
02/27/22 pg, save, + ss

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procter & gamble
coupons may vary by region

ALWAYS $1 off ultra thin or maxi Pads 10ct or larger or ALWAYS ZZZs 4ct or higher excludes ALWAYS radiant and ALWAYS infinity , ALWAYS pure cotton pads, ALWAYS discreet, exp 03/26/22

ALWAYS $5 off 2 discreet Incontinence excludes ALWAYS discreet liners 24 +24ct, other ALWAYS +etts exp 03/26/22

BOUNTY $.25 off paper towls etts exp 03/12/22

BURTS $2 off BEES toothpaste etts exp 03/12/22

CASCADE $1 off ActionPacs dishwashing detergent tubs 30 ct + etts exp 03/12/22

CASCADE $1 off rinse aid etts exp 03/12/22

CASCADE $.50 off ActionPacs dishwashing detergent bags 4 ct + or dishwasher cleaner excludes CASCADE ActionPacs dishwashing detergent tubs 30 ct + etts exp 03/12/22

CHARMIN $.25 off toilet paper ett exp 03/12/22

CREST or SCOPE $1 off Mouthwash 473mL+ (16oz+) etts exp 03/12/22

CREST toothpaste $2 off 2.7 oz + (excludes CREST cavity , regular, base baking soda, tartar control/protection, kids, multi paks, CREST aligner care, CREST braces, F + W pep gleem etts) exp 03/12/22

DAWN powerwash spray or GAIN power blast spray BUY ONE AND GET ONE DAWN powerwash or GAIN power blast refill FREE up to $3.99 etts exp 03/12/22

DAWN $.50 off WIPES etts exp 03/12/22

DOWNY $3 off Liquid Fabric conditioner 190ld, or BOUNCE wrinkle guard sheets 160 ct + (includes DOWNY infusions liquid fabric enhancer 150ld or DOWNY nature blends 129 oz), ) or BOUNCE pet hair and lint guard sheets 160 count, or DOWNY in wash scent boosters 20.1-26.5oz , includes DOWNY Unstopables, Fresh Protect, Odor Protect, Infusions and DREFT Blissfuls) etts exp 03/26/22

DOWNY $2 off liquid fabric conditioner 105-174 ld , (includes DOWNY infusions liquid fabric enhancer 83--120ld or DOWNY odor protect 56-81oz, or DOWNY WrinkleGuard 48-71 oz,, or DOWNY intense 48-71 oz, or DOWNY nature blends 103 oz,) or Bounce/DOWNY sheets 180-250 (Includes BOUNCE/ DOWNY WrinkleGuard 120-130 count, or BOUNCE pet hair and lint guard sheets 120-130 count, DOWNY in wash scent boosters 10-14.6 oz, includes DOWNY Unstopables, Fresh Protect, Odor Protect, Infusions and DREFT Blissfuls) or BOUNCE / DOWNY spray bundle pk (excludes DOWNY fresh 50 oz and 125 oz etts exp 03/26/22

DOWNY $1 off liquid fabric conditioner 60ld to 90 ld (includes DOWNY infusions liquid fabric enhancer 48ld to 72 ld or DOWNY odor protect 32oz to 42 oz or DOWNY intense 25 to 40 oz , DOWNY WrinkleGuard 25oz to 40 oz, or DOWNY nature blends 44 to 67 oz, or Bounce/DOWNY sheets 90-160 ct. Includes BOUNCE/ DOWNY WrinkleGuard 50-80 count, or BOUNCE pet hair and lint guard sheets 50-80count), or DOWNY in wash scent boosters 5.7 o 8.8 oz , includes DOWNY Unstopables, Fresh Protect, Odor Protect, Infusions and DREFT Blissfuls) or BOUNCE rapid touch up 3 in 1 spray 9.7 oz, or DOWNY wrinkle releaser spray 9.7 oz etts exp 03/26/22

