More Shoes Drop In NJ’s Expanding Sinkhole Problems

Residents Of Apartment Buildings Express Concerns

NJ Media Finally Reports On Sinkhole Risks From 600 Old Mines

Academic Expert Says No One Is Working On Investigating Problems

DEP Created Many “Solid Waste Sinkhole” Problems Across The State, But Abdicates And Shifts Responsibility To Local Government

Still No Coverage Of the Karst/Limestone Issue And New Development

Exactly as I predicted, even more shoes have dropped in the original Interstate 80 sinkhole closure. The problem began with I-80, but the scope of problems being reported now includes risks to nearby occupied buildings and from 600 abandoned mines.

But the issues and risks are even broader than that. More shoes will drop.

But finally, NJ media have begun to ask tough questions, yet several key issues still have gone unreported.

Fourteen (14) years ago, we used DEP maps and data to warn about risks from abandoned mines.

NJ Spotlight reported on that today:

Twelve (12) years ago, we warned about sinkhole risks to critical infrastructure, based on a sinkhole formed during the construction of the Tennessee Gas pipeline.

No reporting on any of that.

Last year, we warned about risks from the privatization of building inspections, including sinkhole risks from the disposal of solid waste at construction sites:

NJ’s construction industry has a long history of corruption and dangerous practices – from shoddy construction, to sinkholes caused by burying construction debris on site, to illegal disposal of toxic fill (AKA “dirty dirt”), to building schools on hazardous waste sites – to name just a notorious few off the top of my head.

No reporting on any of that.

More recently, we also warned of sinkhole risks to occupied dwellings, from karst geology, and from solid waste disposal – including an emphasis on the lack of DEP regulation and policy:

Let’s not wait for an apartment building to collapse into a sinkhole before conducting that analysis.

Today, NJ Spotlight finally reported on some of that, see:

Excellent reporting.

I got a kick out of the “no comment” from the Mayor – who served on the planning board when the building was built 14 years ago – because he was so willing to talk in prior reporting about his “lunch box” program to support local business in a prior Spotlight story. It sure sounds like the Mayor ducted and contacted the State Department of Community Affairs. DCA regulations rely on private inspectors, exactly what we warned about last year! (see link above).

And the engineering Reports quoted only partially assess the risk. The focus on the engineering analysis seems limited to structural elements of the building, but the subsurface conditions are what matters! A structurally sound building can fall into a sinkhole!

But I was more disturbed by the comments of Rutgers Professor Gates (@ time 3:50):

There are some geophysical techniques that you could be using to figure out where the mines are …. but [no one] is doing that right now.

Wow. No one is working on the problem. And the sinkhole risk is broader than just mines: it includes karst/limestone geology and solid waste disposal.

On March 6, I warned:

… this is only the beginning, as the shoes continue to drop on the last 40 years of attack on government planning and regulation and disinvestment in public infrastructure.

There’s a very big story here. The dots must be connected.

Curiously, that same day (March 6), the DEP NJ Geological survey updated its website with a new feature on sinkholes with this cryptic CYA:

Do you have a sinkhole on your property? Learn about the types of sinkholes found in New Jersey, sinkhole and remediation, and resources that NJGWS provides. Find guidance for solid waste sinkholes in our sinkhole guidance document.

Say what?

The largest interstate highway in the State has collapsed due to a sinkhole months before, and after doing nothing for decades the DEP posts an innocent sounding question like:

Do you have a sinkhole on your property?

Oh, but it gets much worse.

