Google Earth Map Overlays

Here is a Google Earth KML network link that displays a big variety of tile based online maps (road maps, terrain and contour maps, alternative satellite image sets, etc) in the area you are currently viewing.

This allows you to use your favourite map in 3D together with other Google Earth layers to plan a trip, perform geospatial analyses, or simply have better map sources where the data provided by Google is not as good:

Move mouse over image

Currently, 34 different map sources are supported. Most of these maps are based on OpenStreetMap, but there also layers for Google Maps, Bing Maps and an extensive list of regional map providers. You can switch between maps by clicking on them in the side bar:

Move mouse over image

Whenever you change the view in Google Earth, the image overlays are automatically updated. Zoom levels for map tiles are calculated independently for different regions in the Google Earth screen, based on distance to the virtual camera and on latitude. Consequently, maps are updated very quickly and the number of map tiles loaded per update is more or less constant, even if the view in Google Earth is tilted.

Move mouse over image

Some more questions about how it works are covered in the FAQ.


To get started, simply download the file map-overlays-for-google-earth-combined.kmz (please log in first, see here why) and open it in Google Earth. It contains all map sources that this application provides (version 13).

Alternatively, separate KML network links for groups of maps or even individual map sources can be found here:

OpenStreetMap MapnikThunderforest OutdoorsThunderforest LandscapeThunderforest Transport
OpenStreetMap Cycle MapOpenStreetMap Public TransportOpenStreetMap GPS TracesOpenStreetMap Ski Map
Esri Maps
Esri Maps World Street MapEsri Maps World Topo MapEsri Maps USA Topo MapsEsri Maps NatGeo World Map
Esri Maps World Physical MapEsri Maps World Terrain BaseEsri Maps World Shaded ReliefEsri Maps World Imagery
Google Maps
Google Maps RoadGoogle Maps TerrainGoogle Maps Korea
Bing Maps
Bing Maps RoadBing Maps AerialBing Maps HybridBing Maps China
European Maps
European Maps OpenTopoMapOutdooractive Maps GermanyOutdooractive Maps South Maps (Norway) Topo Maps (Norway) AerialEuropean Maps 2GIS (Russia)European Maps Freemap Hiking (Slovakia)
North American Maps
North American Maps Caltopo USGS TopoNorth American Maps OSM Terrain US
World Maps
World Maps Maps-For-Free ReliefWorld Maps Nasa Blue Marble


Do you have comments, bug reports, or suggestions for other map sources? Please leave them below.

Esri Maps
Google Maps
Bing Maps
European Maps
North American Maps
World Maps