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Deck the halls with:
Grunt, RequireJS & Bower
by your friend:

Ryan Weaver
Who is this jolly guy?
The “Docs” guy

KnpLabs US - Symfony consulting, training, Kumbaya

Writer for
Husband of the much more talented

Shout-out to the Docs team!

“Hack” with us on Sat!



Your friendly neighborhood
JavaScript developer is all
grown up… and kicking butt
No Node.js


Minifying and combining
done with a backend

No RequireJS, AngularJS

SASS/LESS were virtually
Node.js for running
server-side JavaScript



JavaScript task runners
(e.g. Grunt) for uglifying
and much more

SASS/LESS are very
mature and can compile
Your friend Pablo from
ServerGrove is
redeveloping the SG control
panel with a pure-JS

Can we continue to use
JavaScript like we have
in the past?


But we’re Symfony2

… with the highest
standards in PHP

When we write JavaScript…

Let’s write great JavaScript

Our Goal
Take a traditional Symfony app
and make it much more jolly
by using Node.js, Bower,
RequireJS, Compass and Grunt

it’s on your
Christmas list
The Project
* Symfony 2.3 - simple events website

* The code:

{% block stylesheets %}	
{% stylesheets	

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" />	
{% endstylesheets %}	
{% endblock %}	
{% block body %}{% endblock %}	

{% block javascripts %}	
{% javascripts	
<script type="text/javascript"	
src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>	
{% endjavascripts %}	
{% endblock %}	
* Homepage:
A) Has its own page-specific JS code

* New Event
A) Has its own page-specific JS code
B) Has page-specific CSS (event_form.css)

Node.js and npm


Server-side JavaScript
1) Executes JavaScript code

2) Adds extra functionality for using
JavaScript to deal with filesystems and other
things that make sense on a server

3) Similar to the “php” executable that lets
us interpret PHP code

sys = require('sys');	

for (i=0; i<5; i++) {	

extra stuff added by Node.js
Node.js gives us the
ability to use JavaScript
as yet-another-serverside-scripting-language
1) Composer for Node.js
2) Can be used to install things globally or
into your project (usually in a node_modules)
3) Reads dependencies from a package.json file

With Node.js and npm,
we can quickly create small
JavaScript files that use
external modules
With PHP and Composer,
we can quickly create small
PHP files that use
external libraries
Why should we care?
Fronted JavaScript library
build and development
tools are written in
JavaScript, executed with
Composer-lite for client-side
(and one of those Node.js
libraries installed with npm)
How do I get frontend libraries (e.g. jQuery,
Bootstrap) downloaded into my project?
1) Downloads frontend libraries (usually JS)
into a directory in your project
2) Reads from a bower.json file
3) Handles dependencies!


sudo npm install -g bower

this means “install it globally” on your
machine - i.e. a bit like how Pear works
Yo Bower, put the libraries over there:

"directory": "web/assets/vendor"	
bower init
creates a bower.json file, with nothing
important in it

bower install bootstrap --save
Download the “bootstrap” library and
adds it as a dependency to bower.json
"dependencies": {	
"bootstrap": "~3.0.2"	

** yes, this *is* composer.json for Bower
Now, how do we use these
“Requiring” something in PHP

require 'Event.php';	

$event = new Event();	
echo $event->getName();
“Requiring” something in JS
<script type="text/javascript" 	

<script type="text/javascript">	
Composer does 2 things:
1) Downloads libraries and
their dependencies

2) Sets up autoloading so
you don’t need “require”
Bower does 1 thing:
1) Downloads libraries and
their dependencies

2) Sets up autoloading so
you don’t need “require”
{% block body %}{% endblock %}	

{% block javascripts %}	
{% javascripts	
<script type="text/javascript"	
src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>	
{% endjavascripts %}	
{% endblock %}	
{% block body %}{% endblock %}	

{% block javascripts %}	
{% javascripts	

<script type="text/javascript"	
src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>	
{% endjavascripts %}	
{% endblock %}	



Autoloading for client-side
Before we reference something in JavaScript, we
need to make sure it’s been included via a
<script> tag
* A library that allows us to load JavaScript
resources without worrying about script tags

* Instead, we use a require function, which is
quite similar to the PHP require statement

RequireJS works by requiring “modules”,
not files.

