I am having an issue with angular-mobile-nav on the very initial page load of Cordova 2.8 Android project using Ripple Emulator. The error I am getting is:

TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'overrideBackbutton'
    at module.exports.exec (chrome-extension://geelfhphabnejjhdalkjhgipohgpdnoc/ripple.js:40:22917)
    at backButtonChannel.onHasSubscribersChange (http://localhost:8076/cordova.js:1145:13)
    at Channel.subscribe (http://localhost:8076/cordova.js:667:49)
    at HTMLDocument.document.addEventListener (http://localhost:8076/cordova.js:132:34)
    at null.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8076/components/mobile-nav/mobile-nav.js:11:14)
    at Channel.fire (http://localhost:8076/cordova.js:709:23)
    at http://localhost:8076/cordova.js:232:47

Basically, it is cause by mobile-nav.js line 11:
document.addEventListener("backbutton", function() {

And error raised by cordova.js' call originating from line 1145:
exec(null, null, "App", "overrideBackbutton", [this.numHandlers == 1]);

Is this a problem that you can replicate? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2 Answers 2


I first encountered this when using Ripple with Phonegap 2.5.0. As you point out, on line 1145 of cordova-2.8.0.js for Android, it assumes to be running on the Android platform so calls the native function App.overrideBackbutton() which Ripple doesn't have a stub for.

Since it only calls this on attaching/detaching the first handler, I worked around this by tricking Ripple into thinking there's already more than one handler:

        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova-2.8.0.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
        _IS_RIPPLE_EMULATOR = $('#tinyhippos-injected').length > 0;

        function deviceready() {
            // Make ripple think that a back button handler has already been attached
            if(_IS_RIPPLE_EMULATOR) cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('backbutton'); 

            document.addEventListener("backbutton", function(){
                alert("Pressed back");

        document.addEventListener("deviceready", deviceready, true);        
  • Yeah, I discovered it out of necessity ;-)
    – DaveAlden
    Jun 22, 2013 at 15:22
  • I found that the cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('backbutton'); command absolutely must be placed in the deviceready() function or it will not work Oct 5, 2013 at 13:46
  • 1
    I use phonegap 3.30 and the new (non-plugin) revision of Rippple, the detection method in this answer did not work for me but something very similar works var _IS_RIPPLE_EMULATOR = (window.tinyHippos != undefined); Feb 19, 2014 at 7:37

As of Ripple 0.9.22 this should no longer be an issue since App.exitApp and App.overrideBackbutton methods were added:


So, if possible update your version of Ripple, or resort to the workaround mentioned by Dpa99c.

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