MSM cited Jaysh al-Islam worshippers: my interview on George Galloway’s The Mother Of All Talk Shows

My segment on George Galloway’s May 25 show begins as of 10:52.

Related Links:

-On New York Times citing pro-Jaysh al-Islam sources in Ghouta: ‘They know that we know they are liars, they keep lying’: West’s war propaganda on Ghouta crescendos

Journalist and analyst Elijah J. Magnier on America’s illegal occupation of Syria (and Iraq), from around 23:20 into the interview.

4 thoughts on “MSM cited Jaysh al-Islam worshippers: my interview on George Galloway’s The Mother Of All Talk Shows

  1. Great interview Eva, I imagine made easier by the host, who is one of the most intelligent and informed politicians this country has ever produced. His praise for your efforts is a compliment indeed, especially considering the bravery he has shown, particularly the occasion when he defended himself in the US Senate. As you have found out, telling the truth can be a hazardous pastime when you expose their blatant lies.
    Continue reporting the facts in the knowledge that you are making a massive difference if the vile British press are going to the trouble of targeting you with smear campaigns.

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