(though one file will contain one module)
Get it!

bower install requirejs --save
Remove all the JavaScript!
{% block body %}{% endblock %}	

{% block javascripts %}	
{% javascripts	
<script type="text/javascript"	
src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>	
{% endjavascripts %}	
{% endblock %}	
src="{{ asset('assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}">	


baseUrl: 'assets/js',	
paths: {	
jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min',	
bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min'	

1) Bring in the require.js file
downloaded via Bower using a normal
script tag



2) Configure RequireJS

src="{{ asset('assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}">	


All modules live relative to this directory


baseUrl: '/assets/js',	
paths: {	
jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min',	
bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min'	


2) Configure RequireJS

src="{{ asset('assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}">	


Exceptions: when I ask for “jquery” look
for it here (relative to baseUrl), instead
of assets/js/jquery

baseUrl: '/assets/js',	
paths: {	
jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min',	
bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min'	


2) Configure RequireJS

src="{{ asset('assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}">	


Loads assets/js/app/homepage.js

baseUrl: '/assets/js',	
paths: {	
jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min',	
bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min'	


define([], function() {	
console.log("It's alive!");	
But how does it work?
But how!
* All files are loaded by adding script tags
right into the HTML. But these use the async
tag, so do not block the page load.

* You’ll commonly see a data-main attribute
in setup. It loads that module. Our setup
does the same thing.
now, what if we need jQuery?
Remember, jQuery isn’t even downloaded
yet - the global $ is not available
define([], function() {	
$ = require('jquery');	
… it might look something like this?
define([], function() {	
$ = require('jquery');	
The require function *can’t* work like this.

Unlike PHP files, scripts need to be
downloaded, which takes time.

Our function can’t run until that happens
define(['jquery'], function ($) {	
$(document).ready(function() {	
$('a').on('click', function(e) {	
alert('Ah ah ah, you didn't say
the magic word!');	

Get the jquery module and *then* execute
this function
define(['jquery', 'bootstrap'], function ($,
Bootstrap) {	
$(document).ready(function() {	
$('a').on('click', function(e) {	
var $nope = $('<div>...</div>');	
$nope.text('Ah ah ah, you didn't
say the magic word!'	
Get the jquery and bootstrap modules

and *then* execute this function
baseUrl: '/assets/js',	
paths: {	
jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min',	
bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min'	
shim: {	
fixes an issue where
bootstrap: ['jquery']	 Bootstrap *needs* jQuery
before it’s downloaded

shim is a way for you to configure libraries
that aren’t proper RequireJS modules
Let’s create a new module (Love) that
takes down the grinch before he steals
define(['jquery', 'bootstrap'], function ($, Boots) {	

return {	
spiritOfXmas: function() {	
$('a').on('click', function(e) {	
var $love = $('<div>...</div>');	
$love.text('The Grinch’s heart grew
three sizes that day'	

define(['jquery', 'bootstrap'], function ($, Boots) {	

return {	
spiritOfXmas: function() {	
$('a').on('click', function(e) {	
var $love = $('<div>...</div>');	
$love.text('The Grinch’s heart grew
three sizes that day'	


Return some value (usually an object) that
will be the app/modules/newman “module”
['jquery', 'app/modules/love'],	
function ($, Love) {	

$(document).ready(function() {	
This takes care of bringing in JavaScript
for the homepage. But what about the
new event page?
1) Move the RequireJS code to a new template

<script src="{{ asset('assets/vendor/requirejs/require.js') }}"></
baseUrl: '/assets/js',	
paths: {	
domReady: '../vendor/requirejs-domready/domReady',	
jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min',	
bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min'	
// …	

... and make the module a variable


require(['{{ module }}']);	
2) Add a requirejs block to your <head>

{% block requirejs %}{% endblock %}
3) Include the module you need

{% block requirejs %}	
{{ include('::_requirejs.html.twig', {	
'module': 'app/homepage'	
}) }}	
{% endblock %}
4) Repeat!

