How can I protect the logout action? I read default configuration, and set

    csrf_parameter:       _token
    csrf_provider:        ~
    intention:            logout

but when I'm trying to clear cache the following error displayed:

[Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\InvalidConfigurationException] Unrecognized options "csrf_provider" under "security.firewalls.main.logout"

I'm using Symfony 2.4 + FOSUserBundle 1.3.

  • Could you rephrase your question title? Usually it should not contain any key words tagged in the question. Your title consists only of the keywords.
    – isaias-b
    Jun 22, 2014 at 16:57
  • Have you checked this: stackoverflow.com/questions/20350330/… ?
    – Denis V
    Jun 22, 2014 at 16:58
  • @isi sorry, but I can't rephrase it, because it is very specific one and my imagination and low English skills prevents do this :( If moderators consider it necessary to rephrase it - I agree.
    – Invis1ble
    Jun 22, 2014 at 17:48
  • @DenisV I have already checked this topic. It isn't too related to my question, but CSRF protection is already enabled in my app.
    – Invis1ble
    Jun 22, 2014 at 17:49

1 Answer 1


I've researched the Symfony's code and find that now csrf_provider option renamed to csrf_token_generator. Then I googled and found related issue on GitHub. So the problem in an unsynchronized documentation.

The final solution is:


# app/config/security.yml

    # ...
        # ...
            # ...
                # ...
                csrf_token_generator: your_csrf_provider # e.g. form.csrf_provider

twig template:

<a href="{{ logout_url('your_firewall_name') }}">Logout</a>

Note, that we're using logout_url() instead of logout_path() due to helper bug (it generates absolute path without app_dev.php suffix in dev environment). Theese twig helpers appends %token_parameter% to your logout URI, e.g. http://example.com/app_dev.php/logout?_csrf_token=36wX6HYU2ASeZBQw_iwKcUDbplmFm4W7Ez-tMaavDNo.

Hope this information will be helpful.

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