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Versioning to Bust Cache

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We've got a real nice setup here! With gulp running, if we update any Sass files, this main.css gets regenerated. But there's just one problem: when we deploy an updated main.css, how can we bust browser cache so our visitors see the new stuff?

To solve this easily, we could go into the template, add a ?v= to the end, then manually update this on each deploy. Of course, I'll definitely forget to do this, so let's find a better way with Gulp.

Introducing gulp-rev

Search for the plugin gulp-rev, as in "revision". Open up its docs. This plugin does one thing: you point it at a file - like unicorn.css - and it changes the name, adding a hash on the end. That hash is based on the contents, so it'll change whenever the file changes.

So let's think about this: if we can somehow make our template automatically point to whatever the latest hashed filename is, we've got instant cache-busting. Every time we deploy with an update, your CSS file will have a new name.

I want to do that, so copy the install line and get that downloading:

npm install --save-dev gulp-rev

Now, head to gulpfile.js. Remember, we're using gulp-load-plugins, so we don't need the require line. In addStyle, add the new pipe() right before the sourcemaps are dumped so that both the CSS file and its map are renamed. Inside, use plugins.rev():

73 lines | gulpfile.js
// ... lines 1 - 13
// ... lines 15 - 19
// ... lines 21 - 22
// ... lines 24 - 73

Ok, let's see what this does. I'll clean out web/css:

rm -rf web/css/*

Now run gulp:


Go check out that directory. Instead of main.css and dinosaur.css, we have main-50d83f6c.css and dinosaur-32046959.css And the maps also got renamed - so our browser will still find them.

But you probably also see the problem: the site is broken! We're still including the old main.css file in our layout.

Dumping the rev-manifest.json File

We can't just update base.html.twig to use the new hashed name because it would re-break every time we changed the file. What we need is a map that says: "Hey, main.css is actually called main-50d83f6c.css." If we had that, we could use it inside our PHP code to rewrite the main.css in the base template to hashed version automatically. When the hashed name updates, the map would update, and so would our code.

And of course, the gulp-rev people thought of this! They call that map a "manifest". To get gulp-rev to create that for us, we need to ask it really nicely. At the end, add another pipe() to plugins.rev.manifest() and tell that where we want the manifest. Let's put it next to our assets at app/Resources/assets/rev-manifest.json:

76 lines | gulpfile.js
// ... lines 1 - 12
app.addStyle = function(paths, outputFilename) {
// ... lines 15 - 22
// write the rev-manifest.json file for gulp-rev
// ... line 25
// ... lines 27 - 76

As you'll see, this file doesn't need to be publicly accessible - our PHP code just needs to be able to read it.

There's one more interesting step: pipe() this into gulp.dest('.'):

76 lines | gulpfile.js
// ... lines 1 - 13
// ... lines 15 - 22
// write the rev-manifest.json file for gulp-rev
// ... lines 26 - 76


What do Multiple dest()'s mean?

So far, we've always had one gulp.src() at the top and one gulp.dest() at the bottom, but you can have more. Our first gulp.dest() writes the CSS file. But once we pipe to plugins.rev.manifest(), the Gulp stream changes. Instead of being the CSS file, the manifest is now being passed through the pipes. So the last gulp.dest() just writes that file relative to the root directory.

Let me show you. Stop gulp and restart:


And there's our rev-manifest.json file:

    "main.css": "main-50d83f6c.css"

It holds the map from main.css to its actual filename right now. It is missing dinosaur.css, but we'll fix that in a second.

Fixing the manifest base directory

But there's another problem I want to tackle first. In a second, we're going to put JavaScript paths into the manifest too. So I really need this to have the full public path - css/main.css - instead of just the filename.

So why does it just say main.css? Because when we call addStyle(), we pass in only main.css. This is passed to concat() and that becomes the path that's used by gulp-rev.

The fix is easy! Inside concat(), update it to css/ then the filename. That changes the filename that's inside the Gulp stream. To keep the file in the same spot, just take the css/ out of the gulp.dest() call:

76 lines | gulpfile.js
// ... lines 1 - 12
app.addStyle = function(paths, outputFilename) {
// ... lines 15 - 17
// ... lines 19 - 21
// ... lines 23 - 25
// ... lines 27 - 76

So nice: those two pipes work together to put the file in the same spot. Run gulp again:


Now, rev-manifest.json has the css/ prefix we need:

    "css/main.css": "css/main-50d83f6c.css"

Merging Manifests

So why the heck doesn't my dinosaur.css show up here? The addStyle() function is called twice: once for main.css and once for dinosaur.css. But the second time, since the manifest file is already there, it does nothing. Unless, you pass an option called merge and set it to true:

