Evolution of a JS Controller Scheme

It took me quite a while to discover the power and flexibility of a controller scheme for Javascript, but thanks to some awesome videos and tutorials, I've come up with a setup that works quite well, and I thought I'd share it with you. I'm going to start with a basic object, and evolve it into what I use, so you can understand why each thing is done, and what happens at each stage.

In this article I focus on the controller itself, not on how it might impact other JS. In real live you'll want a more friendly method of attaching event handlers.

Make an Object

Ok, first thing you know is that you need an object for your controller. This will let you put all of our code in one spot as methods of the object.

    var Controller = {};

Great start. Now lets add an initialization method and wire it up to window.onload so that we can have the initialization code fire after our elements are available.

    var Controller = {}
    Controller.init = function () {
        alert('I Loaded')
    window.onload = Controller.init;

Ok, so now you've got an init method, lets set it up to accept a configuration value and add a method to display one of the configuration values.

    var config = {
        userID: 1234
    var Controller = {}
    Controller.init = function (config) {
        this.options = config;
    Controller.getUserID = function () {
        return this.options.userID;
    window.onload = function () {

Ok, looks good. Now lets have our init method find a button on our page and wire up an event to it. My button looks like this:

<button id="button1">I'm a Button</button>

And my updated controller will look like this:

    var config = {
        userID: 1234
    var Controller = {}
    Controller.init = function (config) {
        this.options = config;
        var button = document.getElementById('button1');
        button.onclick = Controller.handleClick;
    Controller.getUserID = function () {
        return this.options.userID;
    Controller.handleClick = function () {
    window.onload = function () {

Ok, nifty. You've got things working fine and you're done right? I mean whats wrong with it?

The Catch

The problem is what you have is composed wholly of public methods. Your configuration can be changed at any time, and your methods aren't really integrated together. If you needed to access the button1 in another method you'd only have two options: code the element lookup again, or save the button value as a public attribute of Controller. Not ideal.


The answer you're looking for is closures. Closures are probably one of the most powerful aspects of Javascript, and one of the most confusing. Basically, closure says that anything inside a block can access values of that block, even after the block has executed.

Huh? Well its easier just to show you. Clear out that controller script (but leave your button) and give in the following code:

    function setup () {
        var x = 'I\'m inside the closure';
        document.getElementById('button1').onclick = function () {
    window.onload = setup;

Now when you hit the button you get an alert stating "I'm inside the closure". Pretty straight forward until you look at how this code executes.

  1. The function setup() is created and set to fire when window.onload occurs.
  2. The window finishes loading and setup() is called. Setup assigns a local variable x to the string "I'm inside the closure" and sets the onclick event of button1 to a function.
  3. When you click the button, the function () { alert(x); } is called and the alert is created.

Ok, did you catch that? x is a local variable inside setup(); once setup() finishes execution, it shouldn't exist any more, so clicking the button should cause an error. Well, it should if not for closures. Even though the function setup() has finished execution, the function () { alert(x); } still has access because the function was declared inside the function that also set x.

Now What

What can closures do for us and our controller object? It allows us to have private variables and private methods. In fact, you already made a private variable called x, since it doesn't exist outside of its enclosure. Making a private function is as easy as rearranging the code we just used:

    function setup () {
        var x = 'I\'m inside the closure';
        function handleClick () {
        document.getElementById('button1').onclick = handleClick;
    window.onload = setup;

Now you've got a private method handleClick() that alerts a private variable x. Lets take a new look at our old controller with closures in mind.

    var config = {
        userID: 1234
    var Controller = function (config) {
        var options = config;
        var button = document.getElementById('button1');
        function getUserID () {
            return options.userID;
        function handleClick () {
        button.onclick = handleClick;
    window.onload = function () {

Much better. Now we have two private methods, and the config is kept neatly inside the main object. All done right?

Public Methods

We've managed to hide all of our methods and variables away inside our enclosure, but we've introduced another problem; all of our information is hidden away inside our enclosure! If we wanted to have a method, say setUserID() that worked on the config, our only option would be to directly wire it to an event, otherwise its trapped inside our enclosure. How can we break out of the enclosure? Pass something back.

