Seven Minute Mindfulness Review

Full Review

The Seven Minute Mindfulness Program's fundamental principle is to make mindfulness easily doable for any person, to take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties surrounding mindfulness practices. 

  • Creator: Greg Thurston
  • Contents: audio sessions, manuals
  • Price: $47.00
  • Official Website:
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Seven Minute Mindfulness

The Seven Minute Mindfulness will teach you how to activate your natural relaxation response in just seven minutes. Everyone has been in pain at some point. Consequently, you know very well that a body in pain or tensed negatively affects your mental capacity- your ability to think and respond using your cognitive functions becomes limited under these circumstances. Stress is a normal reaction, and everyone feels stressed at some point. Stress response hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol raise your heart rate, quicken your breath, and prime your muscles for quick response during such events. Although stress is a vital survival mechanism, long-term stress can result in serious damage. The Relaxation response demonstrated in this program works conversely to the stress response. It brings about decreased heart rate, slows and deepens your breathing, stabilizes your pressure, and ultimately relaxes your muscles. Besides its physical calming effects, the relaxation response also increases energy and focus, combats illness, relieves aches and pains, boosts motivation and productivity, and heightens problem-solving abilities. Our bodies are naturally programmed to heal. The magic of healing takes place automatically-you do not need to command a particular part of your body to begin or take part in the healing process when you get injured. It just takes place. Still, having an overworked mind will interfere greatly with the healing process, especially when thinking about what could go wrong. Practicing certain mindfulness techniques restores the balance by linking the different brain areas, thus resulting in the disconnection of the stress response. Mindfulness works to restore natural order to artificial chaos.

This program ensures that you can achieve the following in only seven minutes:

  • Release stress
  • Restore and gain emotional strength
  • Nurture stronger relationships
  • Boost your decision-making ability
  • Increase your effectiveness at work and in life

About the Author

Greg Thurston, the creator of this magnificent program, avails you this course after a discovery that appeared in his life after years of struggling with long, drawn-out meditation. It is a product of years of trying and failing to meditate constantly. Greg was born with a physical injury that caused constant upheaval in his life. While in the university, he explored yoga and meditation to relieve his troubles and lift his game. Over the six months, he became naturally happier, his grades improved, creativity gushed from his mind, his physical pains became tolerable, and he began to love life in general. Yet, there was a major problem. School life became busier; meditation became a struggle, and Greg would go a few weeks meditating, then for one reason or another, he would stop. Sometimes, it would be because of insufficient time; sometimes, it was because" it was difficult to sit and focus," while other times, he'd stop for no reason at all. For some reason, meditation became something he could not stick to consistently, and as a result, he could not reap the rewards, only frustration. One particular day, after becoming sick of the constant ups and downs, he set off to explore the possibilities of what the mind and body can do, and over the next five years, this journey took on a life of its own. Greg traveled to Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, Brazil, and Germany, taking in every ounce of knowledge about meditation, mindfulness, and the mind-body connection. He examined and scrutinized traditional Zen practices and researched what modern science knew about the mind's power. He experienced many truths and many falsehoods about stress, mindfulness, and the untapped potential of our brains and bodies. For him, it was surprising to see how many others were struggling with practices that just did not work for them. Significantly, he noted how stress builds up and when you do not release it, you get sick, diseased and problems begin to push your life off track. With all this information in his hands, he began compiling the best and most powerful methods focusing on easily maintainable, doable solutions for any person, enjoyable, and avoid common roadblocks that the majority of people face.

The truth about stress is that no one can really avoid it; you do not need to reach some fairy-tale level of enlightenment where you live in a bubble and are immune to stress. What you can embrace or practice, however, is quickly bringing yourself back to balance, approach life proactively, and give yourself the tools to navigate challenges with confidence, dignity, and grace. Regardless of whether it is financial strains, work, family, relationships, concerns about society, health, or the subtle daily stresses that sneak up on us, these kinds of things have the potential to snowball. Far too often, they grow into something beyond your control, interfering with your ability to create the life you want and damaging not only your mental wellbeing but also your physical health. A recent Harvard Medical School Research paper reports that stress-related health problems are responsible for up to 80 percent of the doctor's visit and account for the third-highest health care expenditures, behind only heart disease and cancer. Yet, only up to 3% of doctors actually talk to patients about how to reduce stress. A discovery by researchers shows that people who took part in an active relaxation program used an average of 43 percent fewer medical services than they did the previous year, saving an average of $2360 per person. Still, this whole thing is not about money, no. Health is our priority because if you do not have your health, you simply cannot function at your peak. You will be unable to fulfill your potential; you won't show up for your family and other obligations. Which ultimately begs the question, how can we habitually care for our wellbeing? The answer is simple, simplicity.

