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Confessions of a Foot Flusher

My name is Margaret and I am a foot flusher. I am not proud of this fact. I feel guilty every time I do it. I feel compassion for my fellow man (or in this case, woman) who has to use the stall after me and if she uses her hands to flush the toilet in a public restroom, she is pretty much risking her life because of what I’ve potentially stepped onto. Or into. And it is because of the unknown handle usage of the woman who has used the stall prior to yours truly that my hands will not touch the chrome stick of the porcelain god. (I know, I know, that’s what she said).

I don’t make a habit of taking pictures in the bathroom, but for you, my kiddies, I make the following exception:

So right now you are thinking one of two things:

1. Oh my God, you horrible horrible troglodyte! Who do think you are? It’s people like you why half the potty stalls in this world are out of order. You are depriving many people of a decent crap because of your selfish ways. Do you have any idea how much it costs to replace a toilet flush handle? Well, I don’t know how much it costs but I bet it costs a lot, I can tell you that!


2. How in the hell did you take that picture and not slip and crack your head open on the tile floor? Or accidentally plunge your foot into the toilet. You are now my blog photo hero. Here’s an award. No wait! Here’s a million dollars because you, NGIP, are awesome.

And this would be my reply to either of your responses since it fits both, really:

I know, right?

frilly pink panties

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  1. Leaf Evans says:

    ..and yet you touch your shoes, which not only stepped in “who knows what” but have also now touched that handle you didn’t want to touch. Wild.

    1. Margaret says:

      Touche’. 🙂

  2. This is a test comment.

  3. bohemiann says:

    I didn't realize that ladies used their HANDS on this handle until I was in my 40s. I am the daughter of an RN. I knew what an area of ecchymosis was before kindergarten. I learned the word “boo boo” from the neighborhood kids. I didn't know how to spell area of ecchymosis until college.

    I always flush gently…with my foot, thank-you-very-much.

    You have a classic blog by the way. I've been lurking at the suggestion of JunkDrawer lady.

  4. Dale Ottley says:

    Well as a fellow public toilet foot flusher I gravitate to #2 because YOU, Margaret Andrews, are awesome :-).

    And then I use a public facility and take a seat cover only to have it fall into the bowl before I even sit down and then I fluctuate to #1 because I'm mad. Not that you are a what's the word? Oh troglodyte. Because you're not. Okay I'm rambling now. Good post!

  5. Cheri says:

    I am not a foot flusher. I use a piece of toilet paper with my hand. I guess it would be pretty hard to use a piece of toilet paper with my foot.

  6. lisleman says:

    Hey nannygoats – I just read your interview over at Fifty Factor – that is very cool that you were in sw development. I have an engineering background myself. I've only touch upon all the html and css and whatever stuff.

  7. CC says:

    I'm totally in category #2. Even when the handle is way, way, way up high and I have to do the splits to push it with my foot. I still do. I'm flexible like that. 😉

  8. Simone says:

    I'm also a foot flusher. I am so relieved. I thought I was the only one that got grossed out at the thought of leaning over the toilet and touching a handle that may have had germy, filthy, bacteria stained hands touching it.

    You're perfectly sane! We both are!

    I'm here from Joanna's blog. I loved your interview. Great info.

  9. dyejobslye says:

    I'm a toilet paper wrapped around the handle flusher. So I guess that's like, what, middle school?
    Visiting today through Joanna's blog, but I've been here before. 🙂

  10. What a great interview with Joanna – I loved your pointers for blogging and for increasing your readers and followers.
    Thanks for all the tips and helping us know you even more!

  11. Sharlene says:

    Long live the foot flushers! Is there really any other way?

  12. MA Fa Woman says:

    I'm a foot flusher too! Thanks for doing the interview with Joanna at the Fifty something.

  13. thebacksofmyeyelids says:

    I won't touch one either! You go with your badass foot flushing self, Margaret!