Passing Back Public Methods

You can break out of the enclosure by passing back an object that contains the public methods. Since the object is created inside the enclosure, it still has access to the methods. We still need a function to create the enclosure, but lets make it pass back an object that exposes setUserID().

    var config = {
        userID: 1234
    var Controller = function (config) {
        var options = config;
        var button = document.getElementById('button1');
        function getUserID () {
            return options.userID;
        function setUserID (userID) {
            options.userID = userID;
        function handleClick () {
        button.onclick = handleClick;
        return {
            setUserID: setUserID
    window.onload = function () {
        Controller = Controller(config);

Congratulations! You've exposed a private method as a public one. Only problem is you have this ugly Controller = Controller(config); construct. What if we could let the controller set itself up?

    var config = {
        userID: 1234
    var Controller = function (config) {

        return {

That would be nice, but you're init code can't happen until the window loads right? Wait, what happened to that init method any way? Lets bring it back.

    var config = {
        userID: 1234
    var Controller = function (config) {
        var options = config;
        function init () {
            var button = document.getElementById('button1');
            button.onclick = handleClick;
        function getUserID () {
            return options.userID;
        function setUserID (userID) {
            options.userID = userID;
        function handleClick () {
        return {
            init: init,
            setUserID: setUserID
    window.onload = function () {

Nice. But I'm not done with you yet. We've wound up with two constructors, one which takes in the config, and one that handles initial setup. Lets pull the config out of the auto-calling function and move it to the init() method;

    var config = {
        userID: 1234
    var Controller = function () {
        function init (config) {
            var options= config;
            var button = document.getElementById('button1');
            button.onclick = handleClick;
        function getUserID () {
            return options.userID;
        function setUserID (userID) {
            options.userID = userID;
        function handleClick () {
        return {
            init: init,
            setUserID: setUserID
    window.onload = function () {

Works fine... I'm not sure why though. Although init() is inside the enclosure, setUserID() shouldn't have access to the config variable as far as I understand it, since config is not a part of an enclosure of setUserID(). Ignoring that headache for a second, lets thing about this... say we have tons of functions that create vars in this controller, how would a person see what variables are declared? They'd have to move through all of the methods to find them all. Lets pull the variable declarations for things we might want to reuse up into the constructor to make sure they are easy to see and enclosed.

    var config = {
        userID: 1234
    var Controller = function () {
        // Private variables
        var options,
        function init (config) {
            options = config;
            button = document.getElementById('button1');
            button.onclick = handleClick;
        function getUserID () {
            return options.userID;
        function setUserID (userID) {
            options.userID = userID;
        function handleClick () {
        return {
            init: init,
            setUserID: setUserID
    window.onload = function () {

Ok, now which methods inside the constructor are public and which are private? We could just reorder and label them, but we would still have all of these init: init declarations for our return object. Lets pull the public methods down to where they are returned.

    var config = {
        userID: 1234
    var Controller = function () {
        // Private variables
        var options,
        // Private Methods
        function getUserID () {
            return options.userID;
        function handleClick () {
        // Public Methods
        return {
            init: function (config) {
                options = config;
                button = document.getElementById('button1');
                button.onclick = handleClick;
            setUserID: function (userID) {
                options.userID = userID;
    window.onload = function () {

Ok, now we are in business. If you'll indulge me in one final tweak; listing the ID of the button right there in the init method bothers me. Its not something that would change often enough to need to be in the config, but it potentially references to it might be strewn through out the controller making it a pain if you do need to change it. Lets pull it up into a special configuration variable to house things that are static, but might need changing all at once.

    var config = {
        userID: 1234
    var Controller = function () {
        // Static Values
        var configuration = {
            IDs: {
                button: 'button1'
        // Private variables
        var options,
        // Private Methods
        function getUserID () {
            return options.userID;
        function handleClick () {
        // Public Methods
        return {
            init: function (config) {
                options = config;
                button = document.getElementById(configuration.IDs.button);
                button.onclick = handleClick;
            setUserID: function (userID) {
                options.userID = userID;
    window.onload = function () {

Ok, so the you go. You've got a scheme for a controller that has static values, public and private methods, and private variables. You're ready to rock.

My Basic Controller

Although you can winnow the above examples down into a usable base, I figured I'd save you some time. This is what I use as the base for all of my controllers.

    var Controller = function () {
        var config = {};
        return {
            init: function () {
    window.onload = Controller.init;

Update: Peter requested that I give links to the videos that I referenced at the beginning of the post, and I'm more then happy to oblige.


Related Blog Entries


Peter's Gravatar Can you post the links to the videos you referenced.
Jon Hartmann's Gravatar Sure Peter! I actually meant to link to them lastnight, but I was running late to get to a lecture.

