Confirmed: the FISA warrants were obtained fraudulently



Many have long suspected that the FISA warrants on Carter Page and the Trump campaign were phony, but now the proof has begun to emerge. Via @Paul Sperry:

It was not.

  • The declassified FBI warrant application attests to secret FISA court that “THE FBI LEARNED that Page met with at least two Russian officials during the trip,”as if FBI learned this independently,when in fact it’s clear it relied on Clinton-paid dossier for the information
  • Target of FBI’s FISA warrant broader than Page; also names Papadopoulos & Trump campaign: “FBI believes Russian Government’s efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential election were being coordinated w Page & perhaps other individuals associated w [Trump’s] campaign”

Both, IMO, were set up.

Here’s the license to target anyone they wanted:

  • The FISA docs for obtaining surveillance warrant on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page state that the FBI has the authority to “INCIDENTALLY acquire other information” against additional targets while monitoring Page

The FBI recycled the same information over and over to renew the FISA warrant.

You’ve read me say this as well:

  • Time & again, the FISA apps accuse Carter Page of being “an agent” of Russian intelligence engaged in criminal activities, yet Page has never been arrested or charged as a spy. And the FISA surveillance ended last year. Cleary, FBI got it WRONG. Otherwise, he’d be behind bars

Carter Page has been under FBI surveillance since 2013. You’d think they could figure it out by now, yet- nothing.

  • FBI stated in FISA application to spy on Trump advisor Carter Page it didn’t care what Steele’s motive or “reason for conducting the research into [Trump’s] ties to Russia” b/c he “provided reliable information to FBI [in the past].” Therefore, his dossier is “credible”

Steele never went to Russia. He did not get any of his information first hand, but the FBI swallowed it anyway.

  • Christopher Steele hired “subsources” who collected dirt on Trump for his Clinton-funded dossier. The former British intelligence officer did not actually collect the information himself.

About that, former CIA #2 Mike Morrell said:

“The intermediaries paid the sources and the intermediaries got the money from Chris [Steele]. And that kind of worries me a little bit because if you’re paying somebody, particularly former FSB officers, they are going to tell you truth and innuendo and rumor…”

Morrell also said:


The FISA Court was never told (and apparently never asked) that all of the alleged information came from the hillary campaign and the DNC

  • Newly declassified FISA application on Carter Page reveals FBI never told the court that its main source — Steele — was paid through the Clinton campaign. It merely says he was hired by a “business associate” and a “law firm,” which it never ID’s as Clinton/DNC lawyer

The FISA warrants were issued on the basis of media articles (with information all paid for by hillary and the DNC)

  • Over and over, the newly released FISA app on Carter Page reveals the FBI cited liberal media articles, along with the Clinton-paid political dossier, as EVIDENCE to support the warrant to spy on Page, and by extension, the Trump campaign.

Someone needs to explain why the FBI would not do its own research to verify. (Actually, that’s unnecessary- we already know that Comey, McCabe and Strzok were not interested in anything other than taking down Trump.

And now Strzok is looking at perjury charges:

  • Newly released FISA application shows Strzok did in fact use Carter Page’s Sept. 2016 letter to Comey as a “pretext” to open investigation on him, as Strzok suggested in email to Page in Sept re “Crossfire FISA.” Yet Strzok just swore he had nothing to do with Page FISA

And finally

  • Heavily redacted FISA release on Carter Page makes it clear that FBI bought into Clinton hired gun Steele’s wild accusations & even pretended they didn’t know the “Western intelligence source” in Yahoo article they liberally quoted in support of app was in fact Steele

The next question to be answered (and it does demand answering)  is “who were Steele’s subsources?”

It’s all a giant fraud.

Carter Page- who has been interrogated ad nauseum by the House, Senate and the FBI. He is not a target and he has not been charged with a thing. His life, however, has been made a shambles:

FBI surveillance of former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page cost him business, income and even his girlfriend.

Page tells The Post that during the media barrage he faced in late 2016, he visited his girlfriend at her London flat, where she was “freaking out with the fake news about me.”

“Talking with her later in the evening after dinner, she told me that she didn’t want me staying there anymore, and that our relationship was over.