DREFT $3 off Newborn laundry detergent 65oz+ or DREFT Active Baby 65oz + or DREFT Pure Gentleness 65 oz + etts exp 03/26/22

DREFT $2 off Newborn laundry detergent 46oz+ or DREFT Active Baby 46oz + or DREFT Pure Gentleness 46 oz + etts exp 03/26/22

FEBREZE buy one get one FEBREZE free up to $3 etts exp 03/12/22

FIXODENT $1 off 1.4 oz + excludes multipacks etts exp 03/12/22

FIXODENT $2 off adhesive twin or triple pac 2 oz + etts exp 03/12/22

GILLETTE $3 off razor or blade refill 4ct + excludes disposables, VENUS , etts exp 03/12/22

HEAD +SHOULDERS $3 off 2 etts exp 03/12/22

HEAD +SHOULDERS $1 off etts exp 03/12/22

HERBAL ESSENCES $4 off 2 bio renew shampoo, conditioner or styling (excludes masks, 100 ml shampoo, conditioner , color, body wash, etts exp 03/12/22

LUVS $3 off box diapers or 2 bags etts exp 03/12/22

METAMUCIL $1 off etts exp 03/12/22

MICROBAN $1 off sanitizing spray etts exp 03/26/22

MICROBAN $1 off multipurpose or bathroom cleaner etts exp 03/26/22

MR. CLEAN $.50 off etts exp 03/12/22

MR. CLEAN $1 off MOP excluding liquids exp 03/26/22

NERVIVE $2.50 off etts exp 03/12/22

OLAY $1 off 2 bar 4ct +, body wash, rinse off body conditioner, liquid hand soap or hand and body lotion etts exp 03/12/22

OLAY $5 off regenerist facial moisturizer, eyes or serum excludes OLAY complete, active hydrating, etts exp 03/26/22

OLAY $2 off facial moisturizer etts exp 03/26/22

OLAY $1 off facial cleanser etts exp 03/26/22

OLD SPICE $1 off 2 Antiperspirant or Deodorant, hand and body lotions, or bar soap excludes gentleman's blend, dry spray, high endurance, clinical etts exp 03/12/22

OLD SPICE $3 off gentleman's blend etts exp 03/12/22

OLD SPICE body wash BUY ONE GET $3 off OLD SPICE body spray excludes gentleman's blend , twin pk, high endurance, etts exp 03/12/22

ORAL-B $2 off Mouthwash 473mL+ (16oz+) etts( exp 03/12/22

OLAY $1 off 2 bar 4ct +, body wash, rinse off body conditioner, liquid hand soap or hand and body lotion etts exp 03/12/22

PAMPERS $3 off Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear ETTS NVPR includes big, enormous, super, giant) exp 03/12/22

PAMPERS $.50 off 2 wipes 56 ct + etts exp 03/12/22

PANTENE $5 off 3 Including Gold Series Collection + Truly Collection excludes nutirient blends, non-wash ,generation beauty, miracle rescue, 1 step nourishing mask) etts exp 03/12/22

PEPTO bismol $.50 off etts exp 03/12/22

PRILOSEC OTC $2 off exp 03/26/22

PUFFS $1 off facial tissues and one VICKS sinex excludes VICKS vapoinhaler + etts exp 03/12/22

SECRET $1 off dry spray etts exp 03/12/22

SECRET $2 off clinical, GILLETTE clinical, GILLETTE invisible solid Antiperspirant etts exp 03/12/22

SECRET $1 off 2 fresh , SECRET outlast antiperspirants , SECRET aluminum free or GILLETTE clear gel Antiperspirant or Deodorant, etts exp 03/12/22

STRESSBALL $1.75 off etts exp 03/12/22

SWIFFER $1 off excludes 1 ct duster, 2 ct duster etts exp 03/12/22

TAMPAX $1 off Tampons 14ct+ or Tampax Cups etts exp 03/26/22

TIDE $3 off PODS laundry Detergent 32ct+ TIDE Hygienic Clean Power PODS 21ct or larger excludes TIDE Liquid/powder Laundry Detergent, TIDE PODS 35 ct, TIDE Simply laundry detergent, TIDE Simply PODS and ett exp 03/26/22

