1-year free cPanel PositiveSSL certificate offer

We provide up to 50 free 1-year SSL certificates along with Shared hosting accounts.

When you buy a Shared Hosting plan, or create an add-on domain or subdomain there, you’ll receive a free PositiveSSL certificate in your account. The SSL will be issued and installed automatically for the hostname once it is added. HTTPS Redirect is also set up automatically upon installation.

Who qualifies for the Offer?

New and existing Shared Hosting customers are eligible for free SSL coverage on any hosted domain or subdomain.

What are offer restrictions?
  • Hosting is limited to Shared Hosting plans;
  • SSL certificate is restricted to 1 per domain or subdomain;
  • SSL free period is 1 year
  • Each shared hosting account is entitled to a maximum of 50 SSL certificates.


Q: How do I get the free SSL certificate?
A: Once you add a domain/subdomain to the hosting, the free SSL certificate will appear in your account and be activated automatically.

Q: What if I do not want to use the free SSL certificate?
A: You can disable HTTPS redirect in Namecheap SSL plugin in Installed via 'Namecheap SSL' tab or uninstall it.

Q: I have a domain added to the cPanel and did not receive a free SSL for it, what should I do?
A: Please contact us in Live Chat or Ticket and our SSL Support Team will gladly add the certificate to your account.

Q: If I transfer my domain to another shared hosting account, can I get free SSL again?
A: Free SSL is available only with an upgrade to a higher Shared hosting plan (e.g. from Stellar to Stellar Plus or Stellar Business)
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