“So late that night,” Page continued, “I booked a last-minute hotel reservation as part of this early chapter of the redefinition of my life.”

Page believes the FBI’s mole, professor Stefan Halper, was secretly spying on him as part of a “politically motivated” investigation of Team Trump, using fake sympathy to gain his trust — all while fishing for dirt on Page’s ties to Russia, where he’d worked as an energy consultant.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be a trap,” Page said.

It was.

CIA asset Stefan Halper was tasked with seeding Page with nonsense about the Russians, which became the basis for claiming that Page was a Russian agent.

The answers go to the credibility of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s claim that it didn’t open an official counterintelligence probe into Trump-Russia collusion until July 31, 2016. The answers might also show if Obama Administration officials knew about this mission, or if political actors working for the Clinton campaign such as Fusion GPS played a role.

One mystery concerns Mr. Halper’s interaction with Trump aide Carter Page. The New York Times reported on Friday that Mr. Halper’s contact with Trump officials happened only after the July 31 launch of the probe. The story notes that Mr. Halper reached out to campaign adviser George Papadopoulos “late that summer” and then to Mr. Page “in the ensuing months.” A Washington Post story adds that Mr. Halper sat down with Trump official Sam Clovis on either “August 31 or Sept. 1.”

But Mr. Page tells us he actually met Mr. Halper in mid-July, at a symposium at England’s University of Cambridge, where Mr. Halper is an emeritus professor. Mr. Page says the invitation to that event came much earlier—the end of May or early June. Mr. Page declined to say who invited him but says it was someone other than Mr. Halper.

Page was set up.

James Comey claimed that the dossier was but a small part of the FISA warrant app. It was a lie. The FISA app was all based on the dossier. For more on how the obama State Department were co-conspirators, read here.

Nunes now needs to haul Halper’s ass in to testify. Then Nunes can haul Brennan’s ass before his committee and have him explain how a CIA asset came to be an FBI informant. This needs to be shut down. Now.

A while back I posed the question- Were there really ever any Russians at all?  With every day it looks more and more likely that there never were any Russians- just democrats conspiring first to stop Trump from being elected and then conspiring to take down a duly elected President.

Andrew McCabe testified that without the dossier,  no warrant would be issued. The warrant is a complete fraud. Trump needs to order the FISA warrants furnished without redaction.

This might be a good time for Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Obama and Harry Reid to begin examining the statutes regarding sedition.


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The charade has been exposed and all the spin from the coupsters and their MSM lackeys can’t change it as much as they’ll try. The House Judiciary Committee is now going to haul Brennan in. He’ll be in full lying, CYA mode.

And Clapper admitted to CNN yesterday that none other than “I know nothing” Obama was the one who put the ball in motion.

Obama’s Former Director of National Intelligence Says Obama Behind Entire Russia Witch Hunt!

Does anyone know where we are with legalizing hemp? We are going to need LOTS of rope!

Muellers fake indictments of Russians gets a 90 day delay totally ignoring The Speedy Trial Act a 44-year old federal law that dictates that a federal criminal case must begin within 70 days from the date of the indictment.
All a distraction from the criminal actions by DC insiders and the DOJ. Hiding even the justification and parameters of Muellers expensive and extensive kangaroo investigation, tampering of witnesses, and giving another Clinton crony immunity. Why does a Clinton crony get immunity to testify against a Trump campaign manager, yet keeping that manager in solitary confinement and unable to build a defense. This banana republic travesty plays out as an embarrassment and shame to the US Justice system.
They indict even more Russians without utilizing a treaty as more and more information comes out of the weaponizing of the CIA, FBI, NSA and DOJ.
Will they bitch even if we hang them with a new rope?

Steele not only made money from Deep State by creating and selling his dossier to them, he also shopped his phony story around to liberal (deep state associated) media outlets who published his story AS IF they were bringing in separate and independent sources that backed up the dossier!
So, it was ALL fiction.
Frankly, Ian Fleming did a better job of making up imaginary enemies.
Will there come a day when useful idiots like Adam Schiff are too ashamed to continue their propaganda ploy of keeping this story alive?
Hope so.

Seems someone cant keep his own secret start at the 5:50 mark and hear from his own lips where he comes from.