  14. nightowlmama says:

    LOL BUSTED!! I've been doing it for years and had no idea anyone else was as cool as me. You Rock! Way To Flush

    virtual hand slap or foot tap in this case

  15. Ronda Laveen says:

    Here's a million dollars! You are the best NGIP I've ever had the pleasure of watching foot flush. Great interview with Joanna. Thanks for all the 411.

  16. dwmatty says:

    I can so relate to this. I do it too. And I'm sure there are more people than we think who do it as well.

  17. You are very fashionable. Foot flushing is just the in thing to do. It's classier than squirting hand sanitizer in front of people, implying that their hands are riddled with germs.

  18. pam101360 says:

    Luv the interview Margaret as well as your blog which you know!


  19. joy says:

    I'm a foot flusher too. Just glad you didn't drop your camera.

    I enjoyed your interview on Fifty Factor.

    I'll be back.
    ♥ Joy

  20. I've been known to do it too! 🙂

  21. mannequin says:

    I had no idea that foot flushing was so prevalent. I myself indulge in foot flushing but typically have no one in the bathroom stall for verification purposes.
    On another note..
    I love to get inside the mind's of great authors and it was such a pleasure to read the interview over at Fifty Factor. It all makes so much sense now…
    Thanks for doing the interview 🙂

    1. Oh, mannequin – you are so sweet! Thank you for reading (and enjoying) the interview. I loved doing it and Joanna is such a wonderful person!

  22. Neas Nuttiness says:

    OMGosh – My BFF (geessh, that made me sound like a 12 yr. old *sigh*) and I are both foot flushers too:-) We also prefer paper towels to hot air dryers, so that we have something to open the door with, when we leave the rest room!!

    Thanks for doing the interview with Joanna @ The Fifty Factory.

    1. I really appreciate you reading the interview. And not only do I agree with you about the paper towels, it's even better when they have those doorless bathrooms!

  23. I'm late to the party but my first two responses to that picture are 1) those are some cool ass shoe laces and where can I get me some? and 2) she wears wide leg pants and doesn't seem to trip as much as I do.

    As for foot flushing I usually trip and crack my head so I try to take some clean tp and wad it up to about the size of a baseball mitt and then place it between my hand and the flushing gizmo. The problem this solution creates is that I then have gobs or toilet paper that still needs to be flushed causing me to repeat the whole process. Most public toilets flush faster than I can get my hands off the flusher and throw the wad into the pot while still getting flushed.

    I try not to use public bathrooms. Don't even get me started on port-a-potties.

  24. anntracy51 says:

    loved your interview with The Fifty Factor…. and I'm definitely with you on those crappy blogs and sites where music comes up whether you like it or not….

  25. Cathy says:

    Ha, Ha, I totally thought “Her foot is going to fall in that toilet”, just like you said!! Hope you didn't get wet that day!

  26. Roxane says:

    I have a confession to make…I too, am a foot flusher!

  27. SueAnn says:

    Loved your interview over at Joanna's! Well done and well said! As for foot flushing…ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! But it does spare the germs on your hands! LOL!

  28. Lisatwo says:

    Nice interivew. Did you cry? You know like with Barbara Walters? Did she ask you about your mother and then you cried? Did she just leave that part out?

    I hope you're ok now. Damn that Barbara Walters.


    1. Yes, I started to cry and the camera zoomed in and I did that thing where you're silent for a moment and your lip quivers and you say “I'm sorry”, like you're all modest and apologetic as if you're ruining the interview, but you know it's going to be aired because they just LOVE that stuff. It makes great TV, er, blog. But then somehow in post-production, they lost the master recording and I couldn't just cry again on command so they could edit it back in, so we just gave up. But thanks for asking, Lisa! 😀

  29. Pricilla says:

    Hey, thanks for the interview on The Fifty Factor. I enjoyed reading it 'cause you know I am like your goat stalker…

    1. I LOVED how you talked about your goats actually wearing panties! hee hee!

  30. TechnoBabe says:

    Hey , I am old but I think I am limber enough to hold one foot up and flush. In fact from now on that is what I will do and I will carry a card in my wallet that says in case of slippage and crackage (head or hiny) contact NGIP.
    codacici at gmail.