If you hit the link and read the sinkhole guidance document,NJGS provides a troubling history that reveals that DEP created an unknown number of sinkholes across the state by deregulating disposal of construction and demolition debris and “clean fill” (AKA “dirty dirt”):

In 1986, in an effort to conserve limited remaining landfill capacity, the then New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) adopted regulations that permitted builders to deposit limited types and quantities of solid waste at construction sites. These regulations, which were set forth in the now amended N.J.A.C. 7:26-1.7(e), established certain limitations and restrictions including setbacks and buffer requirements that would minimize the potential for environmental impacts, including sinkhole problems. …

Another option that was more widely used for on-site burial during the 1980’s was the clean fill program. In order to maximize the recycling of certain demolition materials, which would otherwise end up in sanitary landfills, the Department allowed for the limited use of certain inert, uncontaminated, innocuous waste materials such as brick and concrete. This material would be used as “clean fill”, supplementing or replacing more common products such as earth or crushed stone, typically used at construction sites. …

The solid waste sinkhole problems that are reported to the Department generally are the result of the decomposition and settlement of improperly deposited waste materials and the subsequent subsidence of the ground surface.

DEP deregulation of solid waste disposal created unknown by statewide sinkhole and other serious risk and problems.

Who will ask DEP about this? DEP’s own document admits their negligence.

Now get this.

After DEP created a Statewide problem, the DEP provides no information to the public on the location or number of these actual and potential sinkhole sites, some of which may be hazardous waste sites due to the widespread practice of illegal disposal of “dirty dirt”. Some may also be causing toxic “vapor intrusion” into buildings or contaminating drinking water wells.

Perhaps worse, DEP admits even more deadly risks:

As evidenced by the April, 1993 tragedy in North Brunswick involving a seven year old boy, sinkholes can create dangerous conditions that are a direct threat to the safety of those living in the affected areas. The use of fencing or other suitable blockade should be used to prevent access to the area by children or other unsuspecting individuals.

So, what should a person do about sinkhole risks?

Don’t ask DEP – they’ve said you’re on your own and reliant on local government:

Contact the municipal engineer’s office. This office may be able to provide important historical information concerning the previous use of the property, any permits or approvals issued, and any oversight or inspections conducted over the years. Furthermore, this office may be able to provide the technical assistance necessary to determine the cause of the sinkhole; i.e., solid waste burial, underground stream, broken water main, etc. In addition, you may solicit their assistance with the preparation of remedial work activities. If this assistance is not available through your municipal engineer’s office, you may consider hiring a Civil Engineer or Geotechnical Consultant.

But the DEP actually not only allowed but promoted these disposal operations. The DEP issued approvals of them.

The DEP must have information on who is responsible for the disposal that causes a sinkhole to form, as well and the composition of the materials disposed and the locations of disposal areas prone to sinkholes.

This is not a local responsibility.

And someone needs to ask DEP if they still allow this to occur.

More to follow, as more shoes drop and the finger pointing and evasion by State officials at DCA and DEP begins.

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Murphy DEP Issues Climate “Resilience” Report To Tout Their “Accomplishments”

I-80 Sinkhole Closure Shows That Murphy Administration Can’t Protect Us From Risks From The 18th – 19th Century

(Source: NJ DEP “Natural And Working Lands Strategy” (March 2023)

With I-80 completely shut down due to a sink hole related to 18th – 19th century mining operations, perhaps its not the best time for the Governor and DEP to tout their plans to protect us from 21st century catastrophes.

I originally posted the above DEP graphic above back in April 2023:

In just one chart, DEP managed to illustrate the ridiculous bureaucratic shell game they’ve been playing for 6 years now under Governor Murphy’s “climate leadership”.

It’s a never ending series of plans and bureaucratic processes that produce absolutely zero substantive results. Revealingly, DEP’s own “milestones” ignore implementation!

And the Murphy DEP did it AGAIN today, with the release of this self congratulatory Report:

They’ve definitely cleaned up the ridiculous graphics, but I guess they couldn’t wait until Earth Day to brag about their “accomplishments”:

“Climate change poses unique threats to New Jersey’s families, infrastructure, and economy, including sea-level rise and extreme heat,” said Governor Murphy. “The Interagency Council’s report underscores our commitment to increasing the state’s resilience and taking action to protect future generations by planning for the impacts caused by climate change.”

