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Inability to update a user's roles after login #12025

andyvenus opened this issue Sep 24, 2014 · 52 comments

Inability to update a user's roles after login #12025

andyvenus opened this issue Sep 24, 2014 · 52 comments


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I'm implementing the security component in my app and was surprised to find that a user's roles are decided at login time and cannot be easily updated after that. While the chosen UserInterface object can be refreshed on each load to check for changes (like the password changing or any other details), there is no way to check to see if the user's roles have changed since login. My roles are coming from the UserInterface getRoles method.

This means if I have an admin user for example and I remove their admin abilities, they remain an admin until they decide to log out. Or moving a user to a "banned" role would have no effect.

Ideally, a UsernamePasswordToken or any other token that contains a UserInterface object would check the UserInterface object's getRoles method to see if the roles have changed. But even just a setRoles method on AbstractToken would be useful so that the option is there to keep user's roles fresh.

Of course I may be missing something that allows you to make sure a user's roles are kept fresh so I'd love to hear about it :)

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linaori commented Sep 25, 2014

If your roles can dynamically change, you can create a listener that (somehow decides to) reload the token in your security component. You can implement this in your refresh user as well. If there's a solution for this, build-in, I would like to find out too. When your roles change, your token should change.

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stof commented Sep 25, 2014

@fabpot should we take roles into account in AbstractToken::hasUserChanged to force re-authenticating when roles are changed ?

@stof stof added the Security label Sep 25, 2014
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linaori commented Sep 25, 2014

@stof I don't think that's desired in every situation. We have the same case but we don't want to have the user login again, that's why manually re-authenticate the user in a listener. Is it possible to add an event that's fired every time the AbstractToken::hasUserChanged()? People can hook on to that and manually determine what they want to have done. For example: #11320 would really help in this case.

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@fabpot The problem is still actual.

+1 to @stof 's idea of adding to AbstractToken::hasUserChanged a roles comparison: getRoles is part on UserInterface and it looks logically.

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Kobzol commented May 1, 2016

Is there any way to reload the roles dynamically in Symfony 3.x?
I load them from DB and they can change dynamically.
They change from an outside source, so I can't simply reload the user after the change, because I don't know when it happens.
I tried using both EquatableInterfaceand the always_authenticate_before_granting setting, but neither of them worked, when I used them, no roles were loaded at all (I load them using a User repository).

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troymccabe commented May 17, 2016

@Kobzol RE: "Is there any way to reload the roles dynamically in Symfony 3.x?" I think so?

Here's how I went about it & it seems to be working, though maybe @stof or someone more involved would be able to shed some light on how much of a nasty bastardization it may be.

You're able to register an subscriber listening to the KernelEvents::CONTROLLER event (I tried KernelEvents::REQUEST, though that seemed a bit early in the bootstrapping process--$container->get('security.token_storage')->getToken() was null.)

Your event subscriber should be injected with (at a minimum) @security.token_storage, though injecting things like Doctrine to load roles would be beneficial as well.

With this, the @Security annotation from extra bundle evaluates has_role properly after calling setToken, and the roles available in templates and such down the request pipeline are the ones set in the YourRoleListener.

Long story short--you're able to modify the stored token before your controller action is executed (& annotations are evaluated) with an event subscriber.

So, in terms of code, here's what an abstract version of what we've got:

        class: YourRoleListener
            - { name: kernel.event_subscriber }
            - '@doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager'
            - '@security.token_storage'


class YourRoleListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
     * @var EntityManager
    protected $entityManager;

     * @var TokenStorage
    protected $tokenStorage;

     * YourRoleListener constructor
     * @param EntityManager $entityManager The entity manager to use to load roles
     * @param TokenStorage $tokenStorage The token storage for the user
    public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager, TokenStorage $tokenStorage)
        $this->entityManager = $entityManager;
        $this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage;

     * Handles the kernel event
     * @param FilterControllerEvent $event The dispatched event
    public function onKernelController(FilterControllerEvent $event)
        if ($this->tokenStorage && $this->tokenStorage->getToken()) {
            $token = $this->tokenStorage->getToken();
            $user = $token->getUser();
            // This check can be just `is_object` like in symfony core
            // we're explicit about the class used
            if ($user instanceof YourUserClass) {
                // there didn't seem to be an easier way to grab the provider key, 
                // so using bound closure to retrieve it
                $providerKeyGetter = function(TokenInterface $token) {
                    return $token->providerKey;
                $boundProviderKeyGetter = Closure::bind($providerKeyGetter, null, $token);