Introducing simplicity changes everything in every dimension. You can remove blockages that create needless complications and limitations. Allowing yourself to unwind and cultivate mindfulness deeply dissipates complications in your life. You begin to gain clarity on issues and connect with your inner power. Meditating is like restarting a computer-shutting down the programs that you are not using anymore, and clearing space. It is not something you do once in a while or something you do when the situation gets so difficult that you are forced to remove yourself from the world- it is a practice you do as a routine to achieve the desired results. Adopting mindfulness as a core part of your daily routine makes it a constant and unlimited source of strength in your life. Ideally, when you give yourself daily space to untangle your thoughts and release tension, you will approach life daily from a much stronger position.

The good news with this program is that you do not need to commit a chunk of your day to sit in long, drawn-out meditation and force your mind to focus. You will not need to hike up the mountains and learn from a monk or understand some philosophy. While you can do all these things if you wish, this program offers you an alternative way- a way that is simple, fast, and does not require any cognitive effort. It is a system that saves you from being forced to "learn" and where you are not at the mercy of what a former monk once described to Greg as "MEDITATION RESISTANCE." All you need to do with Seven Minute Mindfulness is press the play button and let the Seven Minute Mindfulness audio program sink you into deep relaxation as you have never known before. The program will guide you away from the thought processes of your day, helping you release the tension from your muscles and the thoughts from your mind. It is important to understand that different tensions are connected to different parts of our bodies. For instance, anger is connected to the jaw, stress to the shoulders and torso, and emotions to the hips. Don't worry if you did not know this; you will learn about it and how you can gently release each. The best thing about all this is that you do not need to put in any effort at all. You will not need to consciously remember to focus on your thoughts or your breath or anything at all. All you will do is listen to the music and the words, and they will take care of everything for you. The program requires you to go into deeper relaxation each consecutive day and come out seven minutes later, more refreshed and more prepared to make the most of your day. In this way, you will be training your body to be more relaxed and automatically training your mind to be more mindful. Here is what will happen when you listen to these mindfulness tracks:

  • You will quickly release stress and relax deeply
  • You will become more resilient
  • You will become more patient
  • You will prime your mind with energy, belief, and motivation
  • You will gain clarity to make brilliant decisions, take opportunities and be your authentic self.

Although you will only be listening to these audio sessions for seven minutes, the payoff will continue during every moment of your day. In the long run, you will be upgrading your base operating system. The effect of this meditation program will benefit you and rub off on the people around you. Somehow, you will infect those around you with your positive energy. They will take note of your ability to stay calm even in tumultuous times, your ability to make the most of every situation, and you will become a positive example to your friends and colleagues. This program's fundamental principle is to make mindfulness easily doable for any person, to take away the barriers, stigma, and difficulties surrounding mindfulness practices. Although the Seven Minute Mindfulness Program borrows many spiritual practices, it is unique. It is neither religious nor connected to any spiritual philosophy. At the same time, it is not yoga or Buddhism. The program does not come with strict rules. Instead, it is a user-friendly, practical routine to give yourself seven minutes of peace and nurturing. You get to experience seven minutes of releasing the stress that builds up each day, breaking the incessant overthinking, and welcome in clarity. It bases on the belief that if everyone in the world gifted themselves just a few minutes each day to release and rejuvenate, society would thrive.

What Does the Seven Minute Mindfulness Program Entail?

