Interview Preparation

Interview Preparation

Master your interview skills through personalized online interview preparation coaching. Whether you are a fresh graduate, re-entering the workforce or looking to advance your career, this personalized coaching will help you get deeper understanding of your strengths, improvement areas and skills, and enable you to leverage them and ace interviews for your target roles.

An excellent interview performance is backed by focused preparation and strong delivery. Interview preparation coaching at EdMyst is conducted by experienced industry leaders who have interviewed thousands of candidates to hire the ‘right’ employees and build great teams. So you are sure to improve your chances of getting hired!

Why Interview Preparation?

Good opportunities are eluding you
Improve your understanding of interview expectations

Interview Preparation is useful for:

    • People looking for entry, mid or senior management roles
    • People desiring accelerated career advancement
    • Job seekers looking to change job

Our Featured Coaches

Sessions and Pricing

Total Sessions Duration Per Session Course Price What is included
2 1 hour $ 200.00
  • Two sessions (60 minutes each) of live interview coaching, which include detailed profile assessment and one mock interview over video conferencing
  • Recording of the sessions
  • Post-coaching interview-readiness analysis report

Frequently Asked Questions

Get to know yourself, become aware of what made you successful in the past and build a narrative for it with specific examples. Every interviewer is trying to find out why s(he) should hire YOU.
Candidates with enhanced self-awareness have been observed to fair better in interviews. Lack of self-awareness, lack of clear thinking and inability to articulate crisply are the top reasons that cause rejections in interviews.
A lot of material is available online that will give you general understanding of the interview process and provide you tips for doing better at interviews. However, they are meant for everyone and other candidates are also accessing the same material. To stand out in any interview, you have to articulate your unique strengths and present your individual persona to maximize your chances of success. Personalized interview preparation around your unique strengths and skills is the best way of increasing your chances of success.
Interview coaching increases your chances of getting a job or doing better in your professional interactions for many reasons. Coaching makes you more self-aware, improves your communication skills and provides you the practice in answering many different interview questions. You can also go through mock interviews that increase your confidence. Your coach provides you with valuable feedback that helps you improve your responses during interviews.
Any kind of coaching improves your chances of doing better. EdMyst coaches have significant insight on what interviewers look for and will reinforce your interviewing skills. We also help you identify opportunities through our partner network.
Our coaches have helped many candidates in achieving successes in interviews and you can also go through the testimonials on our platform from other users who have felt the impact of the program.
Yes. You have the option of taking the premier package and benefit from multiple sessions where specific attention is paid on communication skills, presentation skills and mock interviews. Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] and we will help you decide also.
Yes. You have the option of taking the premier package that includes advanced coaching on communication and presentation skills, and mock interviews.