Gov. Murphy’s “Interagency Council” – formed in 2019 via Gov. Murphy’s Executive Order #89 – was a bureaucratic move to consolidate and concentrate all climate policy in the Governor’s hands. One shop stopping.

While justified as an aggressive and comprehensive approach, the Council actually has served as a mechanism to control, delay and weaken any real State agency action, primarily “regulatory mandates” on climate and energy.

This was done by giving the Council a “coordinating” role – all state and regional agencies required the Council’s support before acting. All climate planning, policy, programs, and regulations were folded into the Council’s control. Of course, the Gov.’s Office was a member of the Council, giving the Gov. “unitary” control and wiping out any residual independence or the DEP.

For example, the Council derailed climate plans and policies pursued by the Pinelands Commission and the Highlands Council. The media could simply call Ben Spinelli, Ex. Director Highlands Council or Pinelands Commissioner Mark Lohbauer to confirm that, as I have.

Similarly, the State Plan – a land use plan – was converted into an economic development strategy by the Murphy administration.

The Council also put DEP on a short leash (that was not a difficult move, given that DEP Commissioner LaTourette is hostile to regulation, particularly land use regulation. That’s not unusual, given his prior role as a hired legal gun for developers and corporate polluters challenging DEP regulations.)

This was all done under the guise of the Administration’s political rhetoric that. went something like this:

“DEP can not do it alone or by relying on regulatory mandates – we need an “All of Government” approach (e.g. Go Slow and incremental), disclosure and market transparency (i.e. “buyer beware”) and incentives (i.e. corporate subsidies).”

That bureaucratic strategy is easy to understand now, with President Trump concentrating power by issuing daily edicts in the form of Executive Orders to implement his “Unitary Executive” theory and dismantle administrative agencies and repeal regulations.

Gov. Murphy has essentially done the same thing, except to put a brake on regulation and handcuffs on agencies. This was accompanied by better spin, progressive slogans, and cheerleading support from environmental groups and a lapdog press who write their stories off the DEP press releases, not the regulatory documents.

(Illustrative case in point: Trump calls climate change a “hoax” and the Trump EPA announced that they will repeal the “Endangerment finding”, which is the legal and scientific basis for EPA regulation of greenhouse gas emissions. In stunning contrast, the Murphy DEP recognizes climate science and NJ DEP regulations defined and have provided authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions for over a decade. Yet the NJ DEP simply refuses to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Although the rhetoric and stated policies are diametrically opposed, the result is the same: No regulation!)

Before I review that latest Council Report in a future post, for today let me just lay out a few analyses of the DEP’s various “resilience” plans and policies:

News Reports On Gov. Murphy Climate Failure In The Pinelands Recalls My “Yes Men” Stunt A Decade Ago

NJ Gov. Murphy’s “Climate Resilience Strategy” Perpetuates The Status Quo, Misses Huge Opportunities To Make Real Change, And Undermines DEP Power

NJ Gov. Murphy’s “Climate Resilience” Initiative Falls Short – Lacks Policy, Planning, Regulatory Teeth, Funding, and Staffing

NJ Gov. Murphy And DEP Off The Hook Again – Dodge Accountability For Actual Climate & “Resilience” Record

Murphy DEP Puts Oil Industry In Charge Of Toothless “Climate Resilience” Plans At Hazardous Chemical Plants

Criticism Of NJ Beach Replenishment Program Fails To Note That Murphy DEP “Climate Resilience” Strategy Still In Draft Form – DEP Climate Regulations Delayed

Does This Look Like “Resilience” To You?

We’ll be back soon with a review of the latest installment.

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This Gives Me Some Semblance Of Hope

Despite Sanders’ Prior Compromises To Democrats

I post Bernie Sanders’ latest email in full:Dear Bill,

We just finished up a truly remarkable few days on the road. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and I held five rallies in three states in three days. And the response was incredible.

