Israelis rally to end occupation of Palestinian land and for “Two states, One Hope”

Thousands of Israelis rallied Saturday in Tel Aviv under the heading "Two states, one hope," in support of a Palestinian state ahead of the 50th anniversary of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land.
Thousands of Israelis rallied Saturday in Tel Aviv under the heading “Two states, one hope,” in support of a Palestinian state ahead of the 50th anniversary of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land.

Thousands of Israelis rallied Saturday in Tel Aviv in support of a Palestinian state ahead of the 50th anniversary of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land.

Banners bearing the slogan “Two states, One Hope” featured in the demonstration organised by supporters of a Palestinian state, including the Israeli NGO Peace Now.

NGO head Avi Buskila said the rally was a protest against “the lack of hope being offered by a government perpetuating occupation, violence and racism”.

Thousands of Israelis rallied Saturday in Tel Aviv under the heading "Two states, one hope," in support of a Palestinian state ahead of the 50th anniversary of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land
Thousands of Israelis rallied Saturday in Tel Aviv under the heading “Two states, one hope,” in support of a Palestinian state ahead of the 50th anniversary of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land

“The time has come to prove to the Israelis, the Palestinians and the entire world that an important segment of the Israeli population is opposed to occupation and wants a two-state solution,” he added.

A message of support from Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas was read out at the rally.

“It is time to live together in harmony, security and stability,” Abbas was quoted as saying.

“Our duty towards future generations is to conclude a peace of the brave.”

Thousands of Israelis rallied Saturday in Tel Aviv under the heading "Two states, one hope," in support of a Palestinian state ahead of the 50th anniversary of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land
Thousands of Israelis rallied Saturday in Tel Aviv under the heading “Two states, one hope,” in support of a Palestinian state ahead of the 50th anniversary of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land

Israeli opposition Labour party leader Isaac Herzog attended the rally and threw his support behind a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In 1967, Israel seized the West Bank and east Jerusalem from Jordan during the Six-Day War with neighbouring states.

It later annexed east Jerusalem in a move never recognised by the international community.

Israel proclaims Jerusalem as its united capital, while the Palestinians claim the city’s eastern part as the capital of their future state.

More than 400,000 Israelis live in settlements on the West Bank which are considered illegal under international law and a major obstacle to Middle East peace.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is widely seen as the most right-wing administration in Israeli history and is pressing settlement expansion despite international concern.

Some government members have openly advocated annexing the West Bank.




74 responses to “Israelis rally to end occupation of Palestinian land and for “Two states, One Hope””

  1. Niemals Avatar

    It is refreshing to se that the Israelis still rally to end occupation of Palestinian land and for “Two states, One Hope”.
    Perhaps its a sign that Netanyahus and the settlers days are numbered, there will never be an annexing of the West Bank.

    1. Niemals, so called “West Bank” (of what?) is politically correct Judea and Samaria

      1. Niemals Avatar

        The so called “West Bank” consists of Ezor Yehuda VeShomron.

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          You should change your name to MiNiemal. It suits your aspirations better.

          1. Niemals is not corrupted as you, Hannibal. ܐܬܗ ܡܒܝܢ ܐܘܬܝ?

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            Ah the corruption… Define it and then prove it.

          3. i tried define information, i think i guessed it, it is another word for violation. (Any and in general, information is any (positive?) violation, violation in general). I corrupt
            information when I ignore it (cleverness-sillyness), privatize (chauvinism), sell
            (impudence), spoil, destroy (vandalism), distort (lie), litter
            (piggishness), impose (violence, terrorism). As i see you are can be false (even you are not so bad or corrupt 100%)

          4. Hannibal Avatar

            So general it covers us all 😉 AND in my humble opinion you have to add the motive of personal gain (not necessarily monetary) which I have none.

          5. i wonder if you have already support for Aramaic and Phoenician scripts, not ignoring them, i remember you posted Imperial Aramaic alphabet. I hope and see good, your motive is not ethological (hierarchy and aggression from animal world)

          6. Niemals Avatar


  2. Rudy1947 Avatar

    Until such time that Arabs world wide accept the fact that Israel exists AND ceases attacks, then any 2SS is simply a rearm and redeploy.

