Contact us about Oyster

All fields are required unless they're marked as optional

To help us process your feedback, let us know what kind of comment you're leaving.

Your contact details

It may be quicker to resolve your enquiry by calling you back.
Sometimes it's quicker for us to help by giving you a call.

Journey details (if applicable)

What was your mode of travel? (Optional)

Oyster details (if applicable)

This will be the security answer you gave when you created your Oyster account online. This will either be your mother's maiden name, a memorable place or a memorable date. This will help us handle your enquiry more quickly. If you do not have an Oyster card or your card is not registered, please enter 'n/a' in this field.

Your comments

Please provide us with as much detail as you can. This will help us handle your enquiry more quickly.

Supporting documents (Optional)

You can upload up to three documents to help us answer your enquiry.
The maximum size per file is 32MB.

Drag your file here
Add another file

Data Protection Statement

Transport for London (TfL), its subsidiaries and service providers will use your personal information for the purposes of processing your feedback, providing you with a response, or the information or services you have requested, and the provision of travel related information. On some occasions, we may need to share your information with the organisation that operates this service or their agents for these purposes. Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of privacy and data protection legislation.

To find out more about how TfL handles personal data, see our Privacy and cookies pages.