                // check & load roles for user here if necessary

                    new UsernamePasswordToken(
                        // loaded roles array goes here

    /** {@inheritdoc} */
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [KernelEvents::CONTROLLER => ['onKernelController', 99]];

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Kobzol commented May 17, 2016

I did something like that, but it is indeed a big hack and I didn't like it. It also caused some issues with authentication and other parts of the app (it also didn't show the right roles in the Symfony debug toolbar, but that's not that important).
After a advice received elsewhere I solved it in a different way, which is way simpler and works so far, maybe it will be useful to others.
You can create your own voter and extract the roles to be checked not from the token, but from the user object (and reload the user's roles on each request in his repository or somewhere else).

        class: AppBundle\Security\UserVoter
            - { name: security.voter, priority: 245 } # priority is important to override the default
        public: false         # small performance boost

and the UserVoter looks like this:

class UserVoter extends RoleVoter
    protected function extractRoles(TokenInterface $token)
        $user = $token->getUser();
        return $user instanceof UserInterface ? array_map(function(string $role)
            return new Role($role);
        }, $user->getRoles()) : [];

I had to create a simple Role class that implements the Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\RoleInterface and returns the stored role string in the getRole method. This was required because the authentication system expected that I return Role objects (not strings) from the extractRoles method.

With this the roles are extracted from the user and thus are dynamically refreshed on every request. So far it seems that it works and doesn't interfere with the authentication system in any way.

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Ah, nice! Good to have another approach--thanks!

@stof -- would the custom voter be the preferred approach, or is there some officially sanctioned way to achieve this?

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For the most part, I think the voter approach will work (but definitely test to make sure I'm not missing some edge case). So for now, I'd say this is the way to go. Make sure you haven't changed the access_decision_manager.strategy configuration in security (i.e. make sure this configuration does not appear in your security.yml) - that's important for this to work.

You will still have a few weird issues, however. First, role_hierarchy probably won't work. And also, your web debug toolbar will still probably show the old roles.

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vudaltsov commented Mar 3, 2017

I used a different approach. First, I made Token think that User changes when roles change:

class User implements \Serializable, \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\EquatableInterface
    // ...

    public function serialize()
        return serialize([
            // ...

    public function unserialize($serialized)
        list (
            // ...
            ) = unserialize($serialized);

    public function isEqualTo(UserInterface $user)
        // ...

        if (array_diff($this->getRoles(), $user->getRoles())) {
            return false;

        return true;

I also have the remember_me functionality enabled.

When I change the user's roles, he get's reauthenticated with the RememberMeToken and new roles instead of being logged out.

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ThePeterMick commented Mar 5, 2017

@andyvenus one way you can trigger role reload is to implement the EquatableInterface and do a custom check for example:

  • Extend the User class with an updatedAt property.
  • Once you change user roles, update the updatedAt value at that time (you'd need to include updatedAt in the serialize / unserialize call)
  • Please note that writing your own isEqualTo (EquatableInterface) function will need to cover for any checks that typically would be covered by out of the box when / if you are using AdvancedUserInterface / UserInterface (those can be viewed here so you'd need to take of it yourself (please let me know if you need a snippet). On L250 you can see that if your user is an instance of EquatableInterface it will relay any checks to it.

For all this to work, you'd need to use access_control in security.yml or use is_granted call if using @Security annotation as has_role won't trigger a role reload as described here: #21861

If you follow all this any sessions that a user might have will be updated with the new roles.

Alternatively you can serialize the roles and compare them as in the comment above.

If you want to ban a user, you could consider disabling their account (so that isEnabled returns false) and this will actually log the user out in any session they might have as I've described here long time ago: #17023 and #13870

Changing username / password or any other serialized properties will not log the user out (contrary to what the docs state: "For example, if the username on the 2 User objects doesn't match for some reason, then the user will be logged out for security reasons." ). There is a potential fix for this kindly made by @xaben here: #19033 but given many people already might rely on the exisiting functionality hopefully this can be made parameterized / optional in terms of which fields actually do trigger a logout.

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@vudaltsov what if you didn't have the remember_me functionality enabled? Would it actually log you out completely when you change the roles?

