Tiny Cartridge 3DS

“Deafening (Ouch, Fire! remix)” by Leeni and Ouch, Fire!

I initially did not care for this song, nor did I appreciate most of the tracks from 8 Bit Heart Re-Start, Leeni’s guest remix album for 8 Bit Heart. “Animatronic Boy”, the third song on the CD, is much easier to get into, and I contemplated just featuring that tune and calling it a day.

But I gave this re-imagining of “Deafening” (and 8 Bit Heart Re-Start) a few more listens, and now it’s the damn thing. I forgot to mention it when the remix CD first released a month ago, so I’ll make up for that now and tell you all to grab the entire thing for free at CrunchyCo.

Leeni’s original “Deafening” sounds excellent, too, but you’ll have to buy the song or CD to hear it. iTunes has individual 8 bit Heart tracks available for digital download, but if you’re really cool (and I’m confident you are), you’ll buy the physical album from Adam’s Attract Mode shop instead.


See also: Leeni performing “Nice Young Man” at Pulsewave

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