North Las Vegas, Nevada

We began in Las Vegas on Thursday where we were joined by Congressman Steve Horsford — a former member of the Culinary Workers Union and past Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. The last time Donald Trump was in Las Vegas, in January of this year, 2,000 people came out to his event. 3,200 people joined ours. It was the largest event I have ever held in the city.

Bernie on the road

Tempe, Arizona

And then it was on to Tempe, Arizona. And that was pretty crazy.

The largest rally turnout we have ever had in the Tempe-Phoenix area was 11,300 in 2015 when I was running for president. This weekend, in a non-campaign event, 15,000 Arizonans turned out. Not only was the arena filled to capacity — many thousands waited outside in the parking lot. Remarkable.

Bernie on the road

Greeley, Colorado

On Thursday we began the day in Greeley, Colorado. Greeley is a small city with a population of 108,000. Well, 11,300 of those Coloradans joined our event. There were more people in the overflow area outside, nearly 6,000, than we could fit into the gym.Bernie on the road

Denver, Colorado

And then it was on to Denver. Total insanity.When you run for President you hold a lot of rallies. And I have. But I’ve never held a rally like this – ever. At Denver we were joined by great musicians and speakers from the trade union movement. And 34,000 people turned out. 34,000 people! This is, by far, the largest rally that I have ever held anywhere. And, by the way, it is a larger number than Trump ever had in Denver.

Bernie on the road

Tucson, Arizona

On Saturday morning we had our last rally – in Tucson, Arizona. We were joined by Congressman Greg Casar from Texas — the Chair of the House Progressive Caucus. It was a warm, beautiful day. We were planning on 8,000 to 10,000 people attending. We were wrong. Over 23,000 showed up at the high school football stadium.

Bernie on the road

So. What do these huge turnouts tell us? I think the answer is pretty clear.

The American people do not want Trumpism. They do not want oligarchy. They do not want authoritarianism. They are tired of massive income and wealth inequality and the greed of the billionaire class. They are tired of a corrupt political system that allows billionaires in both parties to buy elections and leaves working people behind.

All across this country Americans are prepared to take on the forces that control our economic and political lives. They are prepared to fight back. They want a government and an economy that works for all, not just the 1%.

And they understand that the Democratic Party isn’t going to save us. This fight is up to all of us at the grassroots level.

What history has always told us is that real change only occurs when ordinary people stand up against oppression and injustice.

That is the history of the founding of our nation when brave men and women took on the mighty British empire. It is the history of the abolitionist movement, the labor movement, the civil rights movement, the women’s movement, the environmental movement and the gay rights movement.

Yes, the oligarchs ARE enormously powerful. They have endless amounts of money. They control our economy. They own much of the media. They have enormous influence over our political system.

But, from the bottom of my heart, I am convinced that they can be beaten. But it won’t be easy.

Our job in the days, weeks and months ahead is to energize and organize.

We need to hold meetings and rallies in all 50 states, and then do it again and again and again. And when those rallies are over, we need to organize the people who attend to mobilize in their communities and fight back in every way we can.

We need progressives to run for office at all levels. I am talking about school boards, city councils, state legislatures and the races that are not in the news but make a tremendous difference in local communities. I’m talking about races for governor, U.S. House and U.S. Senate.

But it’s not just running for office. At a time when many of our people feel lonely and isolated, we need to build community and bring people together. In the deepest sense we need to care for each other and give each other strength.

This is a pivotal moment in American history. What we do now will not only impact our lives, but the lives of our kids and future generations. In terms of climate change, it will determine the well-being of the entire planet.

Now is not the time for despair. It’s not the time to hide under the covers. It’s the time to organize and fight back.

Together, we can and will win.

In Solidarity,


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Questions People Need To Ask State Officials About Sinkhole Risks

The Interstate 80 Sinkhole Closure Is Not Unique

The occurrence of sinkholes in New Jersey is not a rare event.

Sinkholes can be caused by subsurface geology (e.g. karst/limestone or other unstable geology), abandoned mines, and illegal disposal of waste and construction and demolition debris. There are many ways of identifying, analyzing, avoiding, regulating, and managing these risks.