Or let's say if you were to not implement isEqualTo and just change username / password (whatever is serialized as "standard" as per the docs. Does it log you out completely? There is an issue for this at #17023 as this won't log you out, only disabling the account will log the user out completely i.e. changing the isEnabled to false.

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mahono commented Mar 24, 2017

It should really be part of AbstractToken::hasUserChanged – anything else seems like a hack to me.

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We really need a "hasUserChanged" and "doesUserNeedReloading". Using hasUserChanged for changes that should invalidate an entire session (and potentially case a logout when not using remember_me), and doesUserNeedReloading that allows modifying the user in the security token, without having to reauthenticate (remember_me).

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PR open to address this issue: #24331

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gjuric commented Jun 18, 2018

Can someone point me into the right direction to get a better understanding of the issue. I would like to help out. What exactly changed between v3.3 and v3.4 that caused this?

In my case, Symfony 3.3 and previous versions always call the UserAuthenticationProvider::authenticate() method that would create a new UsernamePasswordToken with the roles loaded from the User object that was fetched from the database.

With 3.4 this is not executed unless I turn on security.always_authenticate_before_granting but even then it is being called for all IS_GRANTED calls but not before the Firewall denies access because the User still has the roles from the old UsernamePasswordToken that was loaded from the session.

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RealJTG commented Jul 17, 2018

I have the same issue: my UserProvider currently retrieves a fresh user on each request, but RoleVoter seems to do its checks against "old" roles list obtained from token.

@vudaltsov solution not working for me.
First: it's not safe to use array_diff here.

    public function isEqualTo(UserInterface $user)
        // ...

        if (array_diff($this->getRoles(), $user->getRoles())) {
            return false;

        return true;


$a = [1,2,3];
$b = [1,2,3,4];
var_dump(array_diff($a, $b));
> array(0) {
> }
var_dump(array_diff($b, $a));
> array(1) {
>   [3] => int(4)
> }

Second: when I added a proper check to isEqualTo, after changing roles on the fly I'm getting back to authenticateToken in "simple_form" authenticator

    public function authenticateToken(TokenInterface $token, UserProviderInterface $userProvider, $providerKey)
        try {
            $user = $userProvider->loadUserByUsername($token->getUsername());
        } catch (UsernameNotFoundException $exception) {            
            throw new CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException('Invalid login or password');

        $isPasswordValid = $this->encoder->isPasswordValid($user, $token->getCredentials());

        if ($isPasswordValid) {
            return new UsernamePasswordToken(

        throw new CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException('Invalid login or password');

but this time $token->getCredentials() returns NULL and leads to endless login loop :\

@Kobzol solution seems to work, however:

  • you either have to change the default prefix from "ROLE_" to something other (so that default RoleVoter - which still do its checks against token - won't vote and grant access), or set access_decision_manager.strategy to unanimous
  • this don't refresh token and you will still see already revoked roles in Symfony Profiler until logout

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RealJTG commented Aug 9, 2018

Upd, so finally it works:

  • Your User class must implement EquatableInterface and isEqualTo must treat users with non-equal roles as different users
  • UserProvider's refreshUser method must implement some logic to return $this->loadUserByUsername() under some conditions (elapsed time, requests count, flag etc.) or return cached User to prevent high database I/O caused by user refresh on each request
  • security.firewalls.[...].logout_on_user_change must be set to false (would be a problem in 4.0 though)
  • security.erase_credentials must be set to false (in order to re-authenticate user transparently - this was my problem)
  • security.always_authenticate_before_granting should be set to false (to prevent user refresh on each request)

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linaori commented Aug 9, 2018

The easiest solution would be to leave the identity alone until the next login. There doesn't seem to be a nice solution to reload roles, but that's okay in my opinion. Roles are part of your identity and if your identity changes, you should either be logged out or not updated til your next login. This ensures the visitor is going through the proper identification (authentication) process when it changes and possibly gets blocked by a user checker (or not).

@RealJTG that won't work in 4.0 indeed and sounds like a step in the wrong direction.

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@iltar agree roles are part of identity but from the UX point of view it is not so okay to reload roles by logging out/back in. Let's say you're logged in and on your free plan, you upgrade to premium, then it logs you out and asks you to log back in because you've just upgraded.

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Grafikart commented Mar 5, 2019

I would argue against the "roles are part of identity". If the administrator chooses to disable an account or restrict it while the user is logged in, I have no way to detect it.
I'm forced to refresh the token on every page using the guardHandler.