Undoubtedly, The Seven Minute Mindfulness Program is unlike anything you have ever experienced before. By simply listening for just seven minutes a day, and allowing the short mindfulness sessions to massage your tense mind, release stress, and plant seeds of calm relaxation that will help you flourish. With the program, you will get ten mindfulness sessions, each lasting 7 minutes. The sessions included combine guided mindfulness scripts, imagination prompts and ultra-relaxation music, delivered in a format that will quickly invoke calmness and leave you prepared and ready for whatever the day may bring. And you do not need any special skills to use this program; anyone can use it because all you need to do is plug in a pair of headphones, listen to the "day 1" audio track, and your brain will enter a powerful state of calm. Practicing this will help you gain enormous clarity, relief, and increased brain performance. All this you will achieve in only seven minutes. Let's be honest here, most people cannot even shower and dress in seven minutes, yet you can destress and infuse your mind with calmness, creativity, and power within this time using this program. To deliver the best program possible, the creator teamed up with an online publishing company specializing in relationships, personal development, goal achievement, and wellbeing. It is a product of the combination of their expertise and the author's experience and research to create a truly user-friendly, almost effortless program delivered to you online for minimal cost.

In the following section, you will get a preview of what the main eBook contains, starting from the table of contents and a brief overview of what each section will cover. Let's jump right in, shall we?

A Quick Prelude .................................................................................................. 7

The shortcut: ................................................................................................. 9

The long and winding story of mindfulness …........................................... 11

Meet Your Breath ............................................................................................... 19

Jasmine's Story ........................................................................................... 27

Jasmine describes her Method................................................................. 30

How to Breathe Mindfully ................................................................................. 32

The First Mindful Breathing Exercise ........................................................ 36

The Curious Case of Swami Rama ............................................................ 42

The Mind-Body Connection .............................................................................. 43

Greg's Story ................................................................................................. 46

The Deep Muscle Massage Technique ............................................................ 51

My story .............................................................................................................. 58

Rumination, Anxiety, and Letting Go ................................................................ 64

Mary's Story: Version 1 ............................................................................... 69

Mary's Story: Version 2 ............................................................................... 72

Imaginative Exercises for Letting Go ......................................................... 75

The Bubble of Calm Exercise ..................................................................... 75

Defusing Negative Self Judgement ................................................................. 76

Cognitive defusion exercises ..................................................................... 81

5 Minute Mindfulness Exercise For Anxiety ................................................... 83

The Technique ............................................................................................. 85

The Positivity Infuser ........................................................................................ 89

I choose to be positive. ............................................................................... 89

Affirmations and Vision Boards ................................................................. 95

Mantras ............................................................................................................102

The Power of Music ........................................................................................108

The Power of Music: ...............................................................................113

Mindfulness for a Better Sleep .......................................................................114

Quieting the Dragon – Evening Mindfulness Meditation ........................118

Melodies That Sink Your Mind into Sleep .....................................................121

Are You Being Bullied By Your Emotions? .....................................................124

Mia's story .................................................................................................127

Personal Identity Reset Exercise .............................................................133

Mindfulness for Healing .................................................................................135

Mindfulness, Meditation, and Disease ....................................................138

Dissolving Pain ..........................................................................................141

The Energy Glow Technique .....................................................................144

The Comb .................................................................................................145

Aerating the Body ......................................................................................145

Eating and Drinking Mindfully ........................................................................149

The Brain Booster Nutrition Plan .............................................................152

Morning Checklist for a Mindful Life .............................................................155

Greg's Routine ...........................................................................................157

The Calm Mind Mist Technique ...............................................................160

Serotonin Booster Checklist .....................................................................161

Journaling ........................................................................................................163

Alister's Story ............................................................................................165

Becoming an "Effortless Zen" Master ..........................................................169

Conclusion ........................................................................................................176

Let's get to what you may already know: experts in mental health are now telling us that mindfulness can be used to cope with anxiety and depression and that it will help bring more natural joy into our lives. This eBook aims to get to the root of this statement. In the past, mindfulness was only promoted in "fringe" medicine or alternative therapies. However, in recent times, doctors are discovering the health benefits of mindfulness, too, and science confirms what many suspected was true all along: there is a synergy between the body and the mind; none is separate. In the same way, healing one heals the other. This book will look at what all of this means to you; it will go beyond theory to prove that this actually works. You are meant to apply the knowledge you acquire from this book in a very practical way to really make a difference in your life and existence as a whole. Its chapters will teach you how to actually use this knowledge to heal, balance and thrive. Suppose you are a person who, at some point, you may have decided that you've had enough of physical pain, mental frustration, or feeling disconnected and lost. Or perhaps you feel drawn to the idea of inner peace, and you want to find it for yourself. You are in the right place at the right time!

