he’s not good enough for me now that I’m a partial-fatty?

The obvious choice is to move on, but let’s be honest here… we all do it.  I’ve even done it… so I don’t really want to hold it against him.

Sigh, oh the joys of being fat chubby lady.

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