I don't get why user infos are refreshed but not the roles on every request.

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gjuric commented Mar 5, 2019

This does not make sense to me as well. I don't see a reason why this was changed in v3.4 and not sure how other people are handling this. A few of us can't be the only ones with this issue.

It looks to me like the only sane solution at the moment (since it has been over 4 years since this issue was filed) is to not rely on Symfony roles, firewall or security component but to roll your own.

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Security used to be taken somewhat lightly in symfony, it used to do the complete opposite from what was in the docs (symfony/symfony-docs#5419 it used to say it will log you out but it didn't etc., now that section has been removed so try for yourself how it behaves in each scenario), then you've got the almost 5 year old roles issues and recently the symfony-checker's host was decommissioned with very little comms - afaik just twitter - because who isn't always on twitter ;-)

I'd say use with caution, don't roll your own (do people still do that?). Test, test and test (you're doing automated tests, right?)

Other components including Guard are superb (however Guard still needs to deal with the legacy issues, Ryan has done a tremendous job to make things better with Guard).

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gjuric commented Mar 6, 2019

If a token changes (token = state), it has to be re-authenticated

Creating a new UsernamePasswordTokes is re-authentication AFAIK.

Roles are stored inside the token, so that wouldn't change anything. If you want to have roles in your token, you have to somehow get them in there. Changing the token requires a re-authentication

I don't mind that happening.

IMHO, using the Equatable interface to fix it would have been enough.

That's what was broken and is fixed, nothing more, nothing less.

Not true. You could have generated a new UsernamePasswordToken with the data provided by the UserProvider if Equatable says that they are not the same.

My suggestion is to not use roles if you want permissions to change. Use the authorization system for this. You can solve all of these issues by writing voters:

That doesn't work in the firewall since it happens early in the request. Actually, the firewall blocking of stuff based on the role that was stored in the session is the only issue.

The other issue being that I am working on a 7 year old app :) We do use voters for other stuff, but firewall is causing issues for us.

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quazardous commented Mar 7, 2019

What I understand is that for now Symfony Security has a binary approach: you can be white (identity is OK) or black (identity is not OK). And the response is you can stay or you are kicked out. What we (?) need is some gray area : identity has changed but meh you can stay in (authentication stays true) ! But symfony should trigger again post authentication security stuff (roles, voters, etc).

Equatable could be associated with some SecurityUserStatusSomethingService that could expose 2 methods hasChanged() and isStillSafe()

If user hasChanged() and not isStillSafe() you go out.

But if isStillSafe() the Symfony security stack should be ran again against the new identity.

EDIT: since it's working with always_remember_me: true another approach could be to create a special oneshot RememberMeToken with the correct RememberMeAuthenticationProvider

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What I understand is that for now Symfony Security has a binary approach: you can be white (identity is OK) or black (identity is not OK). And the response is you can stay or you are kicked out. What we (?) need is some gray area : identity has changed but meh you can stay in (authentication stays true) ! But symfony should trigger again post authentication security stuff (roles, voters, etc).

Equatable could be associated with some SecurityUserStatusSomethingService that could expose 2 methods hasChanged() and isStillSafe()

If user hasChanged() and not isStillSafe() you go out.

But if isStillSafe() the Symfony security stack should be ran again against the new identity.

EDIT: since it's working with always_remember_me: true another approach could be to create a special oneshot RememberMeToken with the correct RememberMeAuthenticationProvider

Is there any solution for this post?

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@arturslogins I've no solution if it's what you mean. but as said it's working if you allow always_remember_me: true. But I find it not very satifaying becuse you have to rely on a very optimistic feature...

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@arturslogins I've no solution if it's what you mean. but as said it's working if you allow always_remember_me: true. But I find it not very satifaying becuse you have to rely on a very optimistic feature...

For me, i'm searching solution for multiple user profiles for one single symfony app (Session)
User Story for that case:
I log in with my app account and in header i have select field where i can choose use/user profile

When i change profile, i would like to update user session with selected user data object.
But when i update session user data doesn't change :/

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ThePeterMick commented Mar 30, 2019

Let's say you're logged in and on your free plan, you upgrade to premium, then it logs you out and asks you to log back in because you've just upgraded.

@ptrm04 Being part of a premium plan of sorts, sounds more like authorization than authentication. This is most likely to be handled by voters, not authentication.

