Quality memories are very important. Screw the flimsy memories bullshit. You know what Molly’s going to remember about her little tyke when he’s older? Not whether he likes the smell of rain or enjoys fresh plums in the summer, but the really “free”...

Quality memories are very important. Screw the flimsy memories bullshit. You know what Molly’s going to remember about her little tyke when he’s older? Not whether he likes the smell of rain or enjoys fresh plums in the summer, but the really “free” moments in which he could fully be a KID. Like watching him poke a stranger with a straw at a restaurant - THAT’S the stuff memories are made of.

What kind of person doesn’t appreciate the Poking Game? Hellooo, Zander’s just a toddler trying to have a little fun at an otherwise boring restaurant! I mean, what’s there to do at Carrabba’s other than stuff your face with calamari? Pretty much nothing. I commend Zander for stirring up a little fun at the expense of his booth neighbor. Who gives a shit whether that prick “doesn’t think it’s funny”? ZANDER thought it was funny, and so did his mom, and so does Kimberly. Sounds to me like Mr. No Fun is outnumbered! Plus it’s not like Zander was using a fork and knife or a switchblade or anything. Some people can be so touchy.

Related: Babbies, Chili’s, Wendy’s, TV Out To Dinner, Half-A-Baby

(submitted by Anonymous)

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