What’s on your mind this week, AniFam?

By: Anime Feminist November 21, 20165 comments

It’s Monday, time to ask again what’s been on your mind over this past week!

  • What feminist observations do you want to share on an anime or manga you’re enjoying right now?
  • Did something happen in a legal simulcast that you think AniFem readers should be aware of?
  • Is there a legally accessible manga raising points you think AniFem readers would find interesting?
  • Does a recent Japanese pop culture news item merit a feminist discussion?
  • Did a conversation come up elsewhere that you’d like to know other feminists’ opinions on?
  • Have you got a link to a blog post you think AniFem readers would appreciate?

Self-promotion on these posts is permitted and even encouraged, especially if you are analysing anime, manga, Japanese pop culture or fandom from a marginalised perspective! Please only include one link per post, but you can put up a different link every Monday if you like.

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