@linaori what I meant there is that the behaviour of being logged out and asked to log back in after upgrading to premium is wrong - they should be part of authorization but as the roles are not reloaded hence the need for re-authentication. Guess if you injected a repository in a voter to check the live data that would work, but still in an ideal world (?) shouldn't need to do that on each request post-upgrade to "premium".

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gjuric commented Apr 1, 2019

Injecting a repository in the voter would work, but not with the firewall.

In the end, we managed to solve our issue by implementing Guard and extending the AbstractFormLoginAuthenticator.

I still think this could be an easy fix in Symfony, after checking if the stored Token is equal to the freshly obtained User information setRoles() should be called on the old token.

Authentication did not change (it is still the same user) and authorization should be handled from the freshly obtained user information. After all, that is why we have the Equatable interface, to be able to handle ourselves if the user should be logged out or not.

Although this was probably made to fix some other issues what we have now is pretty broken. The object you get when calling ->getUser() could differ from the properties used in the token for firewall and other stuff.

I could make a pull request for this in a week or so (it's a simple change), but not sure if it would be accepted.

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linaori commented Apr 1, 2019

I could make a pull request for this in a week or so (it's a simple change), but not sure if it would be accepted.

Next weekend we have a hackathon and we will be having a brainstorm session related to the UserInterface in Symfony and the Security token, so it might be a conflict on this part.

My point of view remains though, the security token should be immutable, thus no roles change. If you need to have authorization, use voters, which query if the user can do something. Don't rely on the identity for this.

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gjuric commented Apr 1, 2019

How does one implement something like that with the Symfony firewall?

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Injecting a repository in the voter would work, but not with the firewall.

@gjuric what's the problem with firewalls? They don't support voters?

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linaori commented Apr 1, 2019

You don't implement it in the firewall, you implement it in a voter so you can call isGranted (one way or another). The firewall is for authentication, not authorization

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Are voters supported in access_control in security.yaml?

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linaori commented Apr 1, 2019

Yes, it's confusing as it's called "roles", they are actually the "attributes" that are passed to voters.

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Thanks @linaori - I've searched for this in the docs but no mention of access_control (,
So you can have something like:

        - { path: '^/post/edit/[0-9]+', roles: CAN_EDIT_POST }

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linaori commented Apr 1, 2019

Correct! I've proposed to change it to "attributes" before, but isn't much clearer. Perhaps we should name it "is_granted" instead?

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curry684 commented Apr 6, 2019

We are centralizing discussions on authentication at #30914. As in the proposed changes the Roles would no longer be an integral part of the UserInterface it would be easier to handle situations like this, and this issue itself is no longer a structural problem. As fixing it in 4.x would be a potentially breaking change in authorization I don't think we need to keep this issue open separately.

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uginroot commented Dec 5, 2019

Update @Kobzol solution from Symfony 4.*

Add file '/src/App/Security/UserVoter.php'
Responsible for taking user roles from the database with each request.


namespace App\Security;

use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter\RoleVoter;
use App\Entity\User;

class UserVoter extends RoleVoter{

     * @param TokenInterface $token
     * @return array|string[]
    protected function extractRoles(TokenInterface $token)
        $user = $token->getUser();
        if(!$user instanceof User){
            return parent::extractRoles($token);
        return $user->getRoles();

Add interfaces UserInterface, EquatableInterface, Serializable from class App\Entity\User
Responsible for serialization, deserialization and verification of important user data for current token user authorization.
If the isEqualTo method returns false, then the user will have to login again.


use Serializable;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\EquatableInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;

class User implements UserInterface, EquatableInterface, Serializable
    // ...

    public function isEqualTo(UserInterface $user):bool
        if(!$user instanceof static){
            return false;
        if($user->id !== $this->id){
            return false;
        if($user->email != $this->email){
            return false;
        if($user->password !== $this->password){
            return false;
        if($user->salt !== $this->salt){
            return false;
        // Check isActive, isBanned, isRemove, etc.
            return false;
        return true;

    public function serialize()
        return serialize([
            // isActive, isBanned, isRemove, etc.

    public function unserialize($serialized)
            // isActive, isBanned, isRemove, etc.
        ] = unserialize($serialized);

