Links Round-Up: Round 1
Well, folks, I’m back from a “relaxing” beach family vacation and ready to shimmy shake through the fall weather here in NYC. I can think of no better way to kick off the week than with a list of stories about crazy people and...

Links Round-Up: Round 1

Well, folks, I’m back from a “relaxing” beach family vacation and ready to shimmy shake through the fall weather here in NYC. I can think of no better way to kick off the week than with a list of stories about crazy people and especially crazy products. In fact, I’ve got so much wackadoo material this week that Links Round-Up is going to be presented as a two-parter! Look out for the Round-Up: Round 2 tomorrow!

Let’s start with the above. The Placenta Teddy Bear has been sent in by several readers - and for good reason! It’s really weird and gross. Designer Alex Green has created “a crafty alternative for those who don’t necessarily want to eat their baby’s placenta, but want to pay their respects to the life sustaining organ by turning it into a one-of-a-kind teddy bear.” So that’s what everyone was talking about when they said crafts are making a comeback! Thanks to Save the Assistants and the 749 other readers who sent this lovable bear my way. (via Inhabitots)

  • Wayyy back in mid-September a bunch of sites were showcasing this excellent toy called Shave The Baby. I like that the toy shoots for accuracy. Thanks, Emily! (via Huffington Post)
  • A lot of you also cited this story about the parents who nearly lost custody of their children because they took bath time pictures of them and got the images printed at Walmart, Land Of The Stupid. As long as they didn’t post them on facebook, these parents are A-OK in my book. I hope they win their lawsuit. Walmart, is there anything terrible you aren’t capable of? (via Shine)
  • “Are you concerned about your baby’s head shape?” If so, there’s a handy, fully customizable helmet that can help! Buy one here. Thanks, Wendy! (via Geekologie)
  • Here are a couple of controversial stories about women getting kicked out of things because of their children. One tried to attend a production of Wicked in Nashville, TN. Another tried to settle down her daughter on a bus in Victoria, BC as the child screamed ‘no, no, no, no.’ Both are being taken too seriously, yet seem mostly reasonable. Thanks, Kelly and Kim! (via WKRN and Times Colonist)
  • Do you live in Cleveland? Are you Jewish and the parent of the cutest little beibi you’ve ever seen? Holler at Rabbi Koval! I hear he makes house calls. Thanks, Alex! (via Facebook)

To continue the links adventure, stop by tomorrow for Part Doo. And remember: If you see anything that should be mentioned in next week’s Round-Up, send it my way!

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