  31. caysedai says:

    Foot flushing is not as bad as those people who walk out without washing their hands. Oh, and one time I saw a woman leave the stall, walk over to the paper towel dispenser and push the lever several times, then wash her hands. I was speechless.

    1. Oh thanks, caysedai. You have just one-upped me! 🙂

      1. caysedai says:

        Oops, that was totally not my intention! 😉

  32. joaniemack says:

    Oh now I'm going to have to start flushing with my foot because I don't want bottom of the shoe germs on my hands! Love the auto flushers though!

    I should tell you m here from Joanna's blog. I didn't realize I could access blogger blogs from my Kindle! That's very cool! I'm going to check out putting my blog on Kindle too. Thanks!

  33. I avoid public restrooms at all costs – but on the rare occasion I hope for automatic flushers. I admit though, I have foot flushed before also.

    1. I just went and read your interview on The Fifty Factor – great read! Thanks for sharing your tricks 🙂

      1. And thanks for reading the interview! Joanna did such a great job!

  34. Hi Margaret,
    Thanks a million for your great interview at The Fifty Factor. I really appreciate it!

    1. No, thank YOU, Joanna. I'm so touched by the effort you went through to put it all together. And throwing in the giveaway alongside it just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside! I love you, man! {sniff!}

  35. Carolyn says:

    I am so cracking up at how many comments can be made over foot flushing! This is truly a riot!!! 😀

    This gives new meaning to “Potty Stories”, LOL!!

  36. MEE TOOOO! Try teaching your 3 yr old, ” no honey it is not fun to try out all of the public restrooms, and flush too!! aghhhhh!@!

    Btw Thanks for the Interview over @ Joanna's (Fifty Factor)
    I Found it filled with so much meat I could really go back and back and Dive into agian and again. Have a Wonerful day You blog Rocks my FAce off! <3 SPFF

    1. Oh my gosh, I would just cringe as my kid (if I had one) ran through all the stalls flushing every one of them with his/her hands – eek! Not that they aren't constantly touching stuff that is supposedly building up their immune system anyway. And thank you for your compliments about the interview with Joanna!

  37. debtalkatthetable says:

    I really appreciated your honesty in the interview with Joanna. Sincere thanks, and congratulations on all of this. Wow.
    And the flushing dilemma…. foot .

  38. melizzard says:

    #2 all the way

  39. IDoThings says:

    I'm a foot flusher too. Hey, it's a cold world. I'm looking out for number one (and number two). My justification to myself is: If you don't like the thought of touching my shoe germs with your precious hand (that you'd best be washing ANYway), then use your foot too. Deal.

  40. debbie_suburbsanity says:

    I'm Debbie and I'm a foot flusher too. I also feel a little guilty, but not enough to change.
    Great interview at Joanna's place! You rock.

  41. elementalmydear says:

    Hi there! Yorksnbeans here. Just read your interview over at Joanna's and I'm looking around at the moment. Nice place you have here! BTW….thanks, now I have another thing to worry about when flushing a public john….dirty shoes!

  42. rootietoot says:

    I do that but I never thought of taking a picture of it. If it's the kind that is supposedly automatic but isn't, and you have to mash the button on the side, I'll use a wad of toilet paper. Because you're right, not telling where those previous hands have been. thank you for making me think of that, now it will be on my mind all day and make me skeevy.

  43. Lisa says:

    Squat & foot flush is the only way to pee & leave. Loved your interview with the wonderful Joanne!!

  44. Davine says:

    Just read your interview with Joanna at The Fifty factor – it was a great interview, I really enjoyed it. Very interesting photo – my question is the 2nd. I would end up getting the cramp and someone call an ambulance.

