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Last Updated: Monday, 4 April, 2005, 22:38 GMT 23:38 UK
BBC admits Dr Who actor blunder
Christopher Eccleston in Dr Who
The BBC admits it broke an agreement with Eccleston
The BBC failed to speak to actor Christopher Eccleston before revealing he was going to quit Dr Who after the first series, it has admitted.

It was originally claimed the actor feared being typecast if he stayed on.

In a statement, the BBC quoted Eccleston as saying "he hoped viewers continued to enjoy the series".

But the BBC has admitted it did not consult him about that statement and also broke its agreement not to reveal he planned to film just one series.

The BBC regrets not speaking to Christopher before it responded to the press questions on Wednesday 30 March

Head of drama and commissioning Jane Tranter said: "The BBC regrets not speaking to Christopher before it responded to the press questions on Wednesday 30 March.

"The BBC further regrets that it falsely attributed a statement to Christopher and apologises to him."

A BBC spokesman said a mutual agreement was made between the corporation and Eccleston in January that the fact he was not making a second series would not be made public.

But after journalists questioned the press office, the news was confirmed.

A further series of the show has now been commissioned.

The BBC confirmed it was in talks with actor David Tennant, the star of BBC Three drama Casanova, as a possible replacement for Eccleston.


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