The risks of sinkholes can be significant. Examples:

  1. In terms of risks to occupied buildings, I was thinking about the collapse of the 12-story Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside, Florida, on June 24, 2021, one of the deadliest structural disasters in American history. Ninety-eight people were killed and many others injured.

Subsurface conditions (geology, chemistry, corrosion, erosion, et al) were like major causes. FYI, the National Institute Of Standards and Technology recently issued this:

  1. In terms of State regulatory requirements, I found that Minnesota has specific state stormwater management regulatory requirements – see:

NJ DEP has a vague design standard, see:

7:8-5.2 Stormwater management measures for major development

(i) Design standards for stormwater management measures are as follows:

1. Stormwater management measures shall be designed to take into account the existing site conditions, including, but not limited to, environmentally critical areas; wetlands; flood-prone areas; slopes; depth to seasonal high water table; soil type, permeability, and texture; drainage area and drainage patterns; and the presence of solution-prone carbonate rocks (limestone);”

I saw that federal and State highway engineering manuals also focus on karst. Wonder if NJ DOT has any? See this Virginia DOT Report.

  1. In terms of risks to infrastructure, water and sewer lines are vulnerable, but so are hazards like gas pipelines. See this Tennessee gas pipeline construction related sinkhole along River Road in Montague:

I previously posted USGS, NJ DEP, and State Plan technical Reports:

From the US Geological Survey:

Structural and lithologic control of karst features in northwestern New Jersey

From the NJ State Geologist:


From DEP and State planners

Limestone Forests

And we used DEP data to warn about abandoned mines:

Science, data, reports, regulations, etc are available on all these topics. The media needs to start asking informed questions.

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Cornell Wins ECAC Championship, Defeats Clarkson 3-1

Cornell defeated Clarkson 3 -1 to win the ECAC Championship in Lake Placid tonight. The win gives Cornell a place in the NCAA Tournament. For the hockey story, see:

But these Cornell games amount to much more than hockey to me.

I’ve managed to invest it with far more meaning.

It goes back to my childhood. Hockey was something that I could compete, struggle to succeed in, and be recognized for. As a young boy, I was a very good athlete but a terrible skater. Many of my friends were far better skaters. Through sheer work, I became a credible player and close to my High School hockey coach, Ernie Stretton, who supported and believed in me. That meant a lot to a troubled kid. Ernie was probably the driving force in my All County selection my Junior year.

I went to Clarkson College, not only because my HS guidance counselor recommended I attend a good engineering school because I excelled in math and science, but because Clarkson had an awesome hockey team.

As a freshman there (1975), I roomed with varsity hockey players (future NHL All-star Dave Taylor hung there as well). They hooked me up with a crowd of Alums that got ice time and played pick up hockey games. I could not compete with these D I players, but I could skate with them and not make a fool of myself.

Even before Clarkson, I was following the ECAC tournament and Cornell hockey since 1970, when I saw my first Cornell game at historic Lynah rink (an insane asylum and one of the best places to watch a hockey game!). At that time, I was the water boy for the High School hockey team, who had a weekend series with Ithaca High School. Over that weekend series, we went to the Cornell game against arch rival BU. Ken Dryden in net. National championship undefeated year. Unforgettable.

Since the late 1970’s, I went to all the ECAC tournaments, from Boston Garden to Albany and back to Lake Placid.

I went to Cornell graduate school. I still recall when current 30 year coach and then defenseman Mike Schaefer broke his stick over his head when introduced for the game against Harvard. Lynah went nuts!

My X wife did an undergraduate degree and played women’s varsity hockey there. Both her parents were Cornell graduates.

We even took our 2 month old son to the Boston Garden for the ECAC tournament in 1989. Cornell got trounced by St. Lawrence, 6-1.

I coached youth hockey and my son played as well.

So this is emotionally packed and a lot more than the distraction I desperately  need from the Trump fascist consolidation.

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