A girl in Montgomery, Alabama is currently saving up to move to Brooklyn, New York... and she could use a few bucks. Laura Zamora is an art-school grad and printmaker, and has decided to accelerate her stalled plans by setting up an Etsy page asking for donations so she can get out of dodge (specifically, her dad's place).

She aims to be a resident of Brooklyn by August of this year, and explains her mission a little bit, saying: "I don't want you to think that I want to move because I think it's where I will become a better artist or printmaker. No, no. I have always wanted to live in NYC and now is the time to do it. I continue to work on my art and find new things to do here, yet I would have more time and resources to make my own work living on my own."

If you want to help her l-i-v-e the dream here in the big city, check out her Etsy page and drop a dollar in her hat (or buy some of her art).

She even says just "a word of encouragement would help!”—which we're sure you'll have plenty of in the comments section. What may be more helpful, however, is some real estate advice; Zamora has "estimated it will take about $2,500 to get to NYC and secure an apartment for about a month... a cozy 1-bedroom in Brooklyn." And perhaps also some advice on how one gets "more time and more resources" while trying to pay for said dream apartment. [via Brokelyn]