“3 years ago I came to visit Kenya as the first American sitting President to come from Kenya.”
It doesnt matter anymore, its time rebuild repair and restore the republic that has sadly been corrupted for over 50 years.

@Nanny G:

Will there come a day when useful idiots like Adam Schiff are too ashamed to continue their propaganda ploy of keeping this story alive?

No, there won’t. They no doubt have been working on the next imaginary impeachable offense to deploy because, knowing this was all a fart in a whirlwind from the beginning, they knew the time would come when they would have to replace this false accusation with another one. And they’ll do this as if one shred of their credibility still exists.

The original intent was to uncover something, using the phony dossier as a pretext, to damage Trump and cause his defeat (this is how much REAL faith they had in Hillary winning). But, since no REAL dirt showed up, they couldn’t use what they had because it was all garbage and they had already employed so many illegal techniques to keep the investigation live. So they leaked it out after the election and commenced on a hoped-for impeachment, which is also coming up dry.

Trump is going to come out of all this as the squeaky-cleanest person to have ever held political office!!

Clearly this is all seditious activity and it must be prosecuted and punished so that it does not become the norm.

@Deplorable Me:

The original intent was to uncover something, using the phony dossier as a pretext, to damage Trump and cause his defeat

None of what is happening now was ever meant to come out. Because……..
Hillary Was Going To Win.

Once Hillary has secured the election, the “dossier” dustup would die down, go dark and be relegated to the dust bin of history. Only one problem; Trump won. And that left the deep state only one other option; tear down the President to the point where Americans would be screaming for him to resign. A Democrat would then be a shoe-in in 2020.

The FBI has always been a respected U.S. law enforcement agency. The Obama administration has now destroyed the reputation the FBI once held. Little by little, it will come out that Obama knew everything that was going on and approved the actions of partisans in high ranking offices (Comey, Brennen, Clapper, et al).

The damage done by the admitted Kenyan will take years to be totally exposed.

@retire05: Indeed, it is obvious by how easily all this is coming out that it was assumed the next regime would be able to clean up as much as required (remember, our media doesn’t question much when a liberal is at the helm).

The FBI will never be healed until they confess the facts and prosecute those responsible for the crimes they’ve committed: sedition.

@Deplorable Bill: So who will prosecute them? Remember the ethics training the lawyers for the DOJ were suppose to attend? Ol Loretta fought that order tooth and nail. Fed attorneys making up laws that directly conflict with actual law only works in the 9th district, and Hawaii.

Trump sure messed up the best of plans. So many people tried to screw Trump. All of these high ranking people who kissed the Clinton back side may get an opportunity to experience in real time what they tried to do to Trump. Will they be put in general population?

July 25, 2018 — House Republicans introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein

They want to impeach Rosenstein because the DOJ won’t give them documents related to an ongoing criminal investigation. They want it for the same reason Nunes wanted such protected information—to use it to obstruct justice.

Maria Butina’s lawyer just tried the same b.s. in court today in an effort to learn what specific evidence the prosecution has that will be used in other upcoming criminal cases. (Hint: The Mueller investigation.) The judge wouldn’t go for it.

All of this is connected and all will be revealed, in the proper context of indictments and trials.


They want to impeach Rosenstein because the DOJ won’t give them documents related to an ongoing criminal investigation. They want it for the same reason Nunes wanted such protected information—to use it to obstruct justice.

How the evidence was gathered is not the evidence. If it was gathered illegally (which it was) then it isn’t evidence. Best to know that now, isn’t it?

Let’s find out if sedition is going on before we worry about if the seditious people are being obstructed, shall we?

How the evidence was gathered is not the evidence. If it was gathered illegally (which it was) then it isn’t evidence.

At this point, it really doesn’t much matter what initially caught the FBI’s attention. What matters is what Mueller and other prosecutors now know, and what evidence they have to prove it.

Giuliani blasts Cohen and Davis for leaking Trump tape: ‘So much for ethics!’

Ethics aren’t what he’s worried about. He’s worried that Cohen is going to tell everything he knows—which is very likely the case.

Trump was lying when he claimed to know nothing about the porn star hush money payment. The tape is evidence of that, if nothing else.