    1. man-o-war Avatar

      It will also help if people like vs accept the fact that Palestinians exist and aren’t going anywhere. Either 1 state or 2 states, no other solution.

      1. I don’t know how you understand me, i tried explain you that so called in soviet KGB with egyptian Arafat in 1964 is coined new political correct false? name “falestinian people” for local Orabians, (existing, why not existing?) Because before many years ago was people called
        Philistines. Are (existing) Circassians stupidly Falestinians or just simple Circassians speaking Circassian etc.? Also i’m against transfer of Orabians from Land of Israel, Judea, Samaria, everyone can live where he or she wants but Israel is small country with own population of Orabians (21%) and we have big or small 22 Orabian states for Orabians, why not Falestinians?

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Palestinians are from the Levant.

          1. Levantinians?

          2. Niemals Avatar

            Can you understand why Hind who claims to be a Lebanese is ashamed to emphasize this in her Twitter account (not Arabic…)?

          3. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            My name is Arabic, Lebanese Christians tweet about Syrian Christians, Israel-West funded ISIS and ME history, witch is not Zionist revisionist domain.
            You talk about me just to get attention, why go to trouble get a Twitter account, juste for me??;-))
            Why not use it? Because you have nothing else..

      2. Rudy1947 Avatar

        The purpose of their existence is the issue. PaliArabs and Arabs have shown little or no regard for the state of Israel and the PaliArab leadership has shown little of no regard for their own.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          ‘The purpose of their existence is the issue’ ???
          Balfour declaration you arrogant little Hitler.

          1. Rudy1947 Avatar

            The Brits thought so, but I was referring to the PalArabs and the Arabs.

          2. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Zionists who call Palestinians ‘PalArabs’ used Balfour for a foothold in Palestine! Talk about “anti-Semitism conspiracies”

            From there on Stern Gang Begin Irgun started a reign of terror culminating in bombing of British Headquarters in King David Hotel..even if many innocent Jews were killed

          3. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Here we go again with the same worn out newspaper photos. Anyway the Jews, including the Stern Gang won. Your PaliArabs lost.

          4. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Crook, everything is recorded not only Palestinians.
            ‘Israel must end ‘unlawful and cruel’ policies towards Palestinian prisoners Read Full Story

          5. Rudy1947 Avatar

            PaliArabs must end their ridiculous policies toward Israel and themselves.

          6. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Alice Crook in Wonderland.

          7. Hind Abyad Avatar
            Hind Abyad

            Blood sucking leeches.

            “This is just an ongoing play of power grab, land grab, false authority from the world Zionist organization and the Rothschild banking family, who is behind the finances of this land grab.”
            The basic policy of the Israelis is to divide and conquer and destabilize every nation that surrounds the [occupied territories], including Syria and Iran. That’s why the Israelis are constantly lying about Iran’s nuclear capability while they themselves have all kinds of nuclear bombs.
            The Zionists have a policy of destabilization and constant war.
            They need this constant war in order to pretend that there is no solution for the Palestine question. Therefore, he said, other countries should stop the Israeli regime because the regime is leading the world toward “World War III.”

          8. Rudy1947 Avatar

            Arabs can’t seem to control themselves, especially with the price of oil down and the eternal Sunni/Shia/Wahabbi BS.

      3. Ilami-Gilaki Avatar

        Palestinians don’t care about any solution. They are busy fighting for ISIS not agianst it or Israel for that matter.

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Why you attack Palestinians with Lies? You were never a Fascist.
          Pro-Israel Fascist American confesses….

        2. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Where do get these lies?
          Can i have the link please?

  3. Niemals Avatar

    Some more amazing news from Hind Abyad‏ @AbyadHind 8 Std. (RationalWiki) about the latest developments in the middle east that bring to light many contradictions. Of course from conspiracy theorist (Luke Rudkowski) and founder of “We Are Change”, a libertarian. American investigative “journalist”, right-wing activist, , independent media organization comprising individuals and groups working to “expose worldwide corruption and hold authoritative figures to account for their actions and crimes in which their involvement has been covered up or hidden from public knowledge.”
    He is also an ardent Ron Paul supporter.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      “anno dazumal – Kärnten – Joined Oct 30, 2016”

      Intouchable, Rene Descartes, Matrix, from; Matrix is banned,
      Oh Yeah appears, then becomes Niemals (German).. anno dazumal became Austrian. On top, you took Twitter using me to get attention on YaLibnan… because you have nothing else. 😉

      ‘A worried Lebanese’ hahah.. quel con!
      Ninimal capture’s a Zionist liar who gave his resignation on the following day

  4. Mary Presumptuous Avatar
    Mary Presumptuous

    “Palestinians claim the city’s eastern part as the capital of their future state.” There is no “future state”. Arafat declared the existence of the Palestinians’ state nearly 30 years ago and many countries recognize that as existing. The argument is merely about where it will be in the future.
    Every non-Arab knows where that country will not be.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      eljay February 7, 2017, 9:37 am

      … The Israeli Knesset on Monday passed a controversial new law that allows the Israeli government to expropriate private Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem …

      Zionist scorecard:
      – Thou shalt not covet. Fail.
      – Thou shalt not steal. Fail.
      – Thou shalt not kill. Fail.
      – Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Fail.

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        No they do not fail any… These laws are made for human beings not the zionists. 😉

  5. anno dazumal Avatar
    anno dazumal

    Of course, two states, but nobody knows where the states boundaries exist – so there is no future state without a recognized border.
    The Never Ending Story, unfortunately!

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar

      Hi Niemals

      1. anno dazumal Avatar
        anno dazumal

        You are right, it is no way an ending story – without referring to the move done by the Zionists lover Trump.

  6. In the meantime, the Lebanese degenerates never lose sight of what’s really important – banning “Wonder Woman”!:

  7. Niemals Avatar

    While the Israelis show solidarity with Palestinians, Hind fits hate propaganda from “Weißer Abschaum” claiming that they will preserve the White Race. Can not understand that Hind who claims to be a Lebanese (not Arabic) supports the idea of a white race genocide or a white extinction scenario.

    How can this go together?

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Cause its the never had any sophistication, not an intellectual,
      a dumb hateful human from planet Woolloomooloo.

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        LOL you mean KrautoollooOvenStuffingmoolooolooo?

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Ya 😉

  8. Niemals Avatar

    While the Israelis show solidarity with Palestinians, some Palestinians decide to act on their own way….., with a clear contempt for the wounded girl.

    1. The girl terrorist who attacked the soldiers in Mevo Dothan died

  9. “The coup of “Hamas” .. The second Nakba, which came to our people 10 years ago”

  10. Niemals Avatar

    Not all Israelis rally to end occupation or support the “Two states, One Hope”.

    One thing is sure, Hind Abyad (@hendabyad or @AbyadHind or whatever…) will find for you all those evil Israeli Jews (Zionists) representing the entire Jewish state (population) and its leaders….
    However Hind don’t like the Jews that rally to end occupation of Palestinian land and for “Two states, One Hope”, it would undermine her ideology.

    However she dosen’t know that in Israel there is no death penalty – only ONCE this law was bypassed, it was for the execution of SS-Obersturmbannführe Otto Adolf Eichmann – the execution was done † 1. Juni 1962 in Ramla bei Tel Aviv, Israel – by hanging.

    I wouldn’t be surprise that Hind as Eichmann can speak fluent Yiddish and Hebrew, and is familiar with the Jewish rites, and can move among Jews unintentionally.
    One Israeli lawmaker (Oren Hazan – Likud) executing Palestinian prisoners, what about all the hate preachers and Palestinian political leaders as well as other muslim preachers (leaders) repeating Kill the Jews to the Very Last One.
    In a Friday sermon in northern Italy, Sheik Abd Al-Barr Al-Rawdhi prayed to Allah to “count [the Jews] one by one and kill them to the very last one.” Al-Rawdhi, leading the prayers at Al-Rahma Mosque in San Donà di Piave, the Province of Venice, called upon Allah to “turn their food to poison and make the air they breathe blazing hot.” The sermon was posted on the Internet on July 29, 2014.

    What have this Egyptian/American hate preacher in common with the arab Palestinians?

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      Mongoloid Blocked

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