All mindfulness techniques use an object to focus and calm the mind to bring order to your inner world. Whether it is a candle flame, a mantra, a mandala, or a sound, all these items purpose to achieve one goal. Did you know how powerful your breath is? Follow me on this journey of discovering just how important stopping to actively exhale and inhale once in a while can play a key role in achieving mindfulness. Below are some of the most important reasons why acquiring this skill is vital:

  • It's the perfect way to quickly calm an anxious, over-thinking mind – your breath is always there with you, always accessible and free.
  • Focusing all your attention on the breath centers you back in your body; instead of up in your head, where most of us spend too much time.  
  • It grounds you back in the present moment.
  • You can physically heal using the breath.
  • Maintaining health becomes much easier too.
  • It helps dissolve back pain, headaches, PMS pain – in fact, all kinds of aches and pains – even the chronic kind.
  • It helps you balance your emotions and your self-image, and it smooths out relationship troubles.
  • Your mental abilities will improve, and your focus will sharpen.
  • Sleep becomes deeper, and it becomes more rejuvenating. Your natural cycles are restored.
  • You can use it as a tool to help you quit smoking, lose weight, or deal with addictions of all kinds.

In this guide, you will learn the biggest secret hidden in the breath and how it can help you manage your mind's state. Throughout the rest of the book, you will learn techniques that will take you some time to master. They will require a little patience and perseverance from your end, but ultimately, your abilities will grow steadily as you learn. And the effects of these will bring such relief that you will want to start every day with your breathing routine.

Go further into the book by reading Jasmine's story, one of the many inspirational transformations that clearly stands out from the rest. Walk through Jasmine's story, how she struggled with the pain of scoliosis, how she tried many different kinds of treatments over the years, and finally, what worked for her. In this chapter, you will come across Jasmine's Method. This may just be what you are looking for.

Have you ever heard of mindful breathing? Do not fret. The next chapter of this eBook will introduce you to the idea of mindful breathing and how to achieve this. It is possible to breathe in a number of ways, including:

  • High Breathing – Here, the air fills only the upper part of your lungs, closest to your collar bone.
  • Mid Breathing – Using the intercostal muscles between the ribs, the chest expands, drawing in more air.
  • Low breathing – or abdominal breathing, where the deepest part of the lungs fills with air.
  • Complete (or Yogic) breathing – As the name suggests, this is where you combine all three of the above to completely rid your lungs of air each time you exhale and completely fill them again.

As you study your breath, you will discover how complex this seemingly simple action really is. As with all mindfulness techniques, the main goal behind breathing mindfully is to learn to quiet your mind and get a handle on your emotions. By doing so, you will start to heal your physical body automatically. Ideally, you are not to fight your mind or destroy it. The mind is a valuable ally, made for thinking. The same goes for your emotions. Yet, these two things are not YOU. This is one of the insights you will get when you discover meditation. It will be as if a gap exists between your thinking, your feelings, and 'you.' You will be able to step out of them and observe them with interest and then choose what to do with those thoughts and feelings. The main thing you are trying to accomplish is creating a little distance between your "self" or your idea of yourself and your thoughts and emotions. Explore this subject of mindful breathing in depth through the exercises provided in the main eBook. In the same section, you will come across the curious case of Swami Rama, some good information that will help deepen your understanding even further.

The next part of the book looks into the mind-body connection. There is a lot more than our bodies being machines that are disconnected from our lives, our minds, our moods, and our psychology- every choice we make, every thought we think, and every emotion we experience plays a part. Clearly, our emotions, attitudes, and thoughts profoundly affect our bodies, sometimes to the degree of life and death. The mind-body effects are recognized to have both positive and negative impacts on the body. To further deepen your understanding of this concept, the author shares his story while he was ten. Essentially, stress is something that we are not always conscious of; it can exist on a cellular level and hide, masked by our ingrained insensitivity. But at one point, the balance tips, and you become acutely aware of it. Through his story, you will come to understand how the mind and the body are very deeply intertwined.