At this point, it really doesn’t much matter what initially caught the FBI’s attention.

Oh yes it is, it is essential to know why , especially since we know they were biased. What kicked off this spying, unmasking, leaking. If it was Page, they damn well knew he was no spy, and remains a free man. If Papadopoulos it proves it was all a trap a set up to frame Trump, Mifsud seems to have fallen off the planet.
There always needs to be cause for an investigation, always.
Mueller is not claiming that Mifsud and his associates truly were Kremlin operatives — only that Papadopoulos was under the impression that they were.
Mueller is not saying Mifsud and his associates really have close connections to Putin’s regime. Mifsud himself has denied that he is a Russian operative, and those who know him well describe him as tied to Western intelligence agents.
Clapper said –

If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.

President Obama is responsible for that.

It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place.

So they all went into a scramble to please Obama by framing an innocent citizen, banana republic much?

The recording is not about the porn star, try to keep up its about a different whore playboy bunny.
Donny was a very bad boy, he was not faithful, ten years ago, not in the White House.

@kitt: Good response to those who fail to understand that our Constitution and the laws based upon the Constitution are what makes our country great.


At this point, it really doesn’t much matter what initially caught the FBI’s attention. What matters is what Mueller and other prosecutors now know, and what evidence they have to prove it.

What you are saying, Greggie, is that it is perfectly legal to start an investigation on an American citizen, for no cause, and then build a case around what is learned later?

That, basically, is totalitarianism. Pick a target, and then build a case against that target to prove they broke the law.

I have news for you; no matter how clean a life you have lived, there are prosecuting attorneys that could build a case against you and get a conviction that would put you in jail for a long, long time.

He’s worried that Cohen is going to tell everything he knows—which is very likely the case.

One of the biggest protections the citizens of this nation have is attorney/client privilege. If that attorney/client privilege is broken by the attorney, that attorney can be fined (heavily), lose their license, suffer jail time, or all three. Cohen, at this point, should be fined and lose his license to practice law. Did Cohen break the law of New York by taping his client with his client unaware of the taping? That is a jail offense.

Obviously, in your hatred for President Trump, you support a secret police form of government. No surprise; I’ve known for a long time you are nothing more than a Communist.

@retire05: Dont fret he will get some type of blanket immunity. Will his practice survive, who wants a lawyer that secretly tapes you? Cohen is under the gun this is more witness tampering by threat of prosecution for some infraction of the vast US code. Which brings up the what are the parameters of this investigation, shouldn’t it be clear what leash is on Mueller? What does an affair with a Playboy bunny and a two bit Porn actress have to do with Russians meddling in our election?
I dont think his investigation should end I think the Spanish inquisition with torture of possible witnesses needs to be reined in. The Iron maiden, the rack and the US code.

@retire05: Greg would have wet pants by now if he were in Trump’s pants. He subscribes to “damn the law, any means to accomplish the end!”

@Randy: They never denied any of the emails released were fake heres a gem for you

@kitt: Proof that the Clintons believe that they can not stink!


At this point, it really doesn’t much matter what initially caught the FBI’s attention. What matters is what Mueller and other prosecutors now know, and what evidence they have to prove it.

So, you think it’s OK to illegally spy on citizens as long as they are Republicans? If you thought you had a legal case, it damn sure DOES matter. What also matters is that, obviously, they had NOTHING then and, just as obviously, they have NOTHING now. Otherwise, Carter Page would be a suspect, if not charged.

Ethics aren’t what he’s worried about. He’s worried that Cohen is going to tell everything he knows—which is very likely the case.

Well, we certainly know who DOESN’T worry about ethics, don’t we? The left… because they have none.

I wonder why the first tape they released was the lamest one which actually supports Trump? And, I wonder why liberals who thought recording Planned Parenthood bragging about selling dead baby parts was such a crime now think this is great? Ethics?

Trump was lying when he claimed to know nothing about the porn star hush money payment. The tape is evidence of that, if nothing else.

It proves he never paid hush money and that he wanted the payments for the rights to a story paid by check, not cash. It proves you got NOTHING. And that you liberals won’t let ethics get in the way of a good act of sedition.


Mifsud seems to have fallen off the planet.

