How Much Do You Study?

A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned the Princeton Review law school rankings. The rankings are based on law student surveys, which may explain why the rankings bear little relationship to reality.
But Paul Caron of Tax Prof Blog has looked at Princeton Review’s underlying data, and he’s come up with some interesting info about how much law students are studying.
Here are the top ten schools in terms of study hours per day:

Villanova law students, you guys are lying. You cannot possibly average 7.5 hours of study a day unless you are (a) skipping class or (b) really dumb.
After the jump, let’s take a look at the schools that report the least amount of study time.

Looking at the schools that study the least, Yale Law School once again comes out on top:

I wonder what Yale law students do with all that extra time they are not spending studying? Banging Yale undergrads? Taking trips to Foxwoods? Fighting fires?
You know what they say, the hardest part is getting in. [FN1]
[FN1] Also hard, mastering the Yale Law School curriculum while averaging only 1.5 hours of study per day.
2010 Princeton Review Law School Rankings: Which Students Study the Most (and Least)? [Tax Prof Blog]
Earlier: Law School Rankings From Princeton Review
