I know this isnt where I'm supposed to write this. This is not a letter to a crush, But I don't know where else to write out loud. I dont know where else I can say this. And lord knows i need to say it to someone.


Dearest Biological father,

You are an asshole. You couldn't man up when My sister and I were kids, and now all of a sudden you want to call us your own? Fuck that. You lost your chance seven years ago. You are doing ntohing but causing problems that don't need to be brought up, and frankly you are only embarrassing yourself. I am a twenty year old male in the united states Army, I've grown up, and I've surely dealt with people that are worse than you. You dont scare me and you sure as shit can't hurt me. So all those threats? Bring it on. I'm an adult now, so is my sister, we grew up, WITHOUT you. stop fighting. You lost years ago.