Could be Hillary pushed him.

Everything about the Clinton’s has a stench about it.

@Deplorable Bill: If Trump is concerned with only allowing people to immigrate who can assimilate into our culture, accept the Constitution as the basis of our laws and abide by our laws, can we start deporting people like Greg who thinks it right to violate the Constitution and our laws to effect an end state?

@Randy: Anyone that supports sedition in the United States should be either in jail or have their citizenship revoked.

@kitt, #13:

Oh yes it is, it is essential to know why , especially since we know they were biased.

Obsessing about how the barn door came to be left open isn’t going to change the fact that the horse has already escaped. It only serves as a distraction.


Obsessing about how the barn door came to be left open isn’t going to change the fact that the horse has already escaped. It only serves as a distraction.

Other than that being a completely ignorant statement does it include the wikileaks source?


Obsessing about how the barn door came to be left open isn’t going to change the fact that the horse has already escaped. It only serves as a distraction.

I don’t guess this ever occurs to leftists, but the Constitution is still in effect. So, illegal search is still, well, illegal. So, HOW whatever evidence is discovered by the illegal means already employed is inadmissible. Worthless. That’s one point.

Another point is, even by conducting illegal surveillance long before anyone in the Trump campaign knew they were under (false, phony) suspicion, planing spies in the campaign and conducting investigations for about three years, YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

The “investigation” is the distraction. It is a distraction from the successes Trump is racking up and the dream of a liberal utopia swirling the drain. Another bonus is that it is NOT distracting the voters, who feel illegal immigration is a far greater problem than crybabies sitting around and inventing imaginary scenarios that end in Trump being impeached and Obama or Hillary storming the White House with loads of fresh new plans for more corruption and failure. Your last hope is actually driving voters AWAY from the Democrats.



Other than that being a completely ignorant statement does it include the wikileaks source?

Ouch. Zing. Good one. May I anticipate the response? I predict the leaked emails would be a BAD thing. Let’s wait and see.

@Deplorable Me: Greg is one of those who should be deported for sedition. There is as much evidence on Greg as there is on Trump! Deporting or imprisoning would prevent you from corporal tunnel syndrome from all of the key boarding required by responding to ignorant posts.

@retire05, #15:

What you are saying, Greggie, is that it is perfectly legal to start an investigation on an American citizen, for no cause, and then build a case around what is learned later?

There was plenty of cause; highly placed figures inside the Trump campaign were having secret meetings with suspected Putin operatives. In any case, how the investigation was started doesn’t have any bearing on what has since been discovered. Failure to look into such serious questions would be criminal dereliction of duty. Consider what’s now known:

Paul Manafort, Trump’s Campaign Chairman, was formerly a highly paid lobbyist for Putin-puppet Viktor Yanukovych and may have had a back-channel line of communication through Konstantin Kilimnik, who is thought to be a Russian intelligence operative. Manafort is accused of money laundering to the tune of some $18 million, a substantial portion of which is likely of Russian origin;

It’s established that a sophisticated Russian hacking and social media operation was conducted with the intent of aiding the Trump campaign and damaging the Clinton campaign;

Trump himself has had some highly suspicious financial dealings that may involve laundered Russian money. For example, Deutsche Bank loaned him $70 million after he had already defaulted on a previous $330 million Deutsche Bank loan—a very questionable move, from a financial perspective. This is the same Deutsche Bank that was involved in a $10 billion Russian money laundering scheme for which it paid a $7.2 billion court settlement. That suggests the very real possibility that a man who is now president could be subject to blackmail by a hostile foreign power;

There are questions involving the source of funds the NRA contributed to the Trump campaign and the possibility of Russian influence inside the organization. Maria Butina is a central person of interest. It certainly hasn’t escaped notice that the IRS was just directed to drop its long-standing requirement that the names of large NRA donors be disclosed.

None of this is going away.

@kitt, #24:

Other than that being a completely ignorant statement does it include the wikileaks source?

If it were truly an ignorant observation, there wouldn’t be multiple investigations currently underway that the Trump administration has no hope of stopping. The reason they’re continuing is that they’re not merely justified, but imperative.


There was plenty of cause; highly placed figures inside the Trump campaign were having secret meetings with suspected Putin operatives.

