Whale Wars (Animal Planet, Fridays at 9 pm) - Unbelievable.  A team of violent protesters called the Sea Shepherds go out into Alaskan waters to straight up attack Japanese whaling boats. There is an international ban on whaling, but the Japanese found a loophole in the law and pretend that they’re doing research (whale is a delicacy in Japan). The Sea Shepherd captain is crazy and far more interested in saving the whales than preserving the lives of his crew. They practice throwing chemical bombs in the first episode.  I want on that boat.

I will admit it.  I’m addicted to Whale Wars, too.  My husband hates the show.  But I have a soft spot in my heart for whales and the heart-on-their-sleeves fools who fight with all their hearts to stop the senseless killing.

via Literally, Genevieve Clare

I fell madly in love with WW last season (did Paul get shot? he did? he didn’t? huh? how is that some thing that can be undetermined? wait what?) and am so pumped for it to start appearing on my DVR again for Saturday morning viewings.  I can’t really describe the grotesque fascination I have with it, but I think a majority of my obsession can be attributed to the cast of characters.  Batshit crazy doesn’t begin to describe Captain Watson.  First Mate Peter Brown is one of the least intelligent, most inept people you could have chosen for second in command.  I actually feel bad for (probable former Dungeons & Dragons champion and anime enthusiast) Peter Hammarstedt - you can tell he is the victim of years of brainwashing and now yearns to just touch the hem of St. Watson’s commando sweater.

This show is what would happen if you took the cast of Scooby Doo, put them on a boat, and said, “Go stop the Japanese from killing whales!”  They are chasing the Japanese whalers across thousands of miles of barren, frozen ocean only to throw stink bombs, slippery powder, and perhaps their own vessel at them.  You think they are complete idiots and expect them to fail miserably while hoping against hope that they will (somehow) succeed and/or won’t die because you can’t help but respect someone who is that committed to something.  They are ignorant, ineffective, short-sighted, bumbling, inefficient, uninformed, arrogant, delusional, unskilled, untrained, unintelligent, all while pitifully well-intentioned and hopelessly devoted to their cause.

Fridays at 9.

(via andrewglennflavin)

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