{% block requirejs %}	
{{ include('::_requirejs.html.twig', {	
'module': 'app/event_new'	
}) }}	
{% endblock %}

define(['jquery'], function ($) {	

$(document).ready(function() {	
// ...	
Combining JavaScript files
Each module is loaded from an individual file
meaning there are lots of HTTP requests
When we include the file containing moduleA,
let’s also packaged moduleB and moduleC in
there so when we need them, we already have
Let’s start by creating a
common “module” that’s
always loaded
paths: {	
domReady: '../vendor/requirejs-domready/domReady',	

jquery: '../vendor/jquery/jquery.min',	
bootstrap: '../vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min'	
shim: {	
bootstrap: ['jquery']	
<script src="{{ asset('/assets/vendor/
requirejs/require.js') }}"></script>	

baseUrl: '/assets/js'	

require(['common'], function (common) {	
require(['{{ module }}']);	
<script src="{{ asset('/assets/vendor/
requirejs/require.js') }}"></script>	

Setup baseUrl so
we can reference
the common
baseUrl: '/assets/js'	
module below


require(['common'], function (common) {	
require(['{{ module }}']);	
<script src="{{ asset('/assets/vendor/
requirejs/require.js') }}"></script>	

Load common and
*then* load our
real module
baseUrl: '/assets/js'	


require(['common'], function (common) {	
require(['{{ module }}']);	
Because now we have a
module (common) that’s
*always* loaded
and we can use the
optimizer to “push” more
modules (e.g. bootstrap,
jquery) into it
Installing the Optimizer
* Optimization is a server-side JavaScript tool

* In other words it’s a node library installed
via npm

* We’ll install it into our project, by defining
our project’s dependencies in package.json
Create an empty package.json

npm init
npm install requirejs --save-dev
"devDependencies": {	
"requirejs": "~2.1.9"	
and we also now have a
node_modules directory in our
project with requirejs in it

** We could have also installed it globally, like we did
with Bower. All we really need is the r.js executable
Configuration tells RequireJS how
to minify and combine files

mainConfigFile: 'web/assets/js/common.js',	
baseUrl: './js',	
appDir: 'web/assets',	
dir: 'web/assets-built',	
modules: [	
name: 'common',	
include: ['jquery', 'bootstrap']	
name: 'app/homepage',	
exclude: ['common']	

mainConfigFile: 'web/assets/js/common.js',	
baseUrl: './js',	
appDir: 'web/assets',	
dir: 'web/assets-built',	
modules: web/assets directory is
The entire [	
first copied to web/assets-built
name: 'common',	
include: ['jquery', 'bootstrap']	
name: 'app/homepage',	
exclude: ['common']	

mainConfigFile: 'web/assets/js/common.js',	
These files are then re-written.
baseUrl: reads their
RequireJS './js',	 dependencies
appDir: 'web/assets',	
and includes them in the file
dir: 'web/assets-built',	
modules: [	
name: 'common',	
include: ['jquery', 'bootstrap']	
name: 'app/homepage',	
exclude: ['common']	

mainConfigFile: 'web/assets/js/common.js',	
baseUrl: './js',	
... plus we can manually include
appDir: 'web/assets',	
dir: modules
more 'web/assets-built',	
modules: [	
name: 'common',	
include: ['jquery', 'bootstrap']	
name: 'app/homepage',	
exclude: ['common']	

mainConfigFile: 'web/assets/js/common.js',	
baseUrl: './js',	
appDir: 'web/assets',	
dir: 'web/assets-built',	
modules: [	
Avoids packaging
name: 'common',	
jquery , bootstrap
include: ['jquery', 'bootstrap']	
into homepage since
we now already
have it in common
name: 'app/homepage',	
exclude: ['common']	
node node_modules/.bin/r.js -o build.js
Now, just point everything to
{% set assetsPath = 'assets-built' %}	

<script src="{{ asset(assetsPath~'/vendor/
requirejs/require.js') }}"></script>	

baseUrl: '/{{ assetsPath }}/js'	

require(['common'], function (common) {	
require(['{{ module }}']);	

Not super dynamic yet... but it works!
assets-built is the same as assets
except when we include the common
module, it has jquery and bootstrap
packaged inside it
Sass with style
Static CSS files are *so* 2010
* Processes sass files into CSS

* A sass “framework”: adds a lot of extra
functionality, including CSS3 mixins, sprites,

Use Bower to bring in a sass Bootstrap

"dependencies": {	
"sass-bootstrap": "~3.0.0"	
"requirejs": "~2.1.9",	
bower install
Rename and reorganize CSS into SASS files