Hillary OK’d the sale of uranium to the Russians and Bill got a $500,000 payday out of the deal. Which sounds more “suspicious”? Hillary paid Russians for false dirt on Trump. That sounds a LOT like collusion.

Paul Manafort, Trump’s Campaign Chairman, was formerly a highly paid lobbyist for Putin-puppet Viktor Yanukovych and may have had a back-channel line of communication through Konstantin Kilimnik, who is thought to be a Russian intelligence operative.

Though it had no impact on the campaign, even the FBI didn’t know this and as soon as Trump found out, he fired Manafort. Furthermore, no indictments for anything related to anything Russian have been filed, so…. what?

Carter Page was deemed a “foreign agent” by the FBI and yet he has NEVER been charged or indicted, so that’s a pretty clear indication of how solid the evidence upon which this bogus witch hunt is based.

None of this is going away.

Oh, no. As long as crybabies have imagination and can dream of new phony charges to make, it will go on and on… until the Democrat elections crater.

Hillary OK’d the sale of uranium to the Russians and Bill got a $500,000 payday out of the deal.

Even if such assertions were true, they would have little or nothing to do with the many serious questions concerning Donald Trump, his campaign, and his administration, which actually are under investigation. Neither Hillary nor Bill Clinton hold public office, nor is either ever likely to do so again. They only serve as a distraction for those who continue to be obsessed with them. They’re far more a part of history than of current events.

As long as crybabies have imagination and can dream of new phony charges to make, it will go on and on…

We’ll see how phony they turn out to be. As for infantile outbursts…you might want to review a few weeks of Trump’s Twitter posts.

@Greg: #28 non answer, Is where wikileaks got the leak from important?
I already pointed out what a scam the Russian meetings were Popadopolus was fed bogus disinformation by a CIA asset, then they get him stupid drunk and he begins to brag about the disinformation, he was tampered with intimidated and plead guilty to a non crime.
Trump could stop this investigation with a Tweet, why hasn’t he…you will never figure that out will you. “BRING IT” is a hint.

@kitt, #31:

Trump could stop this investigation with a Tweet, why hasn’t he…

Because this is still a democracy governed by the rule of law, which he is not above. His latest move, made by congressional surrogates, to have Rosenstein impeached, was just shot down by his own Congressional Majority Leader and his own Attorney General. There’s a line that neither is ready to cross, either as a matter of principle or self-preservation. I suspect it’s actually a bit of both.

@Greg: Actually, Greg, the USA is a Republic, not a democracy. Second, there is quite enough evidence of wrong doing by the FBI, CIA and the DOJ to justify releasing all of the documents unredacted and firing everyone who violated at least their oath of office and to file criminal charges against those who violated the various laws that have been cited. That is well within the power of the President since they all work for him.

@Greg: I know you have no clue as to how the government is structured, cause you keep calling it a democracy you are ignorant, you have a 3rd world education, and how it shows.
Yo goofy the IC is not a branch of government, it is part of the executive branch subject to the direct orders of the top executive Donald Trump the President of the United States. We have long memories the congressional leaders are not up for election this cycle, one is tucking tail cause he cant take winning.
You ask why doesnt Trump trust his own IC they give him no reason to believe they will clean their own house.

@Greg: may have had a back-channel is not a fact and is not justification to initiate an investigation. The who issue is that no one in the justice department had a legal right to listen to US citizens. When they listened to US citizen part of an international conversation with out adequate cause, that was illegal. Any evidence they obtain from an illegal act is fruit of the poisonous tree. You liberals seem to always be wrong. Now liberals are actually backing away from CO2/human caused climate change. Wrong about the tax cut. Wrong about the Iran deal.


Even if such assertions were true, they would have little or nothing to do with the many serious questions concerning Donald Trump, his campaign, and his administration, which actually are under investigation.

In fact, it has a large bearing on it. REAL collusion (yeah, it’s true; the Russians control the company, Hillary and the DO knew it, Hillary approved the sale and Billy got $500,000 from Russians for a “speech”) is ignored by biased, leftist element in the FBI and DOJ to protect Hillary while excuses for an “investigation” are contrived to damage Trump. It’s all clear and proven.