You will begin to experience relief from pain only when you change tactics, begin to calm your mind, and reconnect to your body. This, you will be able to achieve by giving yourself a deep muscle massage from the inside using the power of mindfulness. And like Greg, you can also learn the skill. In this section of the book, you will learn how the skill basically works. Get to know how you can focus on the 61 parts of the body and sense how each point feels without letting your attention waver. Practical, real-life deep tissue massage treatment might do wonders for your tense muscle, at the same time promoting a sense of wellbeing. Still, there is a limit to what you can accomplish through physical massage- the effects tend to be short-lived. Upon the return of habitual stresses of life, you will often find that those same muscle groups go back into spasm. A body that is in pain will negatively affect your mental capacity. The mind-body link works in a two-way manner- the two support each other. This is because these two were put together. A complex interaction exists between your mind and the entire body. Much of it happens in the background, below the level of conscious attention. The mindfulness technique discussed in this course basically involves the activation of the relaxation response, and just like the stress response, this biological response is hard-wired into your biology.

When you carefully examine it, the power of mindfulness goes much deeper than just the mind-body connection. Physical relaxation is just the beginning of the whole process; getting back in touch with your breath and body are also just the first, small steps. Because mindfulness is a tool for managing your mind's state, the benefits extend into every moment of every day. Reading this book, you will discover that the root cause of most of our unhappiness is self-created. Most of us tend to ruminate and become anxious when life confronts us with challenges. Usually, the problem itself doesn't necessarily mean anything; we assign the meaning all by ourselves, then we fall for our own deception. When we constantly worry and mull over issues endlessly, it's like how cows ruminate, or any other herbivore for that matter. The first step to breaking this cycle is practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness enables you to create space inwardly, and you begin to slow down your habitual circular thinking and settle back down to the natural state. With time, you begin to possess the ability to let things go; you become more present, more aware, and more conscious. The whole concept of practicing mindfulness revolves around being conscious of what's going on in your inner dialogue. It involves creating a gap in your thinking, creating a distance between you and the drama being played out in your head.

Over time, this spaciousness or mindfulness begins to follow you around through every waking moment, not just while you are sitting in meditation. Every person develops his own way of dealing with life, finding a way to navigate the business of growing up, choosing a life path, a partner, and getting on with it. All this happens while we are thinking and experiencing different states of mind. Yet, we are never truly aware of it- we are partly asleep. There is always a constant undercurrent of anxiety for most people, a deep sense of dissatisfaction in the background. Very few people think about the process of thinking, and we are not aware that we can actually manage our mind's state. We tend to believe that circumstances dictate our consciousness, and we are helpless. Sometimes we just keep doing what we have been doing all along, hoping that somehow things will change—becoming mindful means that you are taking back the power, and along with that the responsibility for our own state of mind. Understanding this concept intellectually is not enough; you need to put this knowledge into practice for it to benefit you. You still need to understand that becoming more mindful or conscious does not happen automatically by deciding that it sounds like a refreshing idea. This process takes a little dedication, practice, and perseverance, but the results are more than worth the effort. Take part in Mary's story to understand this concept in-depth. Additionally, get to take part in imaginative exercises that will help you let go.

Another key aspect of attaining the state of mindfulness is through defusing negative self-judgment. Most people have a saboteur living in their head: each one of us has many facets. Contrary to what most people think, our personalities are not static, and neither are they permanent fixtures- they change all the time as we grow and develop. Amazingly, none of us is simply one person at all times; we are complex beings, and that is just one of the strange and marvelous things about being human. Often, our different personality aspects work in harmony more or less to help us deal with different situations and with different kinds of people. What this chapter delves into is the negative self-judgment we often inflict upon ourselves. While self-criticism might start out positively- a healthy sense of restraint and critical thought, it can get out of balance sometimes. Rather than promoting wisdom, that critical attitude starts to wear away at you inside. At this point, when opportunities come your way, the saboteur is there to tell you exactly why that is a bad idea, and you might as well give up before you even try. An inner saboteur can ruin much of your life, and it is necessary to deal with this problem. This begs the question, can mindfulness actually help defuse negative self-judgment? Get this question and more answered as you dive deeper into the sections of this book.

Learn how you can create distance between the habitual thought process and 'you' as soon as you recognize that you are sabotaging yourself. You will acknowledge the power of consciousness or awareness and how it acts as a purifying fire to negative emotions and thought trains. During this course, you will be able to learn about one of the systems created in the early 1980s by US psychologist Steven C Hayes. This system utilizes an electric mix of metaphor, paradox, and mindfulness skills alongside a wide range of experiential exercises and values-guided behavioral interventions. You will be able to acquaint yourself with the 5-minute mindfulness exercise for anxiety. The right time to begin infusing your life with positivity is not somewhere off in the future once you have learned some mystical technique or understood the answer to a riddle. The right time is now, starting with a smile, a recognition, and a choice. It starts when you choose to be positive. Meditation, mindfulness, and following the breath are the cornerstone techniques that provide a solid foundation for change.