* _base.scss
* _event.scss
* _events.scss
* event_form.scss
* layout.scss
Rename and reorganize CSS into SASS files

* _base.scss
* _event.scss
* _events.scss
* event_form.scss
* layout.scss

(was event.css)
(was events.css)
(was main.css)

** these files were included on every page
Rename and reorganize CSS into SASS files

* _base.scss
* _event.scss
* _events.scss
* event_form.scss
* layout.scss

(was event_form.css)

** included only on the “new event” page
Rename and reorganize CSS into SASS files

* _base.scss
* _event.scss
* _events.scss
* event_form.scss
* layout.scss
These are the only CSS files that will be
included directly
{% block stylesheets %}	
<link rel="stylesheet"	

href="{{ asset('assets/css/layout.css') }}"/>	

{% endblock %}

{% block stylesheets %}	
{{ parent() }}	

<link rel="stylesheet"	

href="{{ asset('assets/css/event_form.css') }}"/>	

{% endblock %}
{% block stylesheets %}	
<link rel="stylesheet"	

href="{{ asset('assets/css/layout.css') }}"/>	

{% endblock %}

{% block stylesheets %}	
We link directly to non-existent
{{ parent() }}	

CSS files,

which we’ll generate
<link rel="stylesheet"	

href="{{ asset('assets/css/event_form.css') }}"/>	

{% endblock %}




body {	
// ...	




body {	
// ...	

Sets variables and imports mixins
used in all SASS files




body {	
// ...	

Import other files that contain actual CSS
rules. These will eventually be concatenated
into 1 file.

@import "base";	

/* for play, make the inputs super-rounded */	
.form-group input {	
@include border-radius(20px, 20px);	
Now, just use more tools
sudo npm install -g compass
compass compile 
“partials” (files beginning with “_”) are ignored
compass watch 
watches for file changes and regenerates the
necessary CSS files
app/console for JavaScript
We have an increasing number of “build”
operations we need to run for JavaScript & CSS
1) Before deploy, run the RequireJS optimizer
2) Before deploy, run Compass
3) During development, watch Compass
Install the Grunt executable
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
"devDependencies": {	
"requirejs": "~2.1.9",	
"grunt": "~0.4.2",	
"grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.6.3",	
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.2.2",	
"grunt-contrib-requirejs": "~0.4.1",	
"grunt-contrib-compass": "~0.6.0",	
"grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.5.3"	
Install Grunt into your
project + some modules
"devDependencies": {	
"requirejs": "~2.1.9",	
"grunt": "~0.4.2",	
"grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.6.3",	
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.2.2",	
"grunt-contrib-requirejs": "~0.4.1",	
"grunt-contrib-compass": "~0.6.0",	
"grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.5.3"	
npm install
Grunt works by creating a
Gruntfile.js file, where we
define tasks (like app/console)
module.exports = function (grunt) {	

grunt -h

Eventually we can run grunt RequireJS
but we need to configure each command

Use Grunt to run the RequireJS optimizer
Remove the RequireJS build.js and moves its
contents here
appDir: 'web/assets',	
builtDir: 'web/assets-built',	
requirejs: {	
main: {	
options: {	
mainConfigFile: '<%= appDir %>/js/
appDir: '<%= appDir %>',	
baseUrl: './js',	
dir: '<%= builtDir %>',	
optimizeCss: "none",	
optimize: "none",	
modules: [... same as build.js ...]	
appDir: 'web/assets',	
builtDir: 'web/assets-built',	
We can setup
requirejs: {	
main: {	
variables and use
options: {	
mainConfigFile: '<%= appDir %>/js/
appDir: '<%= appDir %>',	
baseUrl: './js',	
dir: '<%= builtDir %>',	
optimizeCss: "none",	
optimize: "none",	
modules: [... same as build.js ...]	
appDir: 'web/assets',	
builtDir: 'web/assets-built',	
requirejs: {	 RequireJS *can* uglify CSS
and JS, but we’ll leave this
main: {	
options: {	to Uglify and Compass
mainConfigFile: '<%= appDir %>/js/
appDir: '<%= appDir %>',	
baseUrl: './js',	
dir: '<%= builtDir %>',	
optimizeCss: "none",	
optimize: "none",	
modules: [... same as build.js ...]	
appDir: 'web/assets',	
builtDir: 'web/assets-built',	 We can
This is a sub-task.
requirejs: {	
now run grunt requirejs:main
main: {	
or grunt requirejs to run all
options: {	
sub-tasks '<%= appDir %>/js/
appDir: '<%= appDir %>',	
baseUrl: './js',	
dir: '<%= builtDir %>',	
optimizeCss: "none",	
optimize: "none",	
modules: [... same as build.js ...]	
Repeat for Compass!
compass: {	
dist: {	
options: {	
sassDir: '<%= builtDir %>/sass',	
cssDir: '<%= builtDir %>/css',	
environment: 'production',	
outputStyle: 'compressed'	
dev: {	
options: {	
sassDir: '<%= appDir %>/sass',	
cssDir: '<%= appDir %>/css',	
outputStyle: 'expanded'	
We have 2 sub-tasks:
1) compass:dist for deployment
2) compass:dev for development
Repeat for Uglify (to
minimize our JS files)!
** The RequireJS optimizer can uglify,
but using uglify directly gives us a bit
more control
uglify: {	
build: {	
files: [	
expand: true,	
cwd: '<%= builtDir %>',	
src: 'js/*.js',	
dest: '<%= builtDir %>'	
And even JsHint
jshint: {	
all: [	
'<%= appDir %>/js/{,*/}*.js'	
Roll these up into some
grouped commands
// task for development	
grunt.registerTask('dev', [	

