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Wed June 12, 2024
(CTV News)
Breaking News: Someone died somewhere. That is all
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(Headlines & Global News)
The bar in idaho that's offering free booze to straight customers in June is also hosting an anti-vax dating meet up
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(History Channel)
On this day in history, in 1982, One million people demonstrated in New York City against nuclear weapons. While the cynical today might believe nothing changed, the NYPD was at least prevented from having nukes
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(MPR News)
#mprraccoon, we hardly knew ye
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(Huffington Post)
When a Fine man dies
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(9 News)
Police do nothing when a man tells his bosses that he is going to leave bodies lying around unless he gets a raise
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(The Hill)
Your Honor, how will I start a race war without my guns?
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(NBC Philadelphia)
SEPTA wins the highest award for safety and security? I guess the other competitors were the subway systems of San Salvador, Cuidad Juarez, and Cape Town?
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Photoshop this crowded island
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US teacher stabbed in China says he didn't realize what was happening, is more used to students with AR-15s
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Small Texas town vs the Mormon church's building of a massive new temple. Get your popcorn ready
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(Get Surrey)
Five dead dogs and foxes found floating in Epsom garden pond in 'incredibly suspicious scenario' that will inevitably attract 567 eccentric and/or damaged British TV detectives to the case
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(Daily Mail)
Surprisingly, the whole "Cement Ship" thing didn't work out. Who knew ?
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(Philly Voice)
17 room mansion is free. There is one tiny catch. Bonus was once connected to underground railroad
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Despite two reckless driving charges and over $80,000 in fines, the Belltown Hellcat continues its reign of terror on the Seattle streets
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(CBS News)
Pittsburgh parks to go without water fountains for the entire year because only one man in the entire city is capable of turning a wrench
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(History Channel)
On this day in history, in 1987, President Reagan challenged Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall," after a last-minute change was made to his speech which had previously read "Wipe that thing off your head"
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(Al Jazeera)
Russian vessels conduct missile drills in Atlantic on way to Cuba. Oh Crap We're Out of Coal, On Fire, And Sinking drills on deck next
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(Fark Fiction Anthology)
"Try writing a book, dude. That's difficult." -Sir Ridley Scott. This is your Fark Writer's Thread, Difficult Edition
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(Atlanta Black Star)
If you're delivering food for DoorDash, please note that it is against company policy to go up to a customer's porch and say "Here's your food, [N-word]"
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(X, Twitter, whatever)
Photoshop this leaper and layer
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(Atlanta Black Star)
Man who virtually attended zoom court hearing over his suspended license while driving finally gets his learners permit
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(The US Sun)
ISS astronauts now living with a drug-busting 'superbug' that mutated in orbit. This has all the makings of another Alien movie
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Sold as is with no disclosure
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(KSWO Lawton)
Couple thought it was a wise decision to talk themselves out of a burglary charge by admitting to cattle rustling. In Oklahoma. Now facing 27 life sentences
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Boeing Starliner that reached ISS despite being a Boeing product now can't leave, because it's a Boeing product
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(KIRO-7 Seattle)
Tactical assault scooter turns out to be a poor choice for fleeing from police
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(The Raw Story)
Once again, the Pope shows he's been to mass lately
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(Philly Voice)
Today Subby learned the Bernstein Bears were named after their creator Nelson Mandela
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(The Verge)
Respectfully submitting the worst formatted, ugliest article ever posted for consideration
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(Law and Crime)
Teaching and attending school just got a lot more interesting. "It's not illegal to teach drunk"
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Isn't that just Mardi Gras?
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Greece shuts down Acropolis to protect tourists from heat. Is it not hot anywhere else?
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(NBC News)
Southern Florida residents get 8 inches in 3 hours. Good thing they banned climate change or it could have been much worse
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New Jersey wants your baby's blood
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Today's 2-hour serving of '80s alt/post-punk/new wave music includes cuts from Chameleons UK, Devo, Stan Ridgway, and The Psychedelic Furs. Hear what commercial radio doesn't sound like on pastFORWARD #612. Starts @1:00PM ET, LGT streaming options
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CNN isn't finished milking the Gabby Petito/Brian Laundrie story yet. Now they just need to find a way to connect it to Malaysia Airlines flight 370 and they'll have the Holy Grail of news stories to run with forever
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(Law and Crime)
My asshole son just shot me
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(AP News)
Q: Why do so many chatbots and fake online accounts use female personas? A: What are you, some kind of moron?
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Subby would hold ALL the world records if this became more commonplace
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Old and busted: alpha males. New hotness: sigma shiatheads. Next big thing: Gamma guys
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(Daily Express)
Russian warship with hypersonic missiles spotted by cruise ship off the coast of Florida. Florida Man offers to defend the state with his homemade rocket launcher
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Not sure if this is a news story or a Netflix pitch: A Chicago-based female hitman is hired by a father and son to wipe out a rival family. She travels to Birmingham, England and disguises herself in a hijab to carry out the hit, but her gun jams
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Inflation holding steady at an annual rate of 3.4%, according to just released data. Your move, Fed
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The UK is enjoying a Victorian Renaissance. Today, it's gout
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(Poughkeepsie Journal)
Don't kid yourself, Jimmy. If a cow ever got the chance, he'd kill you and everyone you care about
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(Daily Star)
Apparently the people of Oregon love flying blubber, hundreds have signed a petition to blow up a rotting beached whale - 50 years after the famous TNT failure (possible nsfw content on page)
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(Some Lightning Bug Guy)
Photoshop this illuminated infestation
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Very good girl, Alaska is one of Novant Health Huntersville's 5 therapy dogs. She and her owner/handler spread love, comfort and smiles to the patients, their families & hospital staff. Please welcome them to this week's Woofday Wetnose Wednesday
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(Phys Org2)
Phony 'news' portals surpass US newspaper sites. Welcome to Fark
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