
Re-aligned with the PFDJ but disappointed

Re-aligned with the PFDJ but disappointed

After the downfall of the Derg regime in Ethiopia and the liberation of Eritrea in 1991, the Sudanese government curtailed the movement of …

Reverse Season on Migration

Reverse Season on Migration

Dilemma: do we welcome those who abandon the PFDJ, forgetting the pain they inflicted on us because we dared to oppose the regime, and move …

Please respond to the call

Please respond to the call

Dear Friends of Awate and Negarit When we launched the 2024 fundraising in January, we were (and still are) counting on the thousands of …

The Shirt-Color Rivalry

The Shirt-Color Rivalry

Eritrea is the home of diverse social groups, a country built on an idea. And the citizens are content on being Eritrean, despite the …

Negarit 273: Citizenship and Identity Chaos

Negarit 273: Citizenship and Identity Chaos

The most disturbing debate many uninformed disrupters were engaged in was on the difference between identity or citizenship and which …

Will they die or be martyred?

Will they die or be martyred?

Listening or reading Negarit requires patience, please bring some additional patience from your storage. If you are short-tempered, with …


Eritrean Digest


Belly of the Beast