TIDE $2 off PODS Laundry Detergent 31ct or less (includes TIDE Pods 35 ct ) (excludes TIDE Liquid/powder Laundry Detergent, TIDE simply Laundry Detergent, TIDE simply PODS,, TIDE Pods 9 ct or less, and etts) exp 03/26/22

TIDE $3 off Laundry Detergent 92oz+ OR Tide purclean Laundry detergent 69oz+ (excludes TIDE Pods, TIDE RESCUE, STUDIO BY TIDE Laundry Detergent ,TIDE Simply Laundry Detergent , TIDE Laundry Detergent 10 oz, TIDE Simply PODS, TIDE 10 oz and etts) exp 03/26/22

TIDE $2 off Laundry Detergent 69oz or less OR Tide purclean Laundry detergent 46ozor less , or , TIDE Antibacterial Spray, TIDE To Go Instant Stain Remover Wipes 10ct or TIDE To Go Instant Stain Removal Pen 3ct (excludes TIDE Pods, TIDE RESCUE, STUDIO BY TIDE Laundry Detergent ,TIDE Simply Laundry Detergent , TIDE Laundry Detergent 10 oz, TIDE Simply PODS and etts), ETTS exp 03/26/22

VENUS $3 off razor excludes disposables etts exp 03/12/22

VENUS $10 off radiant skin starter kit excludes VENUS radiant skin cartridge , serum refills, etts exp 03/12/22 or 03/26/22

VENUS $5 off pubic hair + skin regimen, excludes other VENUS shave + Skin care etts exp 03/12/22

VICKS $1 off Vapo excludes DayQuil, NyQuil, Sinex, Formula 44 etts exp 03/12/22

VICKS DayQuil $2 off Formula 44 ,NyQuil, excludes DayQuil 8 ct+ nyquil , and etts exp 03/26/22

ZZZZquil $1.50 off or pure ZZZS etts exp 03/12/22

(previously known as retail me not everyday)
coupons may vary by region

JOHNSON's or DESITIN $2 off excludes etts, gift sets exp 03/12/22

JOHNSON's or DESITIN $1 off excludes etts, gift sets exp 03/26/22

L'Oréal Paris $5 off 2 Superior Preference, Excellence, Feria, Le Color gloss, Root precision, Magic root cover up or Root rescue product exp 03/12/22

L'Oréal Paris $2 off Root precision, Magic root cover up or Root rescue product exp 03/12/22

LOVE BEAUTY AND PLANET Hair Care Skin Cleansing Lotion or Deodorant Buy one get One FREE up to $9.99 including 20.25 oz and 22 oz excluding hair masks and etts exp 03/12/22

Senokot $3 off laxative exp 04/07/22

Senokot $5 off laxative tea exp 04/07/22

TYLENOL PM $2 off or ZARBEES SLEEP or SIMPLY SLEEP etts (02/27/22-03/26/22)

ZYRTEC $4 off Adult 24-60 ct or childrens 24 ct or 8 oz excluding wipes exp 03/13/22

ZYRTEC $10 off adult 90 ct exp 03/06/22

coupons may vary by region

AIRBORNE $1 off not redeemable on Airborne 1ct shot

ALLEGRA $15 off Allergy 24HR 90c t tablets exp 03/05/22

ALLEGRA $10 off Allergy 24HR 90ct, 70ct or 60 ct Gelcaps exp 03/05/22

ALLEGRA $5 off Allergy24HR 24 ct + or Children's 8 oz liquid or 24 ct exp 03/16/22