Mueller is the distraction. You’ve been digging for 3 years and… nothing. Any day now though, right?

If it were truly an ignorant observation, there wouldn’t be multiple investigations currently underway that the Trump administration has no hope of stopping.

Ever heard of a guy named Strzok? How about McCabe? Comey? They’re all anti-American liars and THEY are why we have the investigations. There is no evidence for suspicion and here never has been.

Because this is still a democracy governed by the rule of law, which he is not above.

Not when liberals are in charge. They tend to weaponize elements of the government to use against law abiding citizens who oppose them politically.


@Greg: #28 non answer, Is where wikileaks got the leak from important?

Questions like that don’t get answered. If Greg stayed true to his views, where ever the “evidence” comes from and how it is derived is unimportant… those means being unimportant as longs as the ends are achieved. However, the REALITY in Greg’s mind is that this only applies to the opposition; if used against liberals, it’s unfair. For the record, I despise Assange and his methods and it is a deplorable shame scum like him does the job that the media should be doing.

@Deplorable Me: We will still do our best to not let the USA turn into the corrupt little Island he refuses to go back to.

@Randy, #33:

Actually, Greg, the USA is a Republic, not a democracy.

Our nation is, in fact, a democratic republic, and has been from the start. It has attributes of both, because that’s what the Constitution established. The terms are not mutually exclusive; it’s not an either/or proposition.

Did you all sleep through your citizenship, civics, or U.S. government classes?

@Greg: Its a Republic if we can keep it.

A Republic, if You Can Keep It . . .

The Founders’ intent at the national level was a representative republic. The word democracy is not mentioned in the Constitution. Most of the Founders distrusted pure democracy, ie mob rule. If this upsets you there is a tiny island waiting for you to return home, someone told me you can get stuff there for pennies on the dollar.
Your 3rd world education was substandard and closed your mind to what freedoms our founders intended.

Your 3rd world education was substandard and closed your mind to what freedoms our founders intended.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect would seem to be in play here, as it is in the entire Trump political phenomena.

@Greg: I agree you are too stupid to know you are stupid, look we have common ground.


Democracy vs a Republic Perfectly Explained For Dummies

This is a fitting site to improve your education!

@Randy: Y’all might as well give up on Greggie Goebbels. He only parrots what he reads on left wing sites (which he links to frequently) because he is not smart enough to have an original thought bounce around in his head. He’s been playing parrot on this blog for years and I see no prospect that he will ever smarten up.

He has a lot in common with Baghdad Bob.

Greggie is an idiot.

@retire05I thought an education for dummies was appropriate for greggie! Wasn’t greggie a muppet?:

@retire05: Here is a cute lil satire piece worth 2 minutes of your time

From FOX News, 07/26/2018 — Key Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill targeted in password-stealing scheme by Russian hackers: report

Russian hackers targeted staff employed by Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., using a sophisticated password-stealing scheme late last year, according to a new report.

The apparently unsuccessful hack, which occurred around August 2017 and was unearthed by The Daily Beast, is the latest indication that Russian President Vladimir Putin remains committed to meddling in U.S. elections, despite Trump administration warnings against future interference.

At a Senate hearing on Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened “severe consequences” if Russian hackers attempt to influence the midterms in November. And earlier this month, the Department of Justice’s Cyber-Digital Task Force announced new plans to combat cyberwarfare (including election meddling), and to notify the public about suspected interference.

@Greg: McCaskill has more to worry about than Russian hackers. And it ain’t coming from Republicans. Her own corruptness is beginning to be exposed.

Couldn’t happen to a better person. I hope she gets her tail beat off. Maybe she can buy enough votes in St. Louis and Kansas City to push her over the top. Her husband has come out like a fat cat in a good garbage can from U.S. government contracts since she has been in Congress so it’s not like she doesn’t have the money to buy votes.

@Greg: An intersting quote from McAffe The computer programmer said: “This is what the FBI and other agencies want us to believe so that they can manipulate our opinions, but I can promise you – if it looks like the Russians did it, then I can guarantee you it was not the Russians.”

McAfee said it was no longer possible to keep “secrets” in the online landscape and suggested other countries already had access to classified information.

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