Silence of the shepherds

How can the Catholic Church in good conscience continue to appear to have more concern for refugees than for the protection of most innocent of human life?  The Church's prelates, in writing and in speech, openly criticize President Trump's supposed "failures" regarding refugees.  And yet, other than Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia, not one cardinal or bishop has come out in praise of President Trump's commitment and work to end government support of abortion. Since Roe v. Wade, many Christians and Jews and members of other faiths have tried to awaken politicians at every level to the horror of snuffing out the life of a defenseless being, one possessed of a soul created and infused by the Creator.  For many of us, it is incomprehensible that such an act could become so tolerated in our country that over fifty million of our offspring could have been wiped out since 1973, and all with the full support of all three branches of our federal...(Read Full Post)