78 lines | gulpfile.js
// ... lines 1 - 13
// ... lines 15 - 22
// write the rev-manifest.json file for gulp-rev
.pipe(plugins.rev.manifest('app/Resources/assets/rev-manifest.json', {
merge: true
// ... lines 27 - 78

Let's see if this fixed it! Re-run gulp:


Yes! The hard part is done - this is a perfect manifest file:

    "css/main.css": "css/main-50d83f6c.css",
    "css/dinosaur.css": "css/dinosaur-32046959.css"

Phew! We're in the homestretch - the Gulp stuff is done. The only thing left is to make our PHP use the manifest file.

Since I'm in Twig, I'm going to invent a new filter called asset_version:

48 lines | app/Resources/views/base.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 9
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/main.css'|asset_version) }}"/>
// ... lines 11 - 48

Let's make it do something! I already created an empty Twig extension file to get us started:

namespace AppBundle\Twig;
class AssetVersionExtension extends \Twig_Extension
private $appDir;
public function __construct($appDir)
$this->appDir = $appDir;
public function getFilters()
return array(
public function getName()
return 'asset_version';

And I told Twig about this in my app/config/services.yml file:

12 lines | app/config/services.yml
// ... lines 1 - 5
class: AppBundle\Twig\AssetVersionExtension
arguments: ["%kernel.root_dir%"]
- { name: twig.extension }

So, this Twig extension is ready to go! All we need to do is register this asset_version filter, which I'll do inside getFilters() with new \Twig_SimpleFilter('asset_version', ...) and we'll have it call a method in this class called getAssetVersion:

// ... lines 1 - 13
public function getFilters()
return array(
new \Twig_SimpleFilter('asset_version', array($this, 'getAssetVersion')),
// ... lines 20 - 41

Below, I'll add that function. It'll be passed the $filename that we're trying to version. So for us, css/main.css.

Ok, our job is simple: open up rev-manifest.json, find the path, then return its versioned filename value. The path to that file is $this->appDir - I've already setup that property to point to the app/ directory - then /Resources/assets/rev-manifest.json:

// ... lines 1 - 20
public function getAssetVersion($filename)
$manifestPath = $this->appDir.'/Resources/assets/rev-manifest.json';
// ... lines 24 - 33
// ... lines 35 - 41

With the power of TV, I'll magically add the next few lines. First, throw a clear exception if the file is missing. Next, open it up, decode the JSON, and set the map to an $assets variable. Since the manifest file has the original filename as the key, let's throw one more exception if the file isn't in the map. I want to know when I mess up. And finally, return that mapped value!

// ... lines 1 - 20
public function getAssetVersion($filename)
$manifestPath = $this->appDir.'/Resources/assets/rev-manifest.json';
if (!file_exists($manifestPath)) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Cannot find manifest file: "%s"', $manifestPath));
$paths = json_decode(file_get_contents($manifestPath), true);
if (!isset($paths[$filename])) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf('There is no file "%s" in the version manifest!', $filename));
return $paths[$filename];
// ... lines 35 - 41

So we give it css/main.css and it gives us the hashed filename.

Let's give it a shot! Take a deep breath and refresh. Victory! Our beautiful site is back - the hashed filename shows up in the source.

Ok ok, let's play with it. Open layout.scss and give everything a red background. The Gulp watch robots are working, so I immediately see a brand new hashed main.css file in web/css. But will our layout automatically update to the new filename? Refresh to find out. Yes! The new CSS filename pops up and the site has this subtle red background.

Go back and undo that change. Things go right back to green. Oh, and we do have one other CSS file on the dino show page. It should be giving us a little more space below the T-Rex, but it's 404'ing. We need to make it use the versioned filename.

So, open up show.html.twig and give it the asset_version filter:

// ... lines 1 - 5
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/dinosaur.css'|asset_version) }}"/>
// ... lines 7 - 23

Refresh - perfect! No 404 error, and our button can get a little breathing room from the T-Rex. It took a little setup, but congrats - you've got automatic cache-busting.


You can make the getAssetVersion() function more efficient by following the advice in this comment.


In Symfony, it's also possible to avoid needing to use the filter by leveraging a cool thing called "version strategies". Check out the details posted by a helpful user here.

Don't commit the manifest

But should we commit the rev-manifest.json file to source control? I'd say no: it's generated automatically by Gulp. So, finish things off by adding it to your .gitignore file:

18 lines | .gitignore
// ... lines 1 - 16