    1. Oh my gosh! Can you imagine making the headlines for that one? How do explain THAT to the ER guys? But then, I imagine they've probably seen worse. As long as you've already pulled your pants up by the time you lift your leg, you save yourself most of the embarrassment. 🙂

  45. Ocean Girl says:

    Hello Margaret, visiting again from Joanna's. It was a wonderful interview, very interesting and informative. Thank you.

  46. mari says:

    Hi! I'm hear from The Fifty Factor and I loved your interview there! I must confess that I've never thought of using my foot to flush, but it's a great idea and I'm going to be trying it!

    1. This is so funny, Mari. I had fully expected to find that very few people used their foot to flush, yet it seems like most people do. And of the people that still use their hands, I thought for sure someone would yell at me for being such a thoughtless pig. Maybe I should take this on the road, start a foot flushing movement to convert the remaining hand flushers out there. 🙂 And thank you for the kind words about the interview with The Fifty Factor. Joanna is a doll.

  47. Ribbon says:

    You're obviously not here in Australia as there is no way you could flush the toilet with your foot,…. maybe a toe 🙂
    How do you manage a half flush with those things?

    I'm here for the loot!
    best wishes and thanks for the toilet tip

    1. Hey wait, Ribbon! Don't leave without explaining the Australian toe flushing thing! Why just a toe? Do you have a push button flusher that's impossible to get with a whole foot? Is that it? And good luck with the loot!

  48. Jared says:

    You have a great site here. I have a site myself where people come from around the world to debate on popular issues. I'd like to exchange links with you to help spread some traffic around between us. If you would like to, please leave a comment under my “Compadres” page letting me know when you've added my link and I'll return the favor.

    Keep up the good work.


  49. BeadedTail says:

    How funny! It's been awhile since I've been anywhere that wasn't an automatic flush but if I do, I'm a foot flusher too!

    Love those sneakers by the way!

  50. Kfred says:

    Seeing that you flush the handle with your foot, (the part that is supposed to be on the ground), then logically, apparently you must enter the stall walking on your hands (the part that should be on the handle). And THAT is not an attractive image!

    1. And I suppose walking around on my hands in the bathroom is wrong? I'll have to consult my advisers on that one. You've given me pause.

  51. I, too, am a foot flusher — and darn proud of it! No cooties on my hands. No sir.

    What a funny post!

  52. Mary says:

    This is a very good idea! I'm now a foot flusher.

    1. Woo hoo! A new convert! Welcome to the dark side – buwha-ha-HAHAHAHA!!!

  53. bobbinlalaland says:

    I'm with you, I'm a total foot flusher! I've done it for years. There's NO way I'm going to touch the handle!

  54. tera says:

    Me too!! If I could figure out how to use my foot to turn the faucet on and off, I totally would!

    1. I know! I'm glad to see the automatic sink faucets that you don't have to touch. And I never think to grab a paper towel to turn on and off the faucets. That seems a little excessive/obsessive. But where do you draw the line at avoiding getting other people's pee (or worse!) on your hands?

  55. gayle says:

    I do the exact same thing and have for years!!! Yuck ….I would never touch it.

  56. earthtoholly says:

    All I can say is that I'm ashamed that a public toilet is cleaner than my own, and yeah, who doesn't use the foot flush? Touching that thing is just asking for trouble.

  57. frogmama says:

    I'm a foot flusher too. Suddenly I feel responsible for sickening boatloads of people. Alas, I cannot stop.

  58. Carolyn says:

    Add me and my four kids to the foot flushing fettish. I think it's far grosser to flush with your hands right after someone else has flushed with their hands (or feet); this is getting grosser by the minute. Next time I'll get a pic of the four years old doing it herself. I have to hold my breath every time as she balances herself between the paper roll and that flusher. I'll make sure she wears her Sketcher “Sparkles”, so it'll be just as stylish as yours.

    PS – At least the toilet you took a picture of was clean!

    1. Well, this might sound weird but I would love to see a picture of a little one trying gymnastically balance the foot flush. Yeah, that sounds weird.

