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The Daily Beast Agrees with Mueller Indictment It's Ukraine

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Why couldn't they prove their own stories?
Why couldn't they prove their own stories?
(Image by George Eliason)
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I challenged the Atlantic Council, Ukrainian Diaspora, and some of their affiliated publications that designed the Russian hacking and Russian influence narrative to falsify the proof in the articles I presented. I walked though exactly why Robert Mueller's indictment of 13 Russian nationals in February and 12 Russian nationals in July 2018 are political rubbish. Both indictments prove Fancy Bear was Ukrainian Intel.

The Atlantic Council's publisher at large Michael D. Weiss must have taken it seriously, the Daily Beast turned out two stories within a day of my article's publication. As part of their proof, the Daily Beast insist Fancy Bear hacked itself and that is what proves they are Russian hackers. Well, they don't say it quite like that, but they should make an effort to understand what they are reading before blindly agreeing with my position.

We'll get to that in a minute but I want to present a different concept on the entire Russian influence and Russian hacker saga. I call it the "sour milk argument" and it's another way of proving Fancy Bear is Ukrainian Intel.

Sour Milk the Story of Russian Influence and hacking

The premise goes like this-When you take a liter of milk out of the fridge that's questionable, the first thing you do after asking-"honey, is the milk bad?" Is to smell it and look at the expiration date. Once you've done both, you know the truth. If it smells bad and it's after the expiration date, it might be a Mueller indictment.

How can the hackers have an expiration date? If the Fancy Bear Hackers are FSB and GRU, they need to be under Russian command, use Russian infrastructure, and serve Russian interests. Remember, they are Fancy Bear hacking and influencing the 2016 US elections for Russia, not anyone else.

Could the Russian GRU and FSB Russian Fancy Bear hackers hack the DNC and influence the 2016 US elections if they were in Ukraine, using Ukrainian infrastructure, under Ukrainian command, and serving Ukrainian interests? Keep in mind, before you answer this question, Ukraine claims to be at war with Russia since 2014. That's four years and still going.

Robert Mueller indicted Shaltai Boltai for the DNC hacks and claiming they are Russian agents working for the Russian government who have the X-Agent and other signature Fancy Bear tools.

For Mueller's indictment to hold up, the hackers had to be working for Russia during 2016. The expiration of service date for the hackers(when they stopped working for Russia) has to show they did all the DNC hacks and exerted influence on the 2016 election sometime before they left Russian government employment and entered Ukrainian government employment.

Shaltai Boltai's expiration date is first hinted at in the Guardian. They did an interview with Shaltai Boltai aka Anonymous International in Aug 2014. Shaltai Boltai hacked Russian Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev's twitter account. They fabricated the Info Operation which evolved into the Russian influence narrative while on the run as fugitives from the Russian government.

During the interview with the Guardian, they made three things very clear. They supported Ukraine, stood against Russia, and they were in it for the money. By Aug 2014 they had been out of Russian employment for a while and they were trying to hurt and embarrass Russia.

According to Stratfor, "In a 2015 interview, the leader of Shaltai Boltai, code-named "Lewis," said his group was driven purely by money, not ideology... The narrative linking Shaltai Boltai to the FSB officers came just three days after the initial stories suggesting the FSB officers were the sources of leaks to U.S. intelligence."

In 2015, Shaltai Boltai was delivering spreadsheets to Ukrainian Intel which it claimed were official Kremlin worksheets showing which bloggers the Kremlin trusted, which were neutral, and which were opposition. The official groups that make up the Ukrainian government Intel agency which took the docs were CyberHunta, Cyber Alliance, InformNapalm, and Stopfake.

By 2016, as I've shown through overwhelming evidence in previous articles, Shaltai Boltai was still on the run from the Russian government. Because of their activities working for and with Ukrainian Intel against the Russian government, they were arrested, tried, and convicted of treason in late 2016-2017.

For Robert Mueller's indictment not to smell like sour milk, the only reasonable expiration date when Shaltai Boltai had an opportunity to do any DNC hacking and 2016 election influencing while working for the Russian government was in the late winter or very early spring of 2014.

If you want the truth, I'm being generous with that. People don't just wake up one morning, decide to betray their country then hit that project running. Everything they did after late winter in 2014 was for the Ukrainian government and to enrich themselves.

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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