Lincoln Restler Sez: Vote for How to Spend My Million

We’re a bit late on this one, but you still have through this Sunday, April 2 to vote online for how City Councilmember Lincoln Restler (photo) should spend the million dollar kitty allocated to his 33rd City Council District for climate justice related projects. There are nine projects to choose from, and you may vote for up to three. The projects are described here. You may vote online here, or in person at the Brooklyn Heights Library, 286 Cadman Plaza West, on Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.

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  • Carlo Trigiani

    It’s the taxpayers’ money, not Lincoln Restler’s. This program paints the politicians in a benevolent light. Taxes are out of control. Between the state and the city, we’re taxed to death. And get little in return. I’d prefer an option to get my share of the million back.

  • Take Our Sidewalks Back

    How about we use it to buy back the sidewalk that Clark’s Restaurant has overtaken on Henry Street. How can this be legal? Between the new, permanently affixed posts to the cement, the cement flower beds and the street light there is no way more than one person can walk by at a time. Not to mention anyone that is disabled or in a wheelchair. Today they painted the pavement and added a special coating to demarcate an even larger taking of the sidewalk. It’s bad enough that they already have an extension off of the side of their building. Now they need even more of the sidewalk? It won’t be long before they are in the middle of the street. Rant over. What say you Mr. Restler, can you buy it back or at least see if this violates any pedestrian access? I feel bad for the older folks and those in wheelchairs.

  • Arch Stanton

    How about a new hairstyle for starters?

  • Andrew Porter

    I was looking at this a few weeks ago and noting that they never applied for permits from Landmarks—perhaps because they’d know this was illegal. I commented on this to a person passing by, who told me she was on the BHA board, and would be taking it up with them.

    Hopefully, something will be done soon.

  • FatFreddy’sCatheter

    First they came for the afros,
    And I said nothing,
    Because I didn’t have an afro.
    Then they came for the jewfros…

  • Jorale-man

    I voted for the tree planting option. It seemed the most equitable, as it’s supposed to apply to all of his neighborhoods. We’ll see. A lot of old trees in the Heights have come down in recent times, as storms get worse and trees reach old age.

  • clarknt67

    Sigh. Sad that antisemitism is still common. Jewfros 4eva!

  • clarknt67

    I spend too much time worrying that the early 20th century stock of London Planes is reaching the end of their life cycle.