  59. I do the SAME thing. I always flush with my foot when in a public restroom.

    But, I have never thought about the fact that the person AFTER me might flush with their hands and subsequently end up with some extra nastiness. I can only hope they WASH their hands!

  60. Oh yeah, I'm a foot flusher too. But it never dawned on me that I could break the handle. Oy.

  61. Comedy Plus says:

    I'm a foot flusher too. It's a sickness. I need to enroll in a 12 step program right away.

    Have a terrific day. 🙂

  62. Leeuna says:

    What I want to know is why aren't you wearing your goat shoes. Oh, and I'm a foot-flusher too, so no problem here.

  63. Sherri says:

    Flush with your foot as much as you like — just, pleeeeze, do not pee on the seat like so many other “ladies” do. And if you have to hover while you pee, at the very least wipe up your dribbles before leaving the stall…yuck.

  64. Anne says:

    I am a foot flusher too. I didn't realize there were people who used their hands. Ewwww.

  65. Nooter says:

    hey! you lift your leg when you go to the bathroom too! my new soulmate….

    1. Nooter – I don't know how you do it, but you are one the best comeback commenters. I should just give you the honorary Touche award already! 🙂

  66. I'm totally a foot flusher! Is there any other way??

    Well….. if it's a standing stall (No problem for you) I flush with my elbow. I know that makes no sense. But more sense than if I stood on my hands and flushed with my foot.

    Happy New Year!

  67. moooooog35 says:

    At least you flush.

  68. Annette says:

    I too am a foot flusher. Foot flushers unite!

  69. cheekyterrapin says:

    LOL! You horrible troglodyte?? 😀 😀 😀 I apologize, but sometimes I do that too, esp in very public places where the handle is so dirty.. But if someone nags me about that, I know I have the best answer of all.. “I know, right?”

  70. drew says:

    yeah me too– i am guilty. i am a foot flusher too. but it is just more civilized.

  71. marlaahansen says:

    I knew I liked you for a reason. Hands that touch public restroom flushers shall never touch mine… I hope,anyway. I, alas, am also a footie flusher. God forgive us.

  72. Bonehead says:

    I actually do the same thing in public restrooms. I'm unable to provide a photo however. Due to some prior “misunderstandings” I am prevented from bringing any photographic equipment into public bathrooms under penalty of law.

    1. jeanine says:

      misunderstandings? did you drop a phone or a camera down the toilet as it was flushing?

      1. Bonehead says:

        Uhhh…yea, that sounds good. Let's go with that 😉

  73. Jaime says:

    I love that you think of the next person! I think what we need to do is make stickers out of the picture of you foot flushing and stick them to every door of every toilet you use. I can make a craft out of every situation.

  74. lauresal says:

    I am also a foot flusher. Using my hand on that germ infested handle is not an option. I thought the days of handle flushing were long gone. I wonder how many people use their hand to flush? Are there any statistics on hand flushing? I bet the numbers are staggering. Separate question: Do you find that there is less foot flushing slippage when using rubber soles?

  75. Suebob says:

    Wait, people flush with THEIR HANDS? eeew

  76. jeanine says:

    Why would anyone touch one of those type of flusher thingies!? I thought they were supposed to be flushed with your foot. In the age of mad chicken, cow, pig disease. What mad animal will you get the flu from this year? Esp if you touch the handle of a public toilet after I've flushed it with my shoe.

  77. fragrantliar says:

    Dude! After somebody's wiped her keister (assuming she's normal and DOES wipe her keister), she's going to have to wash her hands anyway. That's the way I view it. Relax, you are in good foot-flushing company.

    But you still have to wash your hands, little lady.

  78. deb says:

    it looks like you are preaching to the choir on this one! i just try to avoid public restrooms as much as humanly possible, although i did find myself in one this new year's eve at a roadside rest stop (ick). however, my big problem is i somehow am undetectable by the auto-flush sensors and the auto-flush toilets never auto-flush! i have to find the little button and try to press it with my foot.