ALLEGRA $4 off children's or ALLEGRA Allergy 12 HR exp 03/16/22

ALLEGRA -D 24HR $8 off or 12HR Produc t 15 ct +exp 03/05/22

ALLEGRA -D 12HR $5 off or 24HR Product exp 03/16/22

ASPERCREME $3 off Arthritis product exp 03/12/22

ASPERCREME $2 off excludes 1.25oz cream, 1 ct pattch etts exp 03/12/22

BAN $3 off 2 roll on antiperspirant etts exp 03/27/22

BAN $1 off roll on or solid antiperspirant deodorant EXCLUDES 1.5 OZ ROLL ON etts exp 03/27/22

BAUSCH + LOMB ALAWAY $4 off antihistamine eye drops exp 04/27/22

BAUSCH + LOMB ALAWAY $8 off 2 2 packs or twin pack antihistamine eye drops exp 04/27/22

BAUSCH + LOMB $2 off Opcon-A Allergy Eye Drops 15ml exp 04/27/22

BAUSCH + LOMB SOOTHE $4 off exp 04/27/22

BAUSCH + LOMB SOOTHE $8 off XP twin exp 04/27/22

BAUSCH + LOMB SOOTHE $3 off nighttime exp 04/27/22

CHOBANI $1 off non dairy oatmilk or CHOBANI ultra filtered milk (02/27/22-03/27/22)

CHOBANI $1 off probiotic drink (02/27/22-03/27/22)

CHOBANI $1 off 2 yogurt multipak or 24 oz (02/27/22-03/27/22)

COLDEEZE $3 off 24 ct + exp 04/30/22

CUREL $2 off skin care 12 oz + or 3 oz extreme dry hand hand relief cream etts exp 03/31/22

CUREL $4 off 2 skin care 12 oz + or 3 oz extreme dry hand relief cream etts exp 03/31/22

CUREL $1 off skin care exp 03/31/22

DEPEND $2 off Products (8ct or larger) exp 03/25/22

DIGESTIVE ADVANTAGE $1 off exp 03/19/22

DULCOLAX $3 off Dulcolax excluding 10 ct, or smaller stimulant and stool softener exp 03/27/22

ENSURE $3 off high PROTEIN multipacks exp 04/09/22

ENSURE Complete $3 off multipak exp 04/09/22

FEOSOL $2 off exp 04/30/22

GERITOL $3 off exp 04/30/22

GLADE $1 off PLUGINS scented oil refils 2 ct +, twin pk candles, 3 wick candle, PLUGINS plus scented oil starter pk, PLUGINS plus warmer only, or large automatic refills exp 03/26/22

GLUCERNA $3 off excluding GLUCERNA protein smart + GLUCERNA smart bars (4/10) JOH FRIEDA $2 off etts exp 03/31/22

JOH FRIEDA $4 off 2 etts exp 03/31/22

JOH FRIEDA $3 off extra strength serum etts exp 03/31/22

MEGARED $5 off Advanced Product exp 03/19/22

MIDNITE $3 off exp 04/30/22

MOVE FREE ULTRA $5 off exp 03/19/22

MOVE FREE $5 off Advanced or MOVE FREE Advanced Plus Vitamin D not redeemable on MOVE FREE Advanced Plus msm, all cts exp 03/19/22

NASACORT $5 off 24HR 120 Sprays exp 03/13/22

NASACORT $10 off 240 spray + exp 03/05/22

NEURIVA $5 off t 30ct or 50ct exp 03/19/22

POISE or ONE BY POISE $3 off pads or liners not valid on 16-24 ct liners Products) exp 03/25/22

ROLAIDS ADVANCED $2 off Bottle 60ct+ or 28ct Advanced soft chews exp 03/27/22

TENA $4 off

UNISOM $2 off 24ct+ (excludes 8 ct, 16 ct, etts) exp 03/12/22

VIVARIN $.50 off exp 04/30/22

VIVARIN $2 off exp 04/30/22

XYZAL $10 off 24HR 80 CT exp 03/05/22

XYZAL $5 off 35 or 55 CT exp 03/12/22

ZANTAC 360 $3 off 25ct+ exp 03/26/22

sources / credit: celestialdigs @ slickdeals