<a href="http://www.jonhartmann.com/index.cfm/2007/10/11/Do... crockford on javascript</a>
<a href="http://www.jonhartmann.com/index.cfm/2008/10/15/Ja... maintainablity lecture by chris heilmann</a>
Jon Hartmann's Gravatar Bah, my links didn't show up well in the comments. I'll append them to the article.
Rey Bango's Gravatar @Jon: Have you taken a look at JavaScriptMVC? Sounds like it's up your alley.
Ben Nadel's Gravatar @Jon,

Definitely a good blog post. I have never used private variables / methods in Javascript before. As I was reading this, however, my one concern would be that when you create "objects" like this, the THIS scope points to the "window" object and not to the instance of the object. Obviously, this is not so much of an issue as you are not using "this" keyword anywhere. Maybe its just cause I am so used to creating objects with the NEW keyword and with Prototype chains.
Jon Hartmann's Gravatar @Rey: I've heard of JavascriptMVC, but I've not tried it out before. It looks like its heavily tied in with Rails, which isn't all bad, it just makes reading the getting-started sections a little tough. Is this something you've used before?

@Ben: Ok, ok... I posted a new version of this using the new and this: http://www.jonhartmann.com/index.cfm/2009/2/20/Wil...
Rey Bango's Gravatar @Jon: To my knowledge, it's platform agnostic. If you'd like to chat with the developers, I'd be happy to introduce you to them.
Justin Meyer's Gravatar @Rey, thanks for letting me know.

@Jon, A great idea. However, it shows that I am doing a horrible job promoting JavaScriptMVC and describing what it is. Yes, it is platform agnostic. If you were going through the getting started guide and you felt ruby, it might be because it mimics rails' generators. But it uses the included rhino for code generators, testing, compression, documentation, etc.

On JavaScriptMVC's Controllers, they come in 2 flavors - Stateless and Stateful. Both controllers make heavy use of event delegation to make event handlers respond to their events w/o needing to attach event handlers. They are also built on a powerful class system (http://javascriptmvc.com/wiki/index.php?title=Clas...)

Stateless controllers are like general rules for the entire page. For example:

TodosController = MVC.Controller.extend('todos',
//static functions
//prototype function
click : function() { .... },
"a.delete mouseover" : function(){ .... }

If someone clicks on an element w/ className = 'todo', it will call the click handler. If someone mouseovers an A tag w/ className = 'delete' inside a todo element, it will call the mouseover. Because of event delegation, you don't have to attach these event handlers if you add new todos. It also is great because it organizes all events that happen within a 'todo' to happen on the same controller. So if you see a todo element responding to something, you know where that code has to be.

Because these events are stateless, they get called with a new instance of TodosController each time. This is great for reducing the chances of memory leaks.

Stateful are a little more complex, but are necessary for building complex functionality that needs to be present multiple times on a page, but has it's own state that would be difficult to determine just from inspecting the dom (2 file managers on the page at once).

In this case, the init function of the Stateful controller has to provide an element that because the controller 'instance' and where event delegation takes place.

SliderController = MVC.Controller.Stateful.extend('slider',
//static functions
//prototype functions
// @param element which element you want to make a slider in
// @param options options for the slider
init : function( element, options ){
this._super(element) //sets up the element for event delegation
element.innerHTML = "<div class='slider_control'/>"
this.options = options
".slider_control dragstart" : function(){
//check if this slider is sticky and do something

I'm not sure if you are a jQuery person, but the next version of JMVC (2.0) is going to start w/ jQuery. I've already got controllers working again so you can check that out from trunk.

Let me know what you think.
Jon Hartmann's Gravatar @Justin

Thanks for such a detailed post; I'm 99% sure that I saw the Rhino generators and mistook it for Rails generators. I really like the ability to tie a number of events together in a single declaration block... its a nice way to consolidate related behaviors and actions under one roof. From the looks of things, the Stateful controllers you describe are the closest to what I do in terms of holding on to information; I don't think having a fresh version of the controller on each call would work well.

I'm not a jQuery person yet, but I've been looking at it, and will probably start to use it on one of my next side projects, so I'll definitely take a look at JMVC 2.0 when I get comfortable enough with jQuery to know what I'm doing :)
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Jon Hartmann, July 2011

I'm Jon Hartmann and I'm a Javascript fanatic, UX/UI evangelist and former ColdFusion master. I blog about mysterious error messages, user interface design questions, and all things baffling and irksome about programming for the web.

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