    1. You know, deb, I had really anticipated a lot more flack from this. I've
      gotten yelled at for less. I'm relieved to see that the majority of people
      do what I do.

  79. Rebecca says:

    My thought was – “hmmm, I don't really like purple, but I really like those shoes with the purple shoelaces!”. Maybe I need to rethink my thoughts????

  80. Beth says:

    I'm a foot flusher, too! And I don't care if that flushy thing is way up high because I have a mean high kick.

  81. Dan says:

    Two thoughts came to mind:

    1) How short is she to have that leg angle?

    2) Why isn't there an autoflusher installed?

  82. Michelle says:

    Margaret you are killing me here. This. Is. Awesome.

  83. kiki says:

    i'm a foot flusher, too. have been for a very, very long time. i also use my elbow, or knuckle, to open the latch in the restroom, and use my rear-end to push open both doors in the restroom. if they are not “push to open” doors, i use my elbow to pull. not sure what people think when they see me doing this, or when commanding my son, “don't touch a thing. keep your hands to yourself. i will help you.” at least he has learned to use his foot to flush.

    1. I wouldn't think anything bad about you if I saw that. I've seen people take the paper towels they've dried their hands off with and used that to open the door upon exiting. I want to do the same thing, but thought my foot flushing was bad enough. But now, hmmmm…

  84. anntracy51 says:

    OK… I'll finally 'fess up…. I do the same thing. Maybe we should form a support group called Foot Flushers of America? FFA?

  85. Surfie says:

    I'd also like to point out that just touching the filthy flusher handle is not the only reason I flush with my foot. I hate the thought of all those germs rushing up into my face while I'm leaning over the toilet to flush with my hand. Because most public restrooms don't have lids that you can close to contain the cooties when the swirling starts splashing the nasties into the air. Bleh! Even at home I close the lid before flushing.

    1. Yeah, there is some statistic abotu hwo far the water shoots out of the toilet when it flushes and it's going to land on you if you don't pull up your pants real quick and get the heck out of the stall before the big WHOOSH!

  86. Surfie says:

    You are not the only one! I too am a foot-flusher. I rationalize my actions, which may sully the hands of the next hand-flusher, by assuming that person will also be one of those people who tries to pee standing up and tinkles on the seat and doesn't clean it up. So it just makes us even. And I'm a gentle foot-flusher so I'm not worried about breaking the toilet.

    My first thought when I saw the photo was that I liked your awesome purple shoes. 🙂

    1. Why thank you, Surfie. I like my awesome purple shoes too! They're Vans. And what is up with tinkling on the seat? How does that happen? Do women actually pee standing up? Or do they just sort of half-squat-hover because they don't want to sit on the toilet? Isn't that what those paper covers are for? Those are the ones who need to think more about the people following them. Or am I being hypocritical by even going down that road?

  87. You obviously flushed before the photo.


    Sorry. That was bad.

    1. Ha! Boy, you scared me for a minute there. How gross would THAT have been. Then I'd have to admit what I had for dinner. (more Ewwwww!)

  88. sexnfries says:

    I am a big fan of foot flushing, ruins the joy when it is an automatic flusher.

    We have grabbed your button (not bottom) and placed it on our site!

    1. I had never thought of foot flushing as joyous, but I will now, knowing that I'm a member of a proud community. Also? THANKS for the button-not-bottom grabbing – I really appreciate that!

  89. eminpursuit says:

    I could impress a kickboxing instructor with my foot flushing capabilities. Bring it bathroom designer.

    Foot flushers unite!

  90. I either use my foot..or I get a paper towel before I go in and use that over the handle.

  91. Lee says:

    Total foot flusher here. Only drank/been drunk twice, and learned the first time it is *very* tricky to foot flush while inebriated. My petit 4yo has to execute something like a crescent kick to foot flush.

    I've never even thought about the person coming behind me, so kudos for even having it on your radar.

  92. glitterbygrammie says:

    I am also a foot flusher. I can not bring myself to touch that handle.

