t(hink) l(earn); d(iscover) r(eason)
July 2, 2009
Orange Romania is getting ready for taking pre-orders for the iPhone 3GS (the web page was not launched yet, but I’ll add it once it becomes available).
It looks like I was right about Orange waiting for Vodafone to launch Nokia N97 and then start...

Orange Romania is getting ready for taking pre-orders for the iPhone 3GS (the web page was not launched yet, but I’ll add it once it becomes available).

It looks like I was right about Orange waiting for Vodafone to launch Nokia N97 and then start taking pre-orders for the iPhone 3GS, the device aiming for perfection.

Now let the questions start: black or white? 16GB or 32GB? What data subscription? Do you plan to get the tethering additional package?

Update: The page is available here, but it is not a pre-order page but a ‘be the first to hear about the launch time’. To make things even worse the registration on the page doesn’t even work. Orange Romania: FAIL FAIL FAIL

Orange Romania FAIL FAIL FAIL

While at the time Apple announced the iPhone 3GS I was almost sure that I want this phone, what I’m noticing about Orange Romania is really scary. And while others have tried at least to help, Orange Romania doesn’t seem to care at all. Am I right to say Orange Romania FAIL FAIL FAIL?

Update 2 I’ve spent some more time on that page (not sure why though) and figured out the problem: if you enter some text in the 'comments’ field then you’ll get the above crash (probably a basic test would have helped here).