Add interface UserProviderInterface from class \App\Repository\UserRepository
Responsible for updating user data and relocate user for relogin if important data has changed

use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserProviderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UnsupportedUserException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UsernameNotFoundException;

class UserRepository implements UserProviderInterface

    // ...

    public function loadUserByUsername($username)
        return $this->findOneBy(['email' => $username]);

    public function refreshUser(UserInterface $user)
        if(!$user instanceof User){
            throw new UnsupportedUserException("Expected {$this->getClassName()} class");

        $refreshUser = $this->getById($user->getId());

        // If change important user fields
            throw new UsernameNotFoundException('Authentication required again');

        return $refreshUser;

    public function supportsClass($class)
        return $class === $this->getClassName();

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If roles are changed dynamically, I think it's enough to extend RoleVoter.

Add file '/src/App/Security/UserVoter.php'
Responsible for taking user roles from the database with each request.

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If roles are changed dynamically, I think it's enough to extend RoleVoter.

Add file '/src/App/Security/UserVoter.php'
Responsible for taking user roles from the database with each request.

This is true, but if the user is banned, then the user should not have any access, even if the roles field remains unchanged. In order for everything to work correctly, the rest of the code is needed.

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Still not able to update user roles after login. user login with limited rights and in between admin give user full rights but user not able to get all feature untill next login. Please give me complete solution. i am using symfony 5.1. This is urgent . Thanks.

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If your roles can dynamically change, you can create a listener that (somehow decides to) reload the token in your security component. You can implement this in your refresh user as well. If there's a solution for this, build-in, I would like to find out too. When your roles change, your token should change.

Still not able to update user roles after login. user login with limited rights and in between admin give user full rights but user not able to get all feature untill next login. Please give me complete solution. i am using symfony 5.1. This is urgent . Thanks.

All the solution given i tried but not working. PLease help me on this. Thanks.

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@fabpot should we take roles into account in AbstractToken::hasUserChanged to force re-authenticating when roles are changed ?

Still not able to update user roles after login. user login with limited rights and in between admin give user full rights but user not able to get all feature untill next login. Please give me complete solution. i am using symfony 5.1. This is urgent . Thanks.

All the solution given i tried but not working. PLease help me on this. Thanks.

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Is there any way to reload the roles dynamically in Symfony 3.x?
I load them from DB and they can change dynamically.
They change from an outside source, so I can't simply reload the user after the change, because I don't know when it happens.
I tried using both EquatableInterfaceand the always_authenticate_before_granting setting, but neither of them worked, when I used them, no roles were loaded at all (I load them using a User repository).

Still not able to update user roles after login. user login with limited rights and in between admin give user full rights but user not able to get all feature untill next login. Please give me complete solution. i am using symfony 5.1. This is urgent . Thanks.

All the solution given i tried but not working. PLease help me on this. Thanks.

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I did something like that, but it is indeed a big hack and I didn't like it. It also caused some issues with authentication and other parts of the app (it also didn't show the right roles in the Symfony debug toolbar, but that's not that important).
After a advice received elsewhere I solved it in a different way, which is way simpler and works so far, maybe it will be useful to others.
You can create your own voter and extract the roles to be checked not from the token, but from the user object (and reload the user's roles on each request in his repository or somewhere else).

        class: AppBundle\Security\UserVoter
            - { name: security.voter, priority: 245 } # priority is important to override the default
        public: false         # small performance boost

and the UserVoter looks like this:

class UserVoter extends RoleVoter
    protected function extractRoles(TokenInterface $token)
        $user = $token->getUser();
        return $user instanceof UserInterface ? array_map(function(string $role)
            return new Role($role);
        }, $user->getRoles()) : [];

I had to create a simple Role class that implements the Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Role\RoleInterface and returns the stored role string in the getRole method. This was required because the authentication system expected that I return Role objects (not strings) from the extractRoles method.

With this the roles are extracted from the user and thus are dynamically refreshed on every request. So far it seems that it works and doesn't interfere with the authentication system in any way.

Still not able to update user roles after login. user login with limited rights and in between admin give user full rights but user not able to get all feature untill next login. Please give me complete solution. i am using symfony 5.1. This is urgent . Thanks.

All the solution given i tried but not working. PLease help me on this. Thanks.

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linaori commented Nov 12, 2020

@pcmishra22 this is not a support channel, and please don't spam on github. Telling people it's urgent doesn't yield you more help, if anything people will just get annoyed and ignore you.

For the proper support channels please visit

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