Zahra Billoo. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg) AP Photo/Eric Risberg

After ousting other leaders over anti-Semitism, the Women’s March selected another individual who had to be quickly removed when her hateful anti-Israel tweets were exposed.

By United With Israel Staff

Lawyer Zhara Billoo, executive director of the San Francisco Bay Area office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), was set to fill an empty seat on the board of the Women’s March group following the resignation of its previous leaders who faced persistent accusations of anti-Semitism.

After her appointment, Billoo’s history of vehemently anti-Israel remarks, including several that many viewed as crossing the line into anti-Semitism, was revealed.

She was fired on Thursday based on a string of outrageous tweets.

Among those tweets was one in which she equated American youth joining the brutal band of Islamic terrorists known as ISIS with those who volunteer to protect the Jewish state by joining the IDF.

While the Women’s March movement claims to be committed to “dismantling systems of oppression through nonviolent resistance and building inclusive structures guided by self-determination, dignity and respect,” Billoo also accused Israel on Twitter of “terrorism as a hobby” and being an “apartheid” state.

Whether or not Billoo harbors less hatred for Israel than her predecessors at the Women’s Movement remains to be seen.

In 2015, Billoo wrote an article for the Huffington Post defending her decision to speak at a conference organized by the American Jewish Committee.

Apparently, Billoo’s positions were too extreme, even for the Women’s March.

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