These three are the basic tools that you will need to get to grips with managing your headspace. You will go through this chapter of the book that builds on that foundation a little more by investigating practical techniques to infuse every day with hope, joy, and peace. These potent focusing tools help you zero in on what is most important, and they help remind you of the truth. They will help you reprogram your subconscious thinking patterns from negative to positive. You will realize that the real power lies in you- in your consciousness and activate the ability to reprogram your habitual practices.

Going further into what this magnificent eBook covers will be denying you the thrill of acquiring first-hand knowledge in a way you can understand perfectly. This is just a taste of what is in the book. The author covers so much more that will shine a light on your unsatisfying life.

Another perk of this program is that in addition to the main e-Book guide and the seven-minute mindfulness audio tracks, you get to receive another bonus as follows:

Your Little Book of Mindfulness Exercises: This short reference style book is a combination of great mindfulness exercises to help you live with greater presence, calm, and joy. This guide contains simple tips and exercises to incorporate into your daily life, or as a first aid kit when your mind gets weighed down with a tough decision to make or when you feel yourself getting carried away by thought trains that do not help you. This reference style book perfectly compliments the audio program to help you perform at your peak, thrive under pressure, and overcome challenges with great ease.

Yes, I Want Seven Minute Mindfulness!

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Users can get a 100 percent money-back policy if the product does not work.
Some review-sites will try to draw you in by claiming you can download Greg Thurston’s Seven Minute Mindfulness for free. Their page titles might be something like, “Seven Minute Mindfulness Free Download“. Then, you get to the site, and they try to justify it by saying it’s “risk-free” and then point you to the website where it’s $47.00. Well, to me risk-free and FREE aren’t the same thing! While you can technically try Seven Minute Mindfulness risk-free because of the 60-day money back guarantee, you still need the money up front to buy it in the first place so it isn’t free. Seven Minute Mindfulness is not a free program and any site claiming a free download is either not being totally honest with you or is providing illegal copies, neither of which is good.
This is indicative of sites that usually use a title to their page that says something like, “Seven Minute Mindfulness: Another SCAM!?!” or “Seven Minute Mindfulness: Is Greg Thurston a Scammer?” or something of that nature. In other words, when you search for Seven Minute Mindfulness in Google or another search engine, these sites show up with those types of titles in the listings. Sometimes these sites will also use what I call the “Fear Factor” in their headlines which is something like, “Seven Minute Mindfulness: OMG So Bad!”. This is often nothing more than an attempt to draw you into their site by making you think they used the product and had a really bad experience with it. How do I know these are fake and not real scam alerts or legitimate complaints? Because the title cries SCAM!!!!! or a really horrible experience, but then you go to the page and read the review and it’s always an extremely positive, glowing review about how great Seven Minute Mindfulness is. In these instances, they only use the word SCAM to try and draw you into their site because they know if they say something is a scam or a terrible program, you’ll probably click on their link to find out more about it, right? A legitimate bad experience or a real scam alert to help protect consumers is one thing, but don’t fall for this type of trickery and trust your gut when the headline/page title and review don’t match. No real Seven Minute Mindfulness review will cry SCAM or claim it’s a terrible program in the title only to offer up a review that says the complete opposite.
Another version of this same thing is the fake discount. “Buy through this link for 50% off”. Guess what, when you click the link, you go to the website where it’s $47.00, just like it normally is. I actually first noticed this one on YouTube where people were making short 30 second videos claiming they found discount links to Seven Minute Mindfulness. However, every time I checked one out, it was a huge disappointment and offered no discount at all. I’ve never claimed to be a super genius when it comes to math, but something about the numbers just stinks…let’s see…$47.00 minus 50% discount through your link = $47.00! Don’t fall for these fake discount claims. One last thing I’ve seen in regards to this is that sometimes people will try to inflate the value of the program on their own site to make it appear like they are giving you a discount. For example, they’ll say something like “Seven Minute Mindfulness is normally $188, but buy through my link for $47.00, a savings of 75%! ” Just another lie you should watch out for. The price will always be $47.00 unless Greg Thurston decides to change it himself. If he does, I’ll be sure to let everyone know!
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