  93. I do the foot thing too, all dependent upon the bathroom in which the toilet appears. It's all relative, I say.

  94. amybhole says:

    Proud foot flusher here. No shame. Anyone who uses a hand is nasty.

  95. Nezzy says:

    This old farm chick throws her leg up as far as I have to, to be a proud foot flusher. I'm not touchin', nope not me. Hi, my name is Nezzy and I AM a foot-flusher too.

    Heeeheehe! Have a great day!!!

  96. Jane says:

    Or 3. You mean there is someone out there who uses their HANDS to flush a public toilet?? I hope I never have to shake their hand.

  97. Kari Shipman says:

    Dear NGIP:

    I too am a foot flusher & generally detest public bathrooms. I feel no shame or remorse for my actions…maybe they could spend a little more on keeping their bathroom clean to avoid having to replace said handle.

    It is SO funny that you wrote this, because I was in a public restroom somewhere recently, and they have a flushing system INTENDED for you to use your foot! Someone finally caved to the reality that that's how people are going to flush, so you might as well make it so it doesn't break when they do. Genius! So next time I see one of those, I'll take a picture for you. 🙂

    1. Kari – I've seen a foot-specific flusher too, but I can't remember where, although I'm thinking I saw it in a rest area restroom – just about the grossest bathrooms out there, besides gas stations. But I agree with you that they should just all go that route.

  98. Alisa Bowman says:

    Been a foot flusher all my life. I didn't even realize it till my daughter (age 5) tried to flush the bathroom toilet at home with her foot and I explained that we only do such a thing for public potties. Then she asked “why?” And then I was like, “Because…” And then I didn't know what to say. Because the handle always seems wet looking, so I don't want to touch it?

    1. Wow – I'm beginning to feel somewhat validated and maybe even a little less guilty because everybody else does it too!

    2. That is too funny that she tried to do it at home!

  99. @Jenn – mini-sized Post-It notes, kept in one's purse or wallet, cover up the sensors and therefore stop the premature “HOLY HECK IS THIS A TOILET OR THE WORLD'S GROSSEST BIDET?” flushing situation.

    Now, I was actually thinking (4) WOW, those purple sneakers are the awesomest! (Please note I am much too unhip as to know the proper cool lingo for “sneakers” anymore – kicks? I think that was the word at some point………..)

    I will flush with my foot too, usually following one of those “see? I do have thigh muscles under there somewhere” hover-over-the-seat maneuvers. Hate the toilets that have the big push button in the center of the top of the tank, because those can really foil a girl who's just been hovering and whatever thigh muscles she thinks she has are tired and shaky…………..

    Happy New Year my dear!

    1. Post-It notes are brilliant! And yes! – World's Grossest Bidet – ACK. And I hate those center top buttons too, because you could really hurt yourself trying to push that down with your shoes.

      1. You know, sometimes it is a good thing to be handycapped and have to use a cane… I just use my cane to push that button!

  100. Georgina99 says:

    I thought the handles were designed so that you COULD do that. Doesn't everybody do that too? – G

    1. That is exactly what I was thinking, too.
      I would NEVER touch a public toilet handle… EEWWW GROSS!! I am right there with you Margaret! I don't care if they have to replace every single handle on every single public toilet in the world.
      Plus, if the next person touches it with her hand – that is HER problem, she should NOT have done that!!

  101. Pricilla says:

    I was thinking neither. I was thinking where are your stylish new NGIP sneakers…so there!
    But am happy you did not slip and crack your head open and thereby negate all efforts to not get nasties into your body. Just think of what might have crawled into the crack in your head!

  102. Jenn Thorson says:

    I was actually thinking Option 3, “Hm, Margaret must not have to deal with those toilets that get all overzealous about their jobs and flush FOR you. Often before you're, um, ready.”

    1. As much as I like those types because you don't have to touch anything, I'm all paranoid and have to pee as fast as I can before it flushes while I'm still sitting there.