// task for before deployment	
grunt.registerTask('production', [	

1) syntax and style check our JS
2) copies assets to assets-dist and compiles
some files
3) uglifies all JS files in assets-dist
4) compiles all assets-dist/sass files


// task for before deployment	
grunt.registerTask('production', [	
1) 'jshint',	
What about “watching”
watch: {	
scripts: {	
files: [	
'<%= appDir %>/js/*.js',	
// ...	
tasks: ['jshint']	
compass: {	
files: '<%= appDir %>/sass/*.scss',	
tasks: ['compass:dev']	
assets versus assets-dist
How to handle in Symfony
Grunt perfectly copies assets to assets-dist and
processes it. But how do we load our JS and
CSS files from the correct directory?
Simple Solution
assets_directory: 'assets'	

# ...	
assetsPath: %assets_directory%

assets_directory: 'assets-prod'
<script src="{{ asset(assetsPath~'/vendor/
requirejs/require.js') }}"></script>	
baseUrl: '/{{ assetsPath }}/js'	

// ...	

{% block stylesheets %}	
<link rel="stylesheet"	
href="{{ asset(assetsPath~'/css/layout.css') }}"/>	

{% endblock %}
Manual, but straightforward
If you wish, a fancier
solution exists, do it!
1) Extend the asset() function to change
the directory

2) Create a new Twig function to replace
Bower downloads JS

Modules included via



Compass compiles our
SASS files


Grunt optimizes for
RequireJS, Uglifies, runs
Compass, and watches for
When developing:

grunt watch
When deploying:

grunt production
and make your own Grunt
tasks for other processing
function() {	
sys = require('sys');	
sys.puts('Thanks everyone!');	
JavaScript is a first-class
tool in your stack

Treat it with the same care
and quality as everything

And (code) be cool like a
frontend developer

Ho ho ho, thanks!
Brutal Feedback appreciated
The code:

Keep learning:

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UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 3UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 3
UiPath Test Automation using UiPath Test Suite series, part 3
Transcript: Selling digital books in 2024: Insights from industry leaders - T...
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Software Delivery At the Speed of AI: Inflectra Invests In AI-Powered Quality
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Smart TV Buyer Insights Survey 2024 by 91mobiles.pdf
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Future Visions: Predictions to Guide and Time Tech Innovation, Peter Udo Diehl
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When stars align: studies in data quality, knowledge graphs, and machine lear...
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Slack (or Teams) Automation for Bonterra Impact Management (fka Social Soluti...
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Connector Corner: Automate dynamic content and events by pushing a button
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Neuro-symbolic is not enough, we need neuro-*semantic*
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Neuro-symbolic is not enough, we need neuro-*semantic*
Le nuove frontiere dell'AI nell'RPA con UiPath Autopilot™
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Knowledge engineering: from people to machines and back
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Knowledge engineering: from people to machines and back

Cool like a Frontend Developer: Grunt, RequireJS, Bower and other Tools