Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 22:43

Ramme is an free, unofficial Instagram desktop client for GNU/Linux. It's available for Ubuntu. For now, Ramme is officially available only for 64-bit (as .deb and .appimage formats). Here is how to download & install it. Note: if you are a programmer, Ramme is now looking for maintainer.

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1. Download Package

Ramme .deb package is available at GitHub Save .deb file on your $HOME folder.

2. Install Package

Open your Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command below.  Make sure the file name you type is exactly correct. Tip: just type Ramm and press TAB to autocomplete your typing.

$ sudo dpkg -i Ramme_3.0.3_amd64.deb

3. Installation Finished

Once installation finished, open your desktop menu and find Ramme icon. Run it and enjoy!