What was the Point? | New Media for REALTORs

Today I want to talk to you about the New Media for REALTORs series I wrote last month, specifically What was the Point?

I’ve been telling you FOREVER that online marketing is all about the words you use, but if you’re like me you think talk is cheap.  So rather than tell you again How Important Keywords are, I thought I’d reveal exactly what I did and why I did it.

Why New Media for REALTORs?

When I started the New Media for REALTORs series I had three goals in mind

  1. To inform REALTORs how to leverage New Media for their marketing
  2. To take over the front page of Google for my chosen keywords
  3. To show you how easily you can take over keywords in your area

Recently I noticed the buzz term “New Media” coming into play a lot.  If you’ve been around long enough you know this is the third iteration of this term.  It started out with Web 2.0, then went to Social Media.  I’m betting that by next year we’ll have forgotten the term social media and we’ll be phasing out the term New Media for something cooler….. Like just plain old “Media.”

When I started chasing after this long tail keyword I hadn’t even used it in this site at all, so this was ALL new to me.

The Plan to take Over the New Media for REALTORs Space

First I did some keyword research on the term “New Media for REALTORs” and found there wasn’t enough search volume for Google to have any data on it.  Then I went to google and typed in the phrase and found there were about 1,200,000 sites that came up with that term with only the first ten results being really relevant.

After the initial research I put together a game plane to take over which included:

  • Nine blog posts with the keywords in the title
  • Five Videos with the keywords in the title
  • Six photos with the keywords in the title

(are you noticing a trend here?)

By the third day I was already showing up on the first page of Google because of one of my image tags.  See for your self by watching the video “How to Use New Media for REALTORs: Day 2 Photos.”

The Results of the New Media for REALTORs series

You can easily see the results of the series by typing the keyword phrase into Google, but just in case you’re lazy here’s a photo of the results at the time I’m writing this:

Google search for "New Media for REALTORs" as of 6:42 am 1-27-09

As you can see, by using a combination of videos, photos, and blog posts we’ve taken over the front page of Google for the keyword phrase.

Why should this matter to you?

I know it may seem like I’m tooting my own horn here, but the fact is that you can use these very same tactics to target keyword phrases in your market.  All you need to own is a couple of good phrases to get more traffic to your site and increase your reach into the community.

Checkout some of these results:

Using this new keyword phrase brought me an additional 68 visits

Here’s where the stats get interesting.  If you look at the number above you’ll find:

  • The average visit from people using this search term was over 8 minutes (which was 200% higher than most other visitors)
  • The average page views were 4 (which was 96% higher than most other visitors)
  • The Average bounce rate was 54% (which was 20% lower than my site average <—a good thing)

What’s Next?

I’m hoping that sharing this data has inspired you to try it for yourself.  All you have to do is a little keyword research for long tail terms in your area.  Once you find something that works you can write a series of blog posts which feature your long tail terms and if you’re feeling really frisky you can even create some videos to go along with it.

In my next post I’m going to share the strategies I used for the videos that went along with this series, so if you want to know more